We All Tumblog Down

Finally… finally. It’s working, now that I’ve finally figured out where the tags go. I did have to replace WP’s the_title tag with Woo Tumblog’s tag, but I didn’t fully replace the entire line and permalink.

Will need to figure out how to style the Links, Quotes, Video etc. tumblog archive links with a background image for each. Currently, if a post is a “link” post, the title link is replaced by the tumblog link, with a text link above to the “link” archive (or quotes, or whatever). I’d rather that word was replaced by the icon, but will have to figure it out later.

The icons I’d like to use are:


for Link, Article, Quote, Audio, Image, and Video respectively.

In the meantime, I’ve got Press This Reloaded, a plugin that extends the standard Press This bookmarklet, tweaked a bit for my desktop and tweaked slightly differently for the iPhone. There’s still some kind of problem with getting Press This to work well on the iPhone, but I’ve got something cobbled together. What’s more, the tumblog functions are accessible from the same window. So look for more actual short-form blogging during the day now that I have a way to grab links easily again, but not so much incessant sharing.

And now I must get to sleep, before I tumblog down in a stupor. Sorry for the boringness, tra la la!

Linkdump: October 16th – October 31st

Hey, Buddy, Wanna Buy An Election?

Outside groups are dumping wads of cash on “ad buys” in most states… guess somebody wants to buy some politicians, huh?

An unprecedented influx of political cash — most of it from outside Illinois — is feeding an inescapable wave of television attack ads aimed at manipulating voters in the final weeks of high-stakes campaigns for U.S. Senate and governor.

via Money rolls in, campaign ads roll on – chicagotribune.com.

Sorry, Boos and Ghouls, No Candy. Really.

With Halloween on a Sunday this year, I’m home during the beginning of prime time “trick or treat” visitors.

As it’s still broad daylight outside, leaving the porchlight off isn’t really a visible sign that “we’re not at home, no candy here.” So I barricaded the front porch with 2 plastic chairs, and on the walkway leading up to the porch, one plastic chair tightly wedged between the lilac bushes, and another chair in front of that at the beginning of the walkway from the driveway. I just didn’t want to hear the doorbell all afternoon and evening, and also didn’t want them wasting their time coming up to the front door.

So far, 2 groups of the little darlings have pushed their way past the chairs (I can hear the scraping and their high-pitched little voices), but they figure it out at the door and don’t ring the doorbell. Still, we’ve got the indoor lights off, the curtains drawn… how much more of a hint do you need, kids?

Since they were being so… persistent, I went back out, turned the chairs back-to-front so they didn’t appear so inexplicably inviting, and made my barricades a little more secure. If they’re breached, I’ll have to go back out with a mop handle to jam between the chairs and the bushes, and maybe some other random crap from the garage.

A co-worker is proud of the fact that her neighborhood is the kind where kids are brought in by the mini-vanfull in order to get the most candy loot; she proudly mentioned that she has to buy bags and bags and bags of candy, because she gets hundreds of trick-or-treaters. That could be fun, and if I were a real nine-year-old (instead of one only in my head) I’d be heading for her neighborhood tonight too.

Actually, Elk Grove Village residents seem to really be into decorating for the Halloween boos and ghouls – I keep spotting houses that my inner nine-year-old recognizes as prime candy-bagging spots. My own suburb is kind of lame in the way of decorations – maybe because we don’t have the majestic trees (yet) that EGV boasts. It’s just not spooky enough here without big trees, maybe.

Still, it doesn’t stop the candy zombies from trying to break down my barricades. Maybe I’d better get out the supersoakers and start hollering “Say hello to mah leetle friend!”

James Bond’s Aston Martin DB5 Sold To American

The name’s Yeaggy; Harry Yeaggy. The Top Gear guys are in mourning.

The 1964 Aston Martin DB5, which boasts revolving licence plates, ejector seat and bullet-proof shield, featured in the films Goldfinger and Thunderball.

The silver model is still capable of 145mph and 0-60mph in 7.1 seconds.

It was bought at a London auction by collector Harry Yeaggy, who will display it at a car museum in Ohio.

Via BBC News

The Truth Would Set Us Free If Only The Lies Weren’t So Irresistible

The stupid people shall elect the leaders that gave them the tastiest Kool-Aid to drink, which allowed them to blame their problems on the Dems who’ve been unable to solve them, instead of on the cynical Repubs who caused the problems in the first place, then blocked every solution they could.

Polls are useless, and we’re in deeper trouble if sane people don’t vote. Stop the insanity, VOTE!

One of the biggest problems facing the Democrats going into this election is that they’re getting absolutely zero respect for everything they’ve done for the average American over the past two years. Tax cuts, health care reform, financial reform, expanded veterans’ benefits, direct funding of student loans — the list is long, and one that, by rights, should get the Democrats re-elected handily.

The problem is that nobody even acknowledges that any of this happened. In fact, if you ask the average American, they’ll tell you that Obama raised their taxes.

This ignorance is on full display at your average Tea Party, which is full of people who will proudly insist that they’re entirely self-made. “I did it all myself,” they’ll growl, quivering in spittle-flecked outrage. “I didn’t get any government handouts. Nobody ever did anything for me — so why are all my tax dollars going to support those shiftless welfare cheats who aren’t willing to work like I did?”

The magnitude of the self-delusion is gobstopping. Did Mr. Self-Made Man grow up in a VA or FHA-funded house? Attend a public university? Go to school on the GI Bill, Pell Grants, or student loans? Does he claim a mortgage interest tax deduction every year? Does he support his retired parents out of pocket, or does Social Security do it for him? Does his employer get government contracts or subsidies that make his paycheck possible? Does his business depend on a sound currency, enforceable contracts, or reliable transportation systems?

Via Our Future

Weekly Tweets 2010-10-31

  • RT @bbcamerica "RT @topgear_bbca: #TGs15 Watch video from tonight's #TopGear – Tom Cruise & Cameron Diaz -http://bit.ly/cDMPpf" #
  • RT @StNickEpiscopal "AA/GA 12-step programs this week at St Nick's in Elk Grove Village: http://www.onebreadonebody.org/support/" #
  • I am NOT a web designer, and my GIMP skillz are minimal. @fallingrock helped SO MUCH with @StNickEpiscopal website (WP Shadowbox theme) #
  • PS that banner graphic is old, may do a dynamic one later. #
  • Watching Sherlock on @bbcamerica – WOW. #
  • ZOMG Sherlock is awesome. Highly recommended. Like. Like. Like. #fb #
  • This morning's commute was sporty; shopping cart on Golf Road added interest. High winds in ORD; the hashtag is apparently #chiclone #fb #
  • RT @candice "Enjoy your electricity while it lasts… http://bit.ly/bnrCet Imma chargin mah lazer. Also mah cell phone. #chiclone quot; #
  • We have a view toward ORD and Chicago, pretty dramatic clouds. Is pre-hashtagging premature? #chiclone #
  • ABC7 reporting all kinds of crap happening; trees down, accidents. #chiclone #
  • RT @ColonelTribune "There are reports of a tornado touching down in Will County: http://trib.in/c0h2dx" #chiclone #
  • RT @episcopalcafe "Decision making and walking the labyrinth: Daily Kos spirituality blog, Brothers and Sisters http://bit.ly/dfu92w #ecafe quot; #
  • Daily Kos has a spirituality blog? #
  • RT @cnnireport "CNN.com's Travel Photo of the Day – stunning autumn blooms in Japan – http://bit.ly/9XGsL4" Memories of momiji #
  • RT @OTOOLEFAN "Sarah Palin has Irritable Vowel Syndrome." #WIN #
  • Where the hell are the Stormchasers? Milwaukee just got dominated! #chiclone #
  • …cont) I hope)! #
  • RT @expressapp "WordPress themes developers, you're invited you to build themes for Express –> http://bit.ly/92hMMK" (Amazing Grace (cont… #
  • .@StopBeck Had no idea Karl Marx wrote in Babylonian cuneiform. Amazing stuff the Perfesser digs up, eh? in reply to StopBeck #
  • Regret unable to attend high school reunion next August, not that my high school years were all that memorable. #fb #
  • Holy CRAP this wind. Maybe I'll wait a bit to see if it knocks trucks over before I get on the road. #
  • RT @TrinityWallSt "Tweet #allsouls to see prayers & thoughts of lost loved ones on Virtual Altar of Remembrance http://tinyurl.com/27vvwge" #
  • Miss Mom, but she's with Pop, probably playing pinochle. #fb #allsouls #
  • My costume today: only 2 people "got" it so far. Hint: 3.14159265 #halloween #costume #
  • Duh. Picture. 3.14159265 #halloween #costume http://moby.to/3uky7r #
  • Just watched friends get married in their living room. Awesome hitching performed by Chicago musician Urban Djin (the j is silent). #
  • RT @nprmonkeysee "My highs and lows from today's rally. http://n.pr/9G8xmI" #

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