Daily O’Donnell: I Dabbled Into Witchcraft

We watched Real Time with Bill Maher last night and enjoyed this clip from the 90’s “Politically Incorrect” show Maher used to have. Turns out he and Christine O’Donnell go back a ways, and she’s always been a little… odd in her beliefs. And this is the person that Delaware conservatives want representing them? Seriously?

Of course, no one was at their best in the era of big mall hair, but it’s really hard to imagine this person actually formulating policy as an actual adult.

Via Daily Kos: DE-Sen: O’Donnell: “I dabbled into witchcraft”

Loose PG Tips Floats Ships

Yeah, I can be fairly serious about tea. Not cha-no-yu serious, or High Tea at the Empress serious, but serious enough to taste the difference between Twining’s Irish Breakfast (loose tea, comes in a green tin smelling gloriously smokey) and Twining’s Irish Breakfast (tea bags, tastes like it was strained through old gym socks).

Problem was, I can’t always remember where I’ve found the Twining’s in the Tin. Recently, I ran out, and had to resort to some tea bags. Something’s gone wrong with Twining’s bagged tea, as far as I’m concerned; it used to be that there was not a very big difference in flavor. But they recently changed their packaging, and it just doesn’t have the same… oomph. The tin box tea is fine: strong enough to grow hair in places where you’ll have to use a tweezer to avoid social embarassment. The bag tea is, not to put too fine a point on it, pants.

Yes, I read a few British blogs, why do you ask?

Anyway, I couldn’t find the Irish Breakfast blend in a tin box on a recent run around the nearest groceries, but I did score a big cardboard carton of PG Tips Loose Tea, which is a VERY GOOD all-around black tea. It’s got the gunpowder-fine grainy tea, it smells great, and tastes like something Arthur Dent longed for. It was in the British foods section of my local Meijer. It really floats my boat, tea-wise. Wish it didn’t come in the cardboard box, but as I use it maybe it’ll fit in my old Twining’s tin. Heh.

Now, if only I could lay my hands on some Yorkshire Gold, preferably loose, I would be really, really chuffed.

One other thing – I’m fairly old-school about teamaking. If I make a mug, with loose tea, I use a little metal tea strainer thing that gives the leaves (really, they’re more like grains) room to expand. The water has to be cold and freshly drawn, and then when it boils in the kettle I try to make sure that the mug with the strainer of tea is right by the stove so that the boiling water goes right over the leaves and into the mug.

If I decide to make a pot of tea – it has to be properly warmed, the tea goes right in the pot (1 teaspoon per cup, one for the pot) and then the boiling water gets poured over the top and stirred. Then the strainer comes into play when pouring out. I don’t usually add more hot water and tea to the pot, but know that there is an art to stretching out the tea in the pot.

Yes, it’s strong. Stronger than an arm-wrestler’s bicep. If it wasn’t a sloppy mugful of liquid it would beat you about the head and neck until you were fully conscious. I like it with a fair bit of milk, which takes the edge of and also makes clutching the mug and warming my face over it that much more soothing and part of the enjoyment of tea.

PG tips is available as loose tea, tea bags, and in vending formats. A “Special Blend” tea, which is the same as the tea blended for the brand’s 75th anniversary, is available in tea bag form only.

The tea used in PG tips is imported in bulk as single estate teas from around the world and blended in precise proportions set by the tea tasters to make blend 777, which can contain between 12 and 35 single estate teas at any one time (depending on season, etc.) at the Trafford Park factory in Manchester.

via PG Tips – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

Mind The Badger- British Workmen Paint Road Lines Around Dead Mammal

BBC News – Hampshire workmen paint white lines around dead badger.

Hampshire workmen paint white lines around dead badger

The dead badger has been removed and the lines will be painted
Workmen painting white lines on a road left a gap for a dead badger because they said it was not their responsibility to move it.

The animal had been killed about a week before on the A338 near Downton, on the Hampshire-Wiltshire border.

Hampshire County Council said the workers did what they thought “was best” because it is the district council’s job to remove carcasses.

The badger has now been removed and the painting will be completed on Friday.

The county council said there would be no extra cost to taxpayers because the company was being paid a fixed rate for the job.

Businessman Kevin Maul was on his way home from work when he noticed the break in the lines.

He said: “I couldn’t quite believe my eyes when I saw this poor old badger who had been there over a week.

“I’d seen him every day as I went by and wondered if he was going to be picked up.

“Then on Friday I drove home to see his body between the lines – they had painted the road, but left a gap where he lay.”

Linkdump: September 11th – September 15th

Weekly Tweets 2010-09-12

  • "@" spammers, kindly ESAD. Thank you. #
  • RT @scottagunn "…Tune in to hear the whole Bible read out loud this weekend. www.christchurchlincoln.org." #ecusa #welcome #
  • I love Zoidberg. Hurray! #(/)o,,,o(/) #
  • Violent protests over schoolbooks in 1974 were just the first salvo in the culture wars. Race was the catalyst. http://is.gd/eXxb8 #
  • I've heard "The Great Textbook War" before. Multiculturalism became a fightin' word. #textbookwar #
  • A fundamentalist preacher's wife objected to bad grammar in textbooks at education board meeting, became a culture censor. #textbookwar #
  • These are all recordings of the actual meetings, with later voiceovers by Mrs Moore, and the rationalists who tried to fight her. #textbook #
  • Protest sign on the first day of school: I Have A "Bible" I Don't Need Those Dirty Books #textbookwar #unnecessaryquotes #
  • It wasnt just the religious vs. the rationalists. The Klan and the Heritage Foundation were drawn like moths to the flame. #textbookwar #
  • The culture wars' first shot was fired over "dirty" textbooks in Kanawha County, WV. #textbookwar #
  • A liberal Episcopalian priest argued for leniency when a book opponent was convicted of dynamiting a classroom. #textbookwar #thatsmychurch #
  • Things calmed down, teachers avoided using the "controversial" books. A generation of kids didn't study "The Grapes Of Wrath" #textbookwar #
  • Currently, the same tactics are in use on FOX"News" and on your school board. #textbookwar #appropriatequotes #
  • They didn't want their kids exposed to things of this wonderful, beautiful, scary world, so they wouldn't fall apart. #textbookwar #
  • They didn't want their kids to recognize evil, or think for themselves. Yours won't either, unless you resist irrationalism. #textbookwar #
  • We made gazpacho soup for the family BBQ today. Gazpacho sooooooouuuup… #reddwarfforeveryoccasion #
  • Was actually asleep, now I'm not. Trying to track my sleep patterns. #awake #
  • Awake again. Lather, rinse, repee. #awake #
  • And again. #awake #
  • .@EddieMcClintock We did at our house — now get some sleep! 😉 in reply to EddieMcClintock #
  • aaaaaaaaaaarrgg! NOOOOOO!!! #white collar #
  • Home sick today. #
  • RT @Anniemole "For tkts to Under London: Blitz experience tours of Aldwych Tube station phone 020 7565 7455 http://bit.ly/acSPkJ #
  • I have stupid flu. Lost the thermometer in the bedclothes. Duh. #fb #
  • Anybody showing up at Pastor Terry's church Saturday with Super Soakers? Shame on him for his disgustingly obvious PR stunt. #p2 #tpot #
  • The church #TerryJones led in Germany went from 1000 to 100 members by the time he was kicked out. http://is.gd/f1JBm #
  • Good thing my company has generous sick time. This flu is kicking my ass, now calling it the "Sweat Flu." #fb #
  • You know that bit in "Funny Thing… Forum" where they run around trying to get mare's sweat? *I could play that mare.* #mybrilliantcareer #
  • RT @Sporkings "Game Center will not work on iPhone 3G: Bad news…" http://bit.ly/ah9STD" #
  • Strike that, rewind: "Pastor" "Doctor" #terryjones cancels Quran burning, with a twist http://is.gd/f3az4 #
  • RT @Liturgy "We are each of us angels with only one wing, and we can only fly by embracing one another.– Lucretius" #
  • .@StopBeck Well, @OriginalSnuggie is now a product I won't buy if they're @glennbeck sponsors. #
  • RT @Wonkette "Here's a 9/11 Death Chart To Drive Your Wingnut Relatives Crazier http://bit.ly/9gobzi" So handy! #
  • .@JoeFlanigan "No, I didnt sleep all day. I was productive… on the Internets." #littlewhitelie in reply to JoeFlanigan #
  • Remember all the people who never came home. Remember the first responders who never returned to station. Reject hate, work for peace. 9/11 #
  • .@JoeFlanigan "You're perfect, don't change." #whitelies #flanigansfabulousfalsities" #
  • RT @dskidmore "Bishop Lee's statement on religious tolerance & understanding featured in Chicago Trib religion page http://fb.me/HDjgiG6x" #
  • RT @93XRT "Lin’s Bin: September 11th — Always Remember. http://fb.me/A0WfhAKA" Was listening to Lin on way to work. News broke afterward. #
  • Normal workday. Coffee, log in to phones. Someone said a small plane crashed in New York. In break room, endless replays of second plane. #
  • A co-worker, now deceased, was the first, but not the last, to make the connection: 9-1-1 #wherewereyou #
  • Within an hour or two we lost all email and internet because one of the main servers was in a building near WTC. We coped. #wherewereyou #
  • All flights were grounded. We're on the O'Hare flight path; the empty, silent skies were unnerving. #wherewereyou #
  • My husband was in Canada on business. I took him to ORD on Sept. 10. He drove his rental car home to a changed country. #wherewereyou #

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Linkdump: September 5th – September 11th

Quran Burning: Protest By Tossing Bibles On The Pile?

Just pondering what “Pastor” “Doctor” Terry Jones would do if shortly before he lights off his pile of Qurans, protestors tossed Bibles or pocket New Testaments on it to protect their fellow sacred texts? Jones would have to stop to gather them up. Repeat as needed.

For best effect, the people tossing Bibles on the pile would need to be Christians, or even clergy in vestments. All different kinds.

I’m not suggesting anyone of another faith throw their sacred text on the pile, just imagining how it might play out if it did.

I hope that Jones backs down, and I hope he doesn’t gain by this disgusting (and unoriginal) publicity stunt.

On the other hand the judicious application of a firehose aimed at his center of gravity would add needed comic relief (“We meant to aim at the ignition source in his hand but struggled to control the stream at first”).

The Faces Of The GOP: Statler and Waldorf In The Balcony Just Saying No (Again)

Funny how a meme I saw mentioned in the comments thread at a liberal blog pops up on the Christian Science Monitor. When the Muppet fits…

The GOP’s constant kneejerk rejection of economic ideas simply for the sake of Saying No has as much to do with our current malaise as anything being done wrong in the White House. The newly-minted fiscal conservatives on the Republican side of the aisle, many of whom are themselves responsible for the $3 trillion and counting Iraq War, are like the old men who heckle the Muppet Show from the balcony.

Via GOP: The Statler and Waldorf of the economy – CSMonitor.com