
Weekly Tweets 2010-09-05

  • Excellent dinner with Shelly and Leah. This week Facebook, tomorrow we conquer Twitter! #fb #
  • Time to sing. #
  • At least we get a bit of Bach today at @StNickEpiscopal #
  • Not at #ChiCon kind of wish we were but staying cool today. LOVE to all #SGU #Warehouse13 #Eureka peeps. Need moar SF shows! #
  • RT @ShowPatrol "@BrianJacobSmith says he couldnt have done what he has without support from his Ma #ChiCon #SGU" And what would Ma say now? #
  • Time to boycott Fox "News" for their promotion of racial hatred? I think so, don't you? via @crooksandliars #
  • Listening to Le Show… I am one of tens of listeners (not really, there's more of us out here in public radioland #fb #
  • Work work work coffee coffee talk talk. #
  • RT @TheBigUneasy "You are invited to find out more about levees and flooding @The Big Uneasy tonight. 1 night only!" #
  • Just felt the urge to say #bamsaidthelady #
  • RT @nprscottsimon "Dan Schorr would have been 94 today…" The world needs more journalists like him. #
  • RT @SarahPalinUSA "Humility and Honesty About Iraq Can Inspire Trust…" Bush-Cheney admitting it was illegal? That WOULD restore honor. #p2 #
  • Vanity Fair story on Palin: kudos 2 @Mudflats & Shannyn Moore! That's twice she's bn called Esther… #
  • Palin called "Our American Esther" in NY Sun story about the pre-Beckapalooza Shabbat dinner, too. Also. #
  • Palin spoke at Shabbat dinner before Beck rally: $25,000 per person to sit at her table, for charity? Or campaign fund? #
  • What's worse: religious extremism in politics, or extremely religious politicians? Must ponder this. #
  • #discovery hostage taker James Lee was a #Lahainaluna '85 grad, he wasnt Canadian, he was from #Maui #
  • Can we please have a slow news day? #Earl #oilrig2 #Seattle #Discovery #
  • Bad news, everyone! Miami Airport was closed overnight due to a suspicious object in luggage. #travel #
  • I thought I asked for a slow news day yesterday. #
  • The Blessing Of The Gadgets?…..dgets.html #
  • .@BarackObama Mr President: The GOPers are classic Do Nothings; they do nothing but work against you! #p2 #tpot #getfiredupalready in reply to BarackObama #
  • RT @fallingrock "RT @vogella: Geek advice: Never mix #FFFFFF and #000000 clothes in your washing machine." Or you get tighty #CCCCCCies #
  • RT @StopBeck "Enjoy the existence of weekends? Thank a union. Yes, really. #LaborDay #OrganizedLabor" #
  • Which is more accurate? Calling it FOXOlds, or FAUXNews, or FOXPropaganda? It's definitely unfair and unbalanced! #
  • RT @dceiver "Poor, poor dumbfuck Michele Bachmann. Enjoy this before someone clues in and fixes:" Screenshotted! #
  • .@dceiver Blogged it, uploaded to #Flickr and tagged #MicheleBachmann #LoremIpsum #FAIL #CC in reply to dceiver #
  • Saw The American, per @ebertchicago we expected Spaghetti Zen. The couple next to us wanted stuff blowin' up, not this boring European shit. #
  • Movie and a Dinner at Lucky Monk. If I cant be with the cool kids at #pax & #dragoncon ok by me! #

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