Weekly Tweets 2010-09-26

  • Uh, just discovered the "Write Tweet" feature in TwitterTools for WordPress. I may be slow, but I get there in the end. #fb #
  • RT @Molly23 "It may be Talk Like A Pirate Day, but I have the feeling that talking like a pirate to TSA screeners might not go over so well" #
  • This… is not floating my boat. #fb #
  • And now my boat is sinking fast. #fb #
  • I just used #Shazam to discover Beg Steal Or Borrow by Ray Lamontagne And The Pariah Dogs. http://shz.am/t52658207 #
  • Never forget: Bush bungled the capture of Bin Laden at Tora Bora. How convenient. #dkos #p2 #tpot http://is.gd/figbf #
  • I hurt someone's feelings today and I feel bad about that, but I don't think the cha-cha belongs in church. #inappropriateLOL #
  • A Funny Thing Happened On The Way To The Proctologist's #sadmusicals #
  • Delicious Boddington's is… delicious. #
  • Guys And Blow-Up Dolls #sadmusicals #
  • Since when is Deseret News head Joe Cannon a "liberal freak?" Since the DN softpedaled immigration… Utah is complicated http://is.gd/fjrTt #
  • RT @93XRT "Coming up at 7:15 (CDT) Lin's Bin Choosing a College Part 2 hear it on XRT" #
  • .@xenijardin @KeithOlbermann If I had a pet chinchilla, I would name it James Furber. #
  • .@xenijardin How about an atheist pooch named Richard Dogkins? #petlit #
  • I just used #Shazam to discover Dog Days Are Over by Florence + The Machine. http://shz.am/t47025852 #
  • RT @Epicenters "4.92 – 12.7 miles WSW of Anchorage http://bit.ly/9O9U5A" Yet another boring state alert @SarahPalinUSA can ignore #p2 #tpot #
  • RT @KeithOlbermann "Show Plug 1: …silliness least of O'Donnell's problems as 2ND ex-campaign staffer alleges she took funds for own use" #
  • . @JoeFlanigan Drinking tea while cat is on laptop. #mostboringtweets #thinkImcomingdownwithsomething http://moby.to/aka9y5 #
  • RT @JohnFugelsang The hardest thing about following the teachings of Jesus is having so many Christians call you a liberal socialist hippie" #
  • Watching #Chuck and laughing hysterically at the pinball world itinerary (I'm in travel, faring that tangled mess would be a nightmare). #
  • New Buy More? Brutal! #Chuck #
  • Screw the new shows, they're on TiVo. We're watching #Castle #
  • RT @NathanFillion "It's Malcolm Reynolds birthday? What to get him…" He probably already has a pony and a rocket ship. So hard to shop for #
  • .@NathanFillion I know! A TiVo with a season pass for #Castle And also #Chuck what the heck. in reply to NathanFillion #
  • British cops search for "lettuce head" burglar based on bad sketch. "Mr Potatohead" still at large. http://is.gd/flv2e #
  • Got my copy of Betsy Phillips' City of Ghosts today. Yay! Boo! http://t.co/7Nla9rx #
  • How to get rid of fruit flies and fungus gnats: http://boingboing.net/2010/09/…..rom-v.html #fb #
  • RT @Cheney_Fan "I'm the last person in the world who would ever question Ann Coulter's manhood. She rules." #
  • RT @ColonelTribune "Jon Stewart suggests putting on a diaper and driving to his rally in DC" OR: Chicago rally! http://trib.in/9eUawG #
  • Road trip! #fb #
  • Pickup truck had gun and hunting stickers and a tailgate graphic: People Eating Tasty Animals. #notpeta #
  • .@SarahPalinUSA "Do they take it seriously?" #SRSLY #tpot in reply to SarahPalinUSA #
  • RT @MoRocca "I can't believe I ate the whole thing #OKstatefair #nomnomnom http://yfrog.com/mt2zruj" New profile pix! #
  • Where's a great place for dinner near Champaign, IL? #
  • .@hardees now waiting for our Thickburgers in Paxton, IL #hardees50 #
  • RT @revmek "Our cow, Elsie, had her first calf today at 3:30 PM. A boy. Mother and son are both fine. Blessings abound." Mazeltov! 😉 #
  • RT @pourmecoffee "FACT: Anagram for Christine O'Donnell is "Clothed Inner Loins."" #
  • Heard at work: a repair tech declined to work without the proper tools, saying "I am loathe to touch these nuts." #
  • It's my birthday, and I'll be #awake if I want to. #fb #
  • Krugman: Downhill With The GOP http://is.gd/fqqXM #p2 #wakeupcall #
  • Is the "mushy middle" truly independent, or are they just not that interested? #p2 #
  • Did not know that Boehner was such a dedicated recycler, good catch Daily Show! #p2 #partyofhellno #
  • Watching repeat of Colbert's testimony before Congress. Funny, and sobering. #

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Watched Hoarders, Cleared Out Bathroom Cabinet

Funny how this works. I have a high tolerance for clutter yet feel much calmer once I finally buckle down and clean. After watching the latest Hoarders episode, I often feel the need to clean the counters. Tonight I threw a trashbag full of partly used “hotel amenities” and travel size items from trips out of the bathroom cabinet. And cleaned the kitchen, and cleared all the stuff off the dressers. Still some laundry to wash, fold, sort later.

Maybe after watching another episode; got reruns to catch up on.

Got a houseguest coming in a couple of weeks, I’m gearing up to get the spare room tidied up.

Tolkien Hated Hitler: What Would He Make Of Glenn Beck?

What with all Chaplinesque moustache-porn videos going around, I do wonder what J.R.R. Tolkien would make of the current culture wars. He knew his way around a mythology, invented or real, so I wonder what he’d think of Beck’s reverse-engineering of the national mythos of the Founding Fathers?

10. He wasn’t nearly as fond of Nazis as they were of him.

Tolkien’s academic writings on Old Norse and Germanic history, language and culture were extremely popular among the Nazi elite, who were obsessed with recreating ancient Germanic civilization. But Tolkien was disgusted by Hitler and the Nazi party, and made no secret of the fact. He considered forbidding a German translation of The Hobbit after the German publisher, in accordance with Nazi law, asked him to certify that he was an “Aryan.” Instead, he wrote a scathing letter asserting, among other things, his regret that he had no Jewish ancestors. His feelings are also evidenced in a letter he wrote to his son: “I have in this War a burning private grudge—which would probably make me a better soldier at 49 than I was at 22: against that ruddy little ignoramus Adolf Hitler … Ruining, perverting, misapplying, and making for ever accursed, that noble northern spirit, a supreme contribution to Europe, which I have ever loved, and tried to present in its true light.”

Via mental_floss Blog » 10 Things You Should Know About J.R.R. Tolkien

Weekly Tweets 2010-09-19

  • Hoping @scannell wore protective gear for tonight's paytriot shindig: hip boots, clothespin, rose-colored safety goggles. #
  • RT @Mudflats "Still waiting 4 Beck. Chalkboard says liberals want to destroy Constitution, Faith and History. Ack. #p2 quot; #factcheckbeck #
  • RT @Mudflats "Palin just called Ted Nugent a "blood brother" #palin beck #TMI #
  • .@xenijardin Try season tickets next to elderly couples for musical theater. Wives repeat dialog, lyrics, and plot to husbands. in reply to xenijardin #
  • .@xenijardin "Guys and Dolls" will be like "She's with the Salvation Army, Frank. SALVATION ARMY," he'll hum Sit Down You're Rockin the Boat in reply to xenijardin #
  • RT @Mudflats "Beck talking about "social justice rearing its ugly head" and destroying faith. #p2 quot;// Jesus preached social justice. #FAIL #
  • RT @Mudflats "Beck slams Yale University with Joe Miller in the audience… Ruh-roh." Another #FAIL for Mr Beck #
  • RT @Mudflats "Beck asks audience to take a vow to never tell a lie again." Broken in 3…2…1… #
  • Name, date, from, to, time. Tell me what you need in the order I need it. #
  • . @MythBusters "I heard the 2 dudes on MythBusters couldnt be killed by bears" Confirmed or busted?? http://is.gd/faqIt #
  • RT @ColonelTribune "A decapitated body in Evanston — poss. related to a pipe bomb explosion: http://bit.ly/ao7BYN This has our attention." #
  • WWII heroine dies alone, no family. Miss Eileen Nearne, we will not forget you. http://is.gd/faxLR #
  • .@wilw Oh you kids and your wacky inverted tachyon pulses! The deflector dish is not a toy, you know. in reply to wilw #
  • I just used #Shazam to discover What It Is by Mark Knopfler. http://shz.am/t222492 #
  • And with that I am outtahere. Wish Shazam would let me edit their tweets! #
  • I just used #Shazam to discover Read My Mind by The Killers. http://shz.am/t45414385 #
  • I can't believe they killed Badger again. #
  • OMG Hyperbole and a Half makes oral surgery so funny youll do a spit take #fb http://is.gd/fcnyd #
  • I just used #Shazam to discover Crystalised by The xx. http://shz.am/t49967705 #
  • Where's the parpy? I think @alliebrosh may have invented a new dialect that I'll call… LOLtooth #
  • RT @EddieMcClintock "RT @SyfyUniversalFr: #Warehouse13 @EddieMcClintock confirme une troisième saison http://bit.ly/9lB27n" Oo lala! #
  • Apparently today is my day to flail helplessly. Hurray. #fb #
  • Thank God, The Possum From Hoarders has his or her own Facebook page. #fb #
  • RT @donttrythis "Tix still available for Wootstock tonight kids! Come by the Great American Music Hall (best venue in SF!) See you there!" #
  • Watching this week's #Hoarders on AEtv.com #
  • And now you torment me with your #wootstock shenanigans, @wilw and @donttrythis ! GRRRR It's bedtime now! I hate this timezone!! #
  • RT @HawaiiNewsNow: Hawaiian Air flight delayed at LAX for extra screening: 225 passengers…. http://bit.ly/dgTYf2 #
  • RT @grantimahara "Got to repair and rework a few things on #BeerBot for tomorrow's #w00tstock show…" There are TWO shows? #cruelworld #
  • RT @Wonkette "Now Some Other Comedians Will Do National Mall Rallies http://bit.ly/bYYZyY" OOH OOH well I will have to attend in Second Life #
  • Wow, SPACE in Evanston is a great music venue. John Gorka is a new fave too. #fb #
  • The Ladies Who Tone at the table next to ours are all drinking PBRs. Explained to SIL its trending on Twitter. Why? Why? #
  • RT @aliceinthewater: PFAW’s Letter to NPR http://tinyurl.com/2b9ov3e || People For The American Way #realfamilyvalues #
  • RT @scribefire "ScribeFire blog: ScribeFire Available for Chrome, Safari, and Firefox http://bit.ly/boLzdr" OO yay! #
  • RT @Cheney_Fan: Sure wish The Tea Party would get as much attention from the Liberal Media as the Iraq War protests did. / Me 3! #
  • Good God it's dark for 10am #
  • RT @scottagunn "Is anyone tweeting from the #Episcopal election in Springfield today?" #
  • Watching #Hoarders again. An aunt had the tendency to hoard things, it all looks soooo familiar. #
  • Finally watching the episode with the #awesome #possum on #hoarders Oh boy oh boy! His Facebook status has him hitting the NY talk shows. #
  • Go Possum go!! Leap for FREEDOMS and noms. #hoarders #
  • And now back to watching my new #possum friend, who just caught a taxi for the Big Time on #Hoarders #
  • February 15 2003. Was it a failed anti-war march? What are the consequences of NOT marching? Giving tacit approval to war. #tpot #p2 #

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The Palin Theory Of How She Should Conduct Her Life: Hardly Working, Not Working Hard

Flying high after flexing muscles in GOP primaries, Sarah Palins next stops: Iowa, cable TV – chicagotribune.com.

Remember John Glenn? The former astronaut and senator drew huge crowds and intense attention here when he sought the Democratic nomination in 1984 — and got just 4 percent of the vote.

“They were coming out to see John Glenn the astronaut, not John Glenn the Democrat running for president,” said veteran Republican strategist Eric Woolson.

If she runs, Palin would start with strong appeal among the social and religious conservatives who play a crucial role in Iowa’s Republican politics. But that appeal wouldn’t necessarily last if it’s not backed up by a strong effort to reach out to caucus voters, said Steve Scheffler, head of the Iowa Christian Alliance.

“The track to success in Iowa is slogging around all of the small towns in bad weather and sleeping in downscale motels because that’s the best in town,” said Rich Galen, a GOP strategist based in Washington. “That certainly doesn’t seem to fit the Palin theory of how she should conduct her life.”