- Placenta Helper AGAIN?!? http://www.salon.com/life/feat…..index.html #cf #
- RT @NASA "Hurricane Darby spinning away from the southern Mexico coast. Image from NASA's Terra satellite. http://go.usa.gov/3Jf" #
- Weird to see "Derby" spelled "Darby." Do I spend too much time talking to British people? #
- RT @WBEZ "What Do Duckworth, Hynes, Jackson, Jarrett and Schakowsky Have in Common? http://bit.ly/9fHrb0" But we got Burris. #thanksblago #
- Via AKMuckraker MUST WATCH #bp #fb http://www.themudflats.net/201…..emy-lines/ #
- Tiger, tiger, tiger! http://ireport.cnn.com/docs/DOC-464893 #
- RT @petersagal "About to go on air on KNOW 91.1 Twin Cities." Henchman! DO IT! #wootstockredux #
- RT @jawboneradio ""Cruise and Diaz bring the sizzle like a leper baking in the desert sun!" #badsummermovieblurbs quot; TSSSSS!!!! #
- The real Red Hot Welfare Queens: the GOP http://crooksandliars.com/nico…..es-meet-re #p2 #
- Romano's in Des Plaines is closing, Harrison Ford better order pizza by Sunday. #fb http://is.gd/d539g #
- Wild storm at 4am. Afraid to look at the veg garden. #
- Good: Salon runs positive childfree/CBC story Bad: they use an "empty crib" stock photo. #cf #fb #facepalm http://is.gd/d54sH #
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