Purgatory | Exit Strategy


We did have to rip near the door, which I wish we could have avoided,
but it’ll be strong because it’s one piece across the doorway. The
jamb itself will be installed with screws after the glue on the ripped
strip sets up. The weights will help keep it stable til then.

Via: Flickr
Title: Purgatory | Exit Strategy
By: GinnyRED57
Originally uploaded: 15 Apr ’10, 5.04pm CDT PST

Purgatory | So Nearly Done


We slowly kept plugging away, with long breaks for snacks, naps, and
watching Mythbusters and Stargate: Atlantis reruns.

This morning, we started out with about a third done, and a feeling
that time was running out. So we kept at it, with short breaks for
lunch and snacks, and suddenly we were up to the closets.

And then after a tricky cut to span the divider, we were down to 2
long pieces, plus a box of "shorties" and mid-length pieces. There’s
an unopened box left, but we wanted to be able to return it, we
decided to carry on with what we had.

And… we seem to be done! There’s a row to be ripped lengthwise, and
the door jambs to be finished, but the floor is down.

Via: Flickr
Title: Purgatory | So Nearly Done
By: GinnyRED57
Originally uploaded: 15 Apr ’10, 4.53pm CDT PST

Purgatory | Progress


We got the carpet and foam out, went around pulling stray staples and
hammering down nailheads, and now David is working on a side project
to stablize the pipes in the bath/shower. It’ll be covered by an
access plate and the highboy dresser.

Earlier today, thought there was a leak somewhere above the laundry
room, turned out to be a container of stuff that we’d jiggled while
searching there for tools that sprang a leak. Whee!

Via: Flickr
Title: Purgatory | Progress
By: GinnyRED57
Originally uploaded: 13 Apr ’10, 12.14pm CDT PST

Floor Purgatory | Little Room, Big Room


All the big pieces are in the "study" except for nightstands and all
the drawers. Sure glad David bought that dolly, it just paid for
itself when we moved the two dressers – mine especially, as it’s
longer and has a mirror.

We’ll sleep in the guest room until the floor is done and we can get
the bed set up in the master bedroom again.

We cleaned as we went, dusting off all over and vacuuming a horrific
amount of crud out from behind everything, even wiping dust off power

With all the allergy stuff in the news, and our own problems with
dust, it makes a lot of sense to get all the carpet out of the
bedrooms, and keep it dusted better in the future. The "ladies" kind
of go around the edges, not behind with a hose attachement on their
little backpack-vac.

This is the last room for this type of project, thank God.

Via: Flickr
Title: Floor Purgatory | Little Room, Big Room
By: GinnyRED57
Originally uploaded: 12 Apr ’10, 1.02pm CDT PST