Tea partiers: ‘We’re in a battle for the soul of America’ – Salt Lake Tribune

Why is the Right incapable of expressing its views without referencing war and religion?

Tea partiers: ‘We’re in a battle for the soul of America’ – Salt Lake Tribune.

Provo » Several hundred people braved blustery weather Tuesday for the Tea Party Express’ stop outside the Historic Utah County Courthouse.

Decoder Ring Not Required

Sayonara, Rev. Paperboy. Make maximum use of improved textbooks : Editorial : DAILY YOMIURI ONLINE (The Daily Yomiuri).

Still, the problem remains finding ways for teachers to make really good use of the beefed up textbooks.

After all, if they try to teach everything, the amount of material may overwhelm the children’s capacity to absorb it all, consequently returning to the much-criticized “cramming” style of education.

Yet teachers are expected to have the competence to proceed with lessons after sorting out what part of the textbooks are to be taught, while accurately gauging the level of their students’ comprehension.


Official support key

Next month, the education ministry will move into full gear its discussion on drastic revisions of teachers’ education, recruitment and training programs. Reexamining the current programs, we would like the ministry to thoroughly study what changes should be made.

Also, it is important for the ministry and boards of education to set a proper environment for using the textbooks. When the new curriculum guidelines are fully enforced, class hours will increase and lessons will be more tightly scheduled than at present.

Regular primary schools will stick to a five-day week in principle. In exceptional cases, the Tokyo Metropolitan Board of Education will approve Saturday classes if the classes are open for observation by parents and nearby residents, among other conditions.

All in all, we hope the government’s education administration will adopt policy measures to support schools so that they can smoothly carry out classes with the improved textbooks.

(From The Yomiuri Shimbun,March 31, 2010)

(Mar. 31, 2010)

That Nopey, Derangey Thing

… coming from the Dopey Strangey thing is even more clueless than usual. UNLOAD! #fb

Sarah Palin Tells Tea Partiers To Stop Drivers With Obama Bumper Stickers « Alan Colmes’ Liberaland.

Less than a week after a man was driven off the road for sporting an Obama bumper sticker, Sarah Palin told a tea party rally in Searchlight, NV to stop cars with Obama stickers on them.

(and demand to know how that “hopey, changey thing” is working out for them)

In A Cooking Mood

David and I are getting in a mood to cook something a little different – in addition to David’s homemade chicken soup, we’re going to try kreplach (filled dumplings), which are tasty little packets of savory goodness when added to soups.

About.com: http://www.astray.com/recipes/?show=Easy%20kreplach

Source: Good Yom Tov – Helen Stern Saute onion in smaltz. Place chicken in food processor. Add onions, schmaltz and grivens to chicken. Add salt & pepper to taste. Chop well. Place 1 teaspoon of meat filling in center of each won ton skin and fold into triangles. Pinch sides together. It helps to moisten the edges so they will form a better seal. Let stand on floured surface for 15 minutes to prevent sticking or opening during cooking. Drop into boiling salted water or soup. Cook about 15 minutes. Also good deep-fried. Posted to JEWISH-FOOD digest by Sheryl Donner on Nov 05, 1998, converted by MM_Buster v2.0l.

Shared Links February 25th – March 7th