Judges Are Too Important… To Let Them Slide Into Office On Name Recognition Or Random Chance Alone

My friend Steve passed this link along via the group he created on Facebook, Cook County – Know Your Judicial Candidates. We’re in early voting now and the election for these judges is February 2nd, and typically, most people vote at random if they vote at all.

Which is pretty terrifying, when you consider that in some way, most of the justices on the Supreme Court started out by either being appointed or elected locally. So let’s not leave this important decision totally to chance, shall we? Because they decided that corporations have First Amendment rights, and so can that mean that they potentially have Second Amendment rights, or the right to… vote?


I want to thank those of you who have used www.voteforjudges.org, a program of the Chicago Appleseed Fund for Justice, to receive nonpartisan information about Cook County judicial elections. The next judicial election is February 2, 2010 and early voting begins January 11, 2010. Once again, www.voteforjudges.org posts the judicial evaluation results distributed by a variety of bar associations as well as information about judicial elections found in the media. Voting for judges is an important part of good government. We are glad that you are using www.voteforjudges.org to help you vote for qualified judges.

Judges make all kinds of decisions, from the very personal, such as child custody decisions, to those with much broader impact. The decisions that judges make affect our lives, both directly and indirectly, often for many years to come. We never know when a judge we vote for today will make a decision that will affect your life and the lives of your family and friends.

We’re going to the V-E-T

@MrRileycatEsq and I are going to the k-i-t-t-y d-o-c-t-o-r in about 10 minutes. Routine checkup, will be asking them about the adolescent acne that he seems to have on his fuzzy little chin.


As usual, he will yowl all the way there and barf on the way back, so it’ll be an awfully fun time for all.

Visually Speaking: Digby on Sunday!

Darn it, we have theater tickets Sunday, so I won’t be able to make this event, but you can check out the details on the #Cafe Wellstone Ning, and listen via streaming radio if you can’t make it inworld.

Doubtless you’ve read them, perhaps you’ve quoted them (‘What digby said.’), now you can hear them. digby & mcjoan aka Joan McCarter take to the stage. What will* they talk about?

TinyMCE Advanced Plugin

Check out all the lovely buttons I now have using a WordPress plugin called TinyMCE Advanced!

Unfortunately, the option to “import local styles” via that nice drop-down menu is broken and causes part of the header graphic to replace the editing text box: not great behavior in a text editor, no? So to easily put in my beloved drop shadows, I still have to use the old Quicktag plug in to put my custom CSS code in that adds the shadow effect.

Is This Thing On??

Yes, I still have a blog, I’m still a blogger, I’m just… hey, yeah, I have a life but never seem to take the time to frickin’ blog it already! #fb

I’ve been really getting into learning all the stuff I have to know in order to follow the crazy dream of making virtual “stuff” to “sell” on Second Life.

And of course, I’ve been following the national political news, the international news, and the incredible tragedy that is Haiti.

I’ll try to be better about keeping up with my doings, boring and dull as they are. 😉

I was at work until 7pm tonight, it was a horrible horrible busy day, and we were all swamped. Um… what else? I’ve been working out 3 or 4 times a week still, but I’m on some kind of plateau at the moment, still hung up at 215 pounds, but I feel great, and look like I’ve continued to lose fatty flabby stuff… so I guess I’ve been putting on a bit of lean muscle in the meantime, which is fine. I’ve lost a lot of inches around my middle and backside, and pretty much everywhere.

David was sick last week, so we had to miss out on some family events, drat it.

Ummm… Avatar was… amazing… and we saw it at the local Imax theater. In fact, wouldn’t mind seeing it again.

I was pretty horrified yesterday by the recent Supreme Court decision, and felt kind of “goddameh” about the fall of Air America Radio. I guess the only thing that will matter in this country in the future is how much money it’ll take to put a particular point of view across as “the truth.” And everybody will dutifully follow along and accept it because the winners get to set the narrative… unless they forget to tell the story, and then the losers who tell a better narrative actually win.

Shared Links December 30th – January 20th