Manchu Wok ORD


Spicy tofu… Is spicy.

It’s become a tradition for me to photograph food via my iPhone and update to Flickr and the blog, especially when traveling. We’re on the road again, this time traveling to Seattle for Memorial Day Weekend and the big Folk Life Festival, and this is what I ordered at the Manchu Wok in the O’Hare Airport Food Court.

It was okay, actually. Not too bad, although the noodles were mushy from behind held on the steam table too long.

Our flight to Seattle was delayed 2 hours, and we arrived after midnight, local time. While at dinner I’d discovered that my Avis Wizard number wasn’t in the reservation… GAH! Stupid travel agent (me) forgot to put it in. I thought I did, but I bet I had a system fail or error and didn’t realize that it hadn’t “taken.” Simultaneous changes can wipe out changes before they’ve been saved. Anyway, we almost had an even longer wait at Seattle, because even though I called in my Wizard number belatedly, the local station hadn’t gotten the update soon enough to set up the car with keys and contract on the seat. So I had to flag down a passing agent who pulled me and David out of the line of people waiting to get cars (no reservations, long wait).

We arrived at the Hampton near the site of the festival and finally got to bed about 230am local, which for us was more like 430am.

I can has iPhone?

Via: Flickr
Title: Manchu Wok ORD
By: GinnyRED57
Originally uploaded: 22 May ’09, 7.57pm CDT PST

Chuck Versus The Critic

@moryan celebrates the awesome news from this weekend that #Chuck was renewed. Everybody take a bow who helped #savechuck

Awesome news: ‘Chuck’ to return for a third season | The Watcher

But as you’ve seen as you read all the stories above, there’s a catch to the “Chuck” renewal. To ensure another season, “Chuck” will have to cut its budget (as is apparently the case with “Dollhouse,” which is also coming back). The show will have to let go a couple of writers, and some actors who were series regulars in Season 2 may only be recurring guest stars in Season 3.

I absolutely don’t want to lose the Buy More mayhem from the show (and I’ve not seen any reports that that will necessarily be the case). And the writing on the show was so good in Season 2 that the thought of losing any ace “Chuck” scribes is a tough development to ponder.

Yeah, there are times when shows catch lightning in a bottle (a phrase beloved of an acquaintance of mine who worked on such a show years ago), and if you let too many of your bugs out of the bottle to save on costs, the show no longer has the same sparkle. So it’s great that Chuck was renewed, but I’m sorry to hear that it came at the expense of one or more supporting roles, and some writing talent. It seems that part of any show’s success comes from the collaborative effort, whether it’s in front of the camera, or behind it.

Utah Roller Derby

Beware Zombie Rinkwomen! Utah has a lively roller derby scene, with avid fans and some truly awesome, Amazon-like warrior women. Check this photo out from the City Weekly blog.

Roller Derby: O-Town Report

“This was actually the best game we’ve had so far. It was back-and-forth the whole bout, very competetive, lots of stress and anger on the floor due to the score being so close–it was awesome. We got a broken tailbone, broken glasses and huge rink-rash bruises. The final score was Sucker Punch Sweethearts 132, Ladies of Capone 122.”

If I had to live in Utah again, I’d become a fan of these awesome women, who have a crusher-crash-chick vibe going and a refreshingly DIY approach to team regalia and player numbering. I’m not sure if it’s the black lipstick or the glowing, zombie-like eyes, but if I saw these women skating at me, I’d run like hell. They’re totally awe-inspiring.

Healers’ hands blessed by many faiths

St Mark’s Hospital in Salt Lake holds an annual Blessing of the Hands of healers. It’s the hospital where Mom was during her last illness, and our family got a lot of support from the Episcopal priest who runs their pastoral care program, Fr. Lincoln Ure. This event sounds just like Fr. Linc; I experienced the regular Wednesday Eucharist with him and some of the staff when Mom was upstairs, and the following week, I had to go back after she passed. Those people are some powerful healers, and I got a sense of how deeply they care for one another’s spiritual needs.

Healers’ hands blessed by many faiths – Salt Lake Tribune

Few of the St. Mark’s Hospital employees who reached out their hands for a blessing from Imam Shuaib-Ud Din understood the words he spoke in Arabic.

But that didn’t much matter.

It was a gift to be received, one of many Wednesday during the eighth annual Blessing of the Hands at St. Mark’s.

An estimated 100 of the hospital’s 1,600 employees spent time on the lawn at the rear of the hospital, washing their hands in blessed water and having their hands, palms upturned, blessed by Din of the Utah Islamic Center, representatives of the Buddhist, Episcopal and LDS faiths, a nondenominational chaplain and an Arapaho healer.