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Herd O’ Flipflops


Their grandad wrangled the flipflops while their owners played in the
shade, waiting to enter the hula show venue.

I can has iPhone?

Via: Flickr
Title: Herd O’ Flipflops
By: GinnyRED57
Originally uploaded: 24 May ’09, 4.40pm CDT PST

UPDATE: We were in line for a hula showcase (being fans of Hawaiian music and culture) and I noticed the guy behind us instructing a bunch of pre-teen girls to stay in sight, and he’d watch their shoes so they could run on the grass lawn in front of Bagley Wright Theatre. This meant that he had to kick a flap of flip-flops along (I just made that collective noun up) as the line began to move. The little girls chased each other around in the sun, running in circles burning off an excess of energy that I envied. Eventually, the middle-aged granddad called them over to retrieve their footgear and they trooped in to watch the show.

I have a fondness for shots of flip-flops, because they’re often encountered on the beach in Hawaii, or left on front porches or doorsteps. The curved shape of well-worn “slippahs” is like a ghostly imprint of their owners, who might have just stepped out of them to wade in the surf, or jump in the pool.

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