U.S. ship sprays Chinese with fire hose (Chinese strip to skivvies)

Why in the world did the Trib (and also the Sun-Times) bury the lede on the story about the Chinese naval and merchant vessels harassing a US Navy ship?

U.S. ship sprays Chinese with fire hose :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: World
The USNS Impeccable sprayed one ship with water from fire hoses to force it away. Despite the force of the water, Chinese crew members stripped to their underwear and continued closing within 25 feet, the Defense Department said.

A somewhat Pythonesque scenario suggested itself to me.

Reclaiming The Color Pink

March 7, 2009 (#87)- The Girls vs. Boys Show
Originally aired March 22, 2008

Meghan Vigeant – Independent producer, USA

There’s no color more polarizing than pink. Some girls love it, some girls hate it. Some boys outwardly despise it, while secretly wishing they could wear it. There’s nothing lukewarm about pink.
– Ibid

I’m of the opinion that pink stinks. I’ve always hated the color, but many women (and Second Life female avatars) are really into pink. I’ve collected a fairly large wardrobe on Second Life, mostly by picking up free items in online treasure hunts, and recently I picked up a ton of red and pink stuff because it was a seasonal Valentine’s Day hunt all during the month of February. I had deleted a lot of girly junk, but kept a couple of outfits either because they actually were pretty and I could see myself wearing them at an event, or because they were so ridiculously over the top that they’d be good for a “costume contest” entry.

Then I got a message from an acquaintance whose moniker always includes variations on a nickname, Super Pink Thing. This time, she was announcing “come follow the Super Pink Bunneh down the rabbit hole” for a garden tea party. So I thought, what the hell, I have some crazy neko-style pink outfit I picked up in the hunt. And you know, I won some virtual dollars in either the “prettiest” or the “most surreal” as a runner-up, but of course the winner of the latter contest was the stack of rotating, color-changing hula hoops over my shoulder. The tunes the Bunneh played were amazing – a great mix of unexpected greats.

It was a great time, and I enjoyed wearing pink for it, but I probably won’t wear the color pink – ever – in real life. But I suppose I can reclaim it for my virtual life, maybe, I guess. I’m allowed to be girlier there, you know.

Time and Doing Things

March 7
March is the homeowner’s month.
It is time to put away the snow shovel,
but not yet time to get out the lawnmower.

For the first time in… probably a year or more, the dining room table is cleared off as a friend is coming over so David can take a look at his laptop. The stuff that was on there was a mish-mosh of things that Timmy sent me from Mom’s house; I’ve successfully ignored them all this time because I’d unpacked them with the vague idea of organizing, sorting, and tossing junk and only got 3/4 through the task. It wasn’t especially painful looking at the things, but I tended to get lost in remembrance.

But the occasional visitor can do wonders for lack of motivation here at Chez Gique, and so not only is the table cleared off, but the console table in the living room has been tidied, dusted, and rearranged (though not the lower shelf) and the coffee table has also been cleared of clutter (framed pictures, junk) and dusted.

I moved some of Mom’s tchotchkes onto my desk with yet another vague idea: actually paying more attention to them now and then. Mom had a funny little calendar thing that she got as a table favor at a luncheon years ago that someone made that has a little quote or aphorism for every day of the year, and Mom had kind of used it as a rotating reminder of birthdays, anniversaries, her weight, and funny little notes. Just this morning, my husband David asked me if he should put the snowblower away for the season (fold the handle, shove it under the workbench) and I said I thought we’d get one more big storm. Even though yesterday was unseasonably warm – more than 60F – and we had a big booming rainstorm last night and today, my instinct was to assume that winter isn’t quite done screwing us over here in the Midwest.

And then when I was going through the Mom stuff and looked at her little date thing for today, there it was: her commentary on the changing season. It appears likely that it may be time after all to put away the snow shovel, at least according to this conveniently timed little message from Mom.

She may be trying to tell me to keep the house in its newly less-cluttered state, too, but let’s not get carried away here.

Utah Set to Boost Porn Ranking Naturally

The Utah Legislature, after Viagrousvigorous debate, passed a bill enabling naturopaths to prescribe testosterone. Not only is Utah #1 in the nation for paying for porn that Internets-savvy libruls get for free, they’s gonna be naturally manly, tremendously organic men. Must report this to the General

Male-hormone bill clears Senate – Salt Lake Tribune

A bill allowing naturopathic physicians to prescribe testosterone to their male patients cleared its last legislative hurdle Thursday.

After a vigorous debate, HB108 — sponsored by Rep. Douglas Aagard, R-Kaysville, and Sen. Dennis Stowell, R-Parowan — passed the Senate 19-6.

Sen. Margaret Dayton, R-Orem, led the opposition, concerned about where it could lead with naturopathic doctors wanting to prescribe more and more drugs.

“Naturopaths limit themselves to a certain schedule of drugs,” said Dayton, a former nurse married to an obstetrician. “How do they justify expanding that schedule?”

Dayton labeled the bill “another example of groups seeking licensure though legislation rather than education.”

In a moment of levity, Sen. Karen Mayne, D-West Valley City, applauded the testosterone discussion in light of lawmakers spending so much time discussing women’s bodies and minds.

It’s really refreshing for me to sit here and talk about your hormone needs,” Mayne told male colleagues.

Amusing me no end: female Utah Republicans opposing male Utah Republicans, because maybe it’s really about Mother getting a little more actual rest on Family Home Evening.

Sunday: Radio Daze

We returned home from Kona to Chicago yesterday, taking an overnight flight so that we arrived yesterday morning at about 530AM. The last time I took a red-eye, I went straight to bed and was wide awake all night, so David advised me to stay up all day and not even nap until 9PM.

Well, I made it to about noon, kept sliding sideways on the couch, and finally gave up and went upstairs. I did turn on the radio, though, thinking that I’d only “nap” for a couple of hours and “listen” to WBEZ’s Sunday programming.

Hah. Well, I was kind of in a pleasant daze all afternoon. I was definitely out like a light bulb from noon until about 2pm, when I heard the jazzy signature tune for “On the Media.” I pretty much listened with half an ear (and about a quarter of a brain” until David came upstairs with a little something to eat.


2:00pm On the Media
A probing look at media issues of the day.
3:00pm Speaking of Faith
A thoughtful exploration of religion and spirituality.
4:00pm All Things Considered
An afternoon newsmagazine featuring a mix of interviews, commentaries, reviews and offbeat features–from around the world, and in and around Chicago.
5:00pm Fresh Air
Interviews with fascinating people about contemporary arts and issues.
6:00pm Latino USA
News, public affairs and trends with a Latino perspective.
6:30pm BBC Science in Action
A weekly look at science stories in and behind the news from around the world.
7:00pm To the Best of Our Knowledge
An audio magazine of ideas and stories

The BBC Science show was particularly nice to “listen” to, as the announcer had a pleasant, soothing accent and I could kid myself that it was Science and therefore not Nap Background Noise. I have no idea what it was about, but it seemed interesting at the time.

The funny thing is, I remember hearing bits and pieces of all these programs, perhaps because the transitions brought me closer to full consciousness.

Yeah, right.

But I got a good night’s sleep (in spite of Riley’s insistent head-butting, as he was busy welcoming us home all night). He’s still rapturously affectionate this evening; I expect the real Cat Punishment happens tonight.