links for 2009-03-27

FAIL: Old comment thread

delicious blog » using delicious on your iphone.

Used to use more when I could use my work computer to read news and websites, fell out of the habit post-iPhone. Checked for a bookmarklet rather than an app and found this awesome! FAIL of an official blogpost demonstrating how to add a bookmarklet to iPhone in a video not viewable on the iPhone. All the most useful info is provided by commenters. To their credit, d.i.u. staffers kept reading and responding. I’ll try the bookmark method at home tonight.

Pope Lanceted Over AIDS Remark

BBC NEWS | Europe | Pope ‘distorting condom science’.

Wow, this story reads like Science taking on Faith in some kind of jousting match with the Lancet literally taking point.

This is another test, this time of the current “Press it!” bookmarklet from the iPhone. It brought the link into the post just fine, but the keyboard doesn’t engage. Meanwhile, it works in the HTML edit screen, but the category list has no way to scroll down, and it’s cut off after the first few categories.

More tinkering is called for. Meanwhile, this all-too fallible Pope had better stick to matters of faith, hope, and charity, and leave Science (and AIDS prevention) alone. He didn’t come off well after the reinstatement of the Holocaust-denying ultra-conservative bishop, and you know how bad news is supposed to come in threes. What’s next? Rescinding Gallileo’s reinstatement?

With deals in bloom, spring could be lively time for flights to Europe –

With deals in bloom, spring could be lively time for flights to Europe –

This is a test of an old Blog This! bookmarklet that brought this link into a barebones posting form.

It dates from a year or more ago and was lurking in the bookmarks section of the copy of Safari. Needs work to resize or perhaps add the Minipost plugin checkbox.

Buy Pepsi, Piss Off The Fundies

As seen at Pam’s House Blend:: The American Family Association has nothing better to do than harrass Pepsico:

Here’s four good reasons I’m going to buy more Pepsi products… no, make that five good reasons.

  1. Pepsi gave a total of $1,000,000 to the Human Rights Campaign (HRC) and Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays (PFLAG) to promote the homosexual lifestyle in the workplace.
  2. Both HRC and PFLAG supported efforts in California to defeat Proposition 8 which defined marriage as being between a man and a woman. HRC, which received $500,000 from Pepsi, gave $2.3 million to defeat Proposition 8.
  3. Pepsi requires employees to attend sexual orientation and gender diversity training where the employees are taught to accept homosexuality.
  4. Pepsi is a member of the National Gay and Lesbian Chamber of Commerce.

5. Buying PepsiCo brands will not only show support for their inclusive and enlightened policies, it will really piss off Donald Wildmon’s American Family Association if their boycott backfires.

The sex-obsessed, reality-rejecting fundamentalists led by Wildmon are issuing a clarion call for a ginormous boycott of all things Pepsi, because the soft-drink conglomerate refused to be blackmailed bullied into cancelling their financial support of P-FLAG, a well known national support group for families and friends of gay people, and for failing to be bigots and asshats and get all discriminatory towards employees and their loved ones who happen to be gay.


Check out this extremely bland, factual and polite “FOAD” letter that a PepsiCo spokesman wrote to the Wildmon people after they complained about Pepsi’s social activisim and financial support for gay civil rights initiatives, in addition to their enlightened workplace policies. Note that the quote sticks to the company employee diversity initiative – way to stay on message AND tell your whirly-eyed cherry-picking God-botherer where to go!

Response from Paul Boykas, director, public policy to Donald E. Wildmon (November 18, 2008):
I’m responding to your letter to our Chairman. In 2008, the PepsiCo Foundation awarded a grant to Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays to support a national program specifically designed for workplace environments.

The initiative seeks to promote further understanding and equality in the places where people spend much of their time at work.

Among the values promoted by the PepsiCo Foundation is ensuring a work environment that is respectful and where associates are valued for their contributions. I hope this helps clarify this grant by the PepsiCo Foundation.

Typically, we have Sprite around the house, but Pepsi’s only lemon-lime drink is (gag) Sierra Mist: sorry, but the Sprite stays. We both prefer Pepsi to Coke but haven’t had stocked the fridge with it lately. Maybe I’ll try some of the no-caffeine stuff.

I can get on board with the rest of my personal anti-boycott, fortunately. Although David will enjoy the occasional Mountain Dew, I’ll have to settle for a frosty Mug root beer or a full-on Pepsi, or maybe a Frappuccino when the weather warms up. I do like the SoBe ready-to-drink “teas” and “juices” (especially that Wisdom one that supposedly chills you out: let’s hear it for the placebo effect). Also in the Pepsico portfolio: various Quaker Oats products and Frito-Lay snacks (such as the Tostitos we have to have on hand, and the Sun Chips I occasionally have at lunch during the week).

Yeah, not a lot of healthy stuff aside from maybe the Quaker Oats and the Sun Chips. Oh, well. It’s for a good and joyful cause!

Salt Lake Rocks! First Porn, Now Liquor!

This cartoon via Salon by Keith Knight covers all the essential points about what makes Utah (specifically Salt Lake) “Funique.” Weird liquor laws (which are going away July 1), extremely rowdy, drunk crowds in bars due to either weird liquor laws or everybody acting out to spite the Majority Religion, and FRY SAUCE!

Some long-delayed props to Salt Lake by the K Chronicles.

Bookmarklets for the iPhone: Linky Love?

One of the few things holding me back from blogging links more often is that I’m limited to using the iPhone during work hours, and there didn’t seem to be a way to easily blog a link to a web page without a huge amount of tedium. That is, until I realized that Twittelator Pro used javascript in a bookmark to set up a link for easy Tweeting… and I remembered the WordPress 2.7 Press It! bookmarklet also uses javascript to grab a URL, page title, and text, and then it sets up a new post with the link all ready. So would it be possible to somehow get a bookmarklet to grab a link from any web page and start a new WP entry? It should be, but how to get that long string of Javascript into the iPhone, when copy and paste is not currently an option?

Well, it may even be easy, if you first create the link in a Safari browser (easily enough obtained) and then synch the link (oo-er!) via iTunes.

17 powerful bookmarklets for your iPhone

Here’s a little known secret: bookmarklets work on your iPhone.

But wait, what are bookmarklets?

Bookmarklets are little pieces of Javascript code that can be saved as ordinary bookmarks in your web browser. They enhance your browsing experience by giving you super-instant access to useful tools and special functionality.

There are billions of them, and below are my favorites. These work wonderfully on a computer, but they’ll add an extra boost of functionality to your iPhone.

To use, just drag the links into Safari’s Bookmarks Bar and synch them to your iPhone via iTunes. Next, bring up the Bookmarks Bar folder on your iPhone and simply tap the bookmarklet you want to use.

The Press This! bookmarklet is found on the Tools page via the Dashboard page. It’s pretty handy and I used to use it a lot, before becoming a lazy non-blogging bum (but an employed and productive one during work hours, you betcha).

For technical reasons, I need to do this on the laptop, which has the installation of iTunes that I prefer to synch with my phone. Also, it’s already got Safari installed.

More about this later…