I started reading this book, but set it aside a while back. Now I need to get back into it, because we’re starting to get to some meaty stuff in the Adult Forum group I’m in at church. We’re discussing Evolution, Creationism Intelligent Design, and whether science and religion are as incompatible as some say. It’s a pretty free-ranging discussion group, as one member studied philosophy, another is a scholarly Jewish guy who runs the program, and the rest of us bring our own take to the party. For instance, I have a background or interest in evolution, paleontology, anthropology,…
My former handy plugin for inserting images and product information from Amazon into my blog stopped working with the upgrade to WordPress 2.7. I’ve been floundering since then, putting off posting book reviews and such because it was such a pain pulling in the Amazon images of the right size, without all the extra little bits (like “SALE” and “Click To Look Inside!”) that seemed to be added separately. Well, this post explained a lot of what was going on in Amazon images, although I only “got” the gist of it (trust me, not that technical here). But it seemed…