Photo: Newseum Facade


Bill of Rights
Amendment I

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances. – The Constitution: First Amendment (

Flickr photo taken in Washington DC May 16, 2008. Detail of the facade of the Newseum.

Photo: The Gettysburg Address

Washington Memorials

“Fondly do we hope – fervently do we pray – that this mighty scourge of war may speedily pass away.”

The highlighting on this image is a trick of the light or of the stone.  The passage about the mighty scourge of war stood out from the rest of the section naturally the morning we were there, just before Memorial Day 2008.

(Click on the photo to go to its Flickr page.  The Flickr Photo Album plugin is version 1.1)

Flickr Photo Album – Back From The Dead

Flickr Photo Album for WordPress : tan tan noodles – msg free since 2005

This Flickr plugin for WordPress will allow you to pull in your Flickr photosets and display them as albums on your WordPress site. There is a pretty simple template provided, but you can customize the templates 100% to match the look and feel of your own site. And if you want, you could also hook it up with Lightbox or any other number of display libraries. – Ibid

Okay, let’s try this again. I had a horrible experience with this Flickr plugin before and thought I had it fixed, but apparently the fixes were blown away by updates and theme changes. I just realized that there were still issues with it, because I noticed someone accessing a Flickr image on my blog using the Flickr Photo Gallery plugin, and it’s from a group again, NOT one of my own photos. This is precisely the behavior that was the problem; people thought I was using their images without permission, but the default settings displayed images from ALL my public groups. I had to laboriously check a HIDE box, and it seems that all the boxes were unchecked every time I upgraded.

But I haven’t found a better photo album plugin, and and the one by Joe Tan of TanTanNoodles has been updated, so I’ll cross my fingers and see what happens.

After downloading, David will need to look at this page, because it discusses some of the problems of unwanted groups continuing to be pulled in, and offers some patches. The links to patches date from before the last update of this blog, but we’ll still have to proceed carefully. The following seems to be very well documented and the plugin author participated in the discussion. It references some of the Flickr support pages and discussions that I haunted back when I had my spot of bother.

What steps will reproduce the problem?
1. Even with all my groups disabled I am still able to display group pages
and photo pages containing images that are not my own.
2. You can generate any group page by simply entering the group ID: (I am not a member of
this group)
3. You can generate any photo page by simply entering the photo ID: (I do not own this photo)

While this behavior doesn’t expose photos or groups that aren’t already
visible to the public, I’ve seen reports of several people being accused of
copyright infringement because photo they did not own were being displayed
on their blog (see links below). I feel that if this issue isn’t resolved
it may result in people abandoning this wonderful plugin.

There should be an option in the preferences that completely disables all
group pages and all photo pages for images uploaded by other users.

The current plugin version is 1.1, and this discussion dates from when it was v.092 and v.093. The home Googlecode wiki for this plugin is here. The patches that are there relate to older versions of the plugin.

Singapore Style Noodle: Seven Luck NOM NOM NOM

We order from this Chinese restaurant that’s about the only one in the area that will deliver. It’s a little hole-in-the-wall kind of place that doesn’t really have seating beyond maybe a couple of small tables. It’s a takeout/delivery place, but we were delighted to find that what they don’t expend on ambiance, they put into the food.

The poor guy that delivers for them knows our address by heart, and tonight being so cold I made him come inside to finalize payment – usually he stands outside the door and we watch to make sure Rileycat doesn’t get too curious about the open entryway. He was absurdly grateful to come in for a couple of minutes, so he’s probably been delivering all evening.

We tend to stick to the same few favorites; David likes shrimp with lobster sauce, and I’m generally having Happy Family Chow Fun because I like the tender noodles and the savory gravory. But tonight I’m having Singapore Style Noodle, which is just spicy enough to be what I call “authoritative” without being overpowering or even imperialistic. I felt the need to pack a little interior heat, if you get my drift.

See their website at Seven Luck Restaurant. It’s a little wacky, with animated graphics on the splash page, but kind of endearingly so. They’re in a strip mall on Roselle Road in Schaumburg, right behind some outlier chain restaurant – Taco Bell? They’re well worth a try if you’re in their delivery area.

BUGGER ALL Javascript and Cookies… hawk-spit!!

This post is in response to a blog post at Newsarama, but there was an error preventing me from commenting. Most of the original post is about a DC Comics character, and guest casting for this character on an upcoming episode.

For those of you who don’t know what a redshirt is, it’s Star Trek lingo for easily expendable cannon fodder, usually ones who bite the bullet ahead of icons like Picard and Kirk.

And perhaps the most famous redshirt was Wesley Crusher, played by Wil Wheaton, possibly the most annoying role in Star Trek: The Next Generation.

Well, Comics Continuum has reported that Mr. Crusher will be playing Ted Kord, the superhero and professional bullet swallower known as the Blue Beetle, in the January 23rd episode of “The Brave and the Bold.” The episode will have young Jaime Reyes examining the legacy of his heroic predecessor.

A number of people commented on how stale and inaccurate this “Wesley Crusher, red shirt” quip is, mostly because they were pointed in that direction by Wil Wheaton himself, or  @Wilw as he’s known on Twitter. He’s become a well-known blogger and Internets Tubes guy, and recently his acting career went into a higher gear. Which is great, because he’s documented both success and disappointment over the years on his blog, and it’s nice when he gets to chalk up more WIN than FAIL.

Here’s what I would have posted as a comment if Javascript/cookies had been enabled:

Ah, the late Eighties. The joke in the title is actually *20* years out of date.

I spent a lot of time then grousing then about “Wesley saves the universe. Again.” Star Trek: TNG was my favorite teevee show at the time. “Mr. Crusher” wasn’t my favorite, as I was more into at the time. But as TNG ended its run, I liked the Wesley character much better, because he had matured – and in the context of the Trek universe, he was shaping up to be a fine young officer.

Guess what? I changed my mind about Wil Wheaton years ago. You should, too. He’s now a respected Internets-Tubes blogger and poker maven. Have you SEEN his recent performances on cop-procedural shows? I bet you didn’t recognize him… he was scary as hell on a recent “Criminal Minds.”

Via Blog@Newsarama » Blog Archive » It’s confirmed: Ted Kord is a redshirt