• Hot Off The Presses - Only in Utah...

    Honor Code: Why Johnny Can’t Write, Only Copy-and-Paste

    Okay, this is both funny and desperately sad. Also, I really, really think the UT-SAT students really need to take a look at the fine print: U. of Texas honor code apparently plagiarized from BYU’s code – Salt Lake Tribune SAN ANTONIO – University of Texas at San Antonio students wanted to draft an honor code that discouraged cheating and plagiarizing. Unfortunately, it appears they copied Brigham Young University’s code without proper attribution. The student in charge of drafting the code said it was an oversight, but cheating experts say it illustrates a sloppiness among Internet-era students who don’t know…

  • Geek Out! - Home Improvement

    8pm Saturday 29MAR08: Lights out, Earth!

    Seen various places, but most recently at The Lead: Many people around the world are planning on observing an hour of “darkness” tomorrow night as a way of participating in a global earth hour. The event was created by the World Wildlife Fund in 2007.From the Earth Hour Website: “Earth Hour was created by WWF in Sydney, Australia in 2007, and in one year has grown from an event in one city to a global movement. In 2008, millions of people, businesses, governments and civic organizations in nearly 200 cities around the globe will turn out for Earth Hour. More…

  • Food, Glorious Food - Moblog

    Dinner 2nite: Cracked Potatoes

    My sister-in-law made these the other night for Easter dinner, and the “whack-a-mole” method of dealing with the potatoes seemed like a good stress-buster. Besides, we have a long-handled meat tenderizer with a flat side, which worked extremely well at smacking the potatoes (we didn’t cut them in half, as they were smaller than the ones the other night). However, the cutting board did not survive; it already had a couple of splits and was not very high quality, and it split right down the middle as we whacked away at the spuds. It did work really well to hold…

  • Episcopal - Music

    Reviewing Mass

    The movie reviewer for SFgate.com reviews a recent Easter mass he attended, and this paragraph jumped out at me (yes, because I’m in favor of traditonal liturgy and liberal theology): Mick LaSalle I was talking to a former Episcopal pastor yesterday, and he told me that if he were to do it all over again, he’d go entirely the other way. Bring in organ music. Incense. Choirs. Maybe choirs singing in foreign languages. Things to make people feel that they’ve entered another world — a mysterious place where God dwells. Instead what you get in church these days feels 30…