Danish Terrorists: US State.Gov Site

There was news today about 8 terrorists, alleged Al Qaeda members, being captured in Denmark.

At the time I looked at the State.gov website to see if there was a travel advisory, there was a link on the front page to where travelers could find out more information about travel to Denmark. The travel advisory page itself hasn’t been updated since August 9.

It was accompanied by this photo. Clearly, the State Department hasn’t gottenaround to updating their site yet, at least as of 135pm Central Daylight time today.


UPDATE:Viking terror rampages on, at least on the State Departement’s main page. The scariest part is when they bang their shields on the railings, bellowing war chants and demanding beer, ale, mead or wenches. And then they run out of breath and take a smoke break.

Poetry for Pleasure, Fun Beyond Measure

My husband David and I spent the weekend either running around in the heat shopping for materials for a couple of easily-accomplished home improvement tasks, or dragging ourselves “into the cool” of the house to have a tasty beverage and recover our energy for a bit. Also, there was napping. It was a good weekend for that.

We managed to complete one little project day before yesterday, on Saturday. The guys that poured the driveway had left trenches down the side of the driveway where the wooden forms had been staked into the ground for the pour, and after looking at this for 2 or 3 weeks, we decided that it might look nice if we added some more gravel and some leveling sand and put in reddish-colored pavers. And it does look good, except where I stepped on the one side to “seat” them more fully and ended up knocking out of true a bit – we think there needed to be more backfilling there. Well, they still look pretty good.

And then yesterday, we were pretty sore, so limited ourselves to lighter duty stuff, harvesting tomatoes, and napping.

Today, we went off to Menards and then the Container Store to get some shelving – started with the “do it yourself” stuff at Menards, and then bagged it and went to TCS for the more expensive Elfa system stuff that David’s had good results with before. They’re good there about walking you through the design process and figuring out how many uprights you need and how many shelves, and how wide they should be. David struggled a bit with getting the hanger strip installed – actually, two of them end to end, but then putting the hangers and shelves up was literally a snap. So now a lot of the junk in the garage is up off the floor or arranged neatly on the new shelves, rather than being stuffed onto the smaller, less classy looking shelves we still have on either side of the new unit. We even cleaned off the “work bench” (actually, an old busted hollow-core door) to be ready for another little project this week.

While waiting for the shelving order to be filled, we went up to the “big box” bookstore for a while. I came home with three books:

The Ode Less Travelled: Unlocking the Poet Within
This already feels like an old favorite, a property I love in a new book. Mr. Fry confesses to a Dreadful Secret: He writes poetry for fun.

I have written this book because over the past thirty-five years I have derived enoumous private pleasure from writing poetry and like anyone with a passion I am keen to share it. You will be relieved to hear that I will not be burdening you with any of my actual poems (except sample verse specifically designed to help carlify form and metre): I do not write poetry for publication, I write it for the same reason that, according to Wilde, one should write a diary, to have something sensational to read on the train. And as a way of speaking to myself. But most importantly of all, for pleasure.

This seems like a pretty auspicious beginning; I chuckled quite a bit over the Forward and the chapter entitled “How To Read This Book,” and so I think that I’ll be able to overcome my English major’s background (the dreaded “How do you respond to the daffodils?”) and give it a whirl. I always enjoyed writing comic verse but never gave myself enough of a leash to write a “real” poem. I’m feeling inspired enough to at least try some Blogon Poetry again just for fun, because the random nature of mining your own site statistics for weirdly disjointed phrases makes for some odd yet slightly interesting verse.

After that, I’ll be reading the next book in the “Harry Dresden” series, Grave Peril (The Dresden Files, Book 3). I’m still irked that they cancelled the SciFi Channel TV series, but the books are of course richer, deeper, darker, and sexier than they could have put on American TV, even on a cable channel.

It’s really annoying to be a citizen of a country founded by several dozen boatloads of religious cranks, you know? A lot of us have gotten over this, but still that stubborn Puritan streak keeps showing up in the way we react to news or entertainment or public servants who get caught in an improbably wide stance in an airport men’s room. This reminds me of a visual gag, now that I’ve been reminded of it by re-reading about Mr. Fry’s brilliant career in British television. Sadly, Stephen Fry wasn’t involved in “Blackadder III,” appearing in only one episode, although he returned as General Melchett for the whole run of Blackadder Goes Forth (BBC Radio Collection)

How’s this for a wide stance, Senator Craig? And in wigs and knee pants, too! That’s Hugh Laurie in the middle as Prince George, son of Mad King George and about the thickest git in three counties. That’s a manly stance, now!


There, I feel better. That joke won’t get old for a good long while yet.

Anyway, after reading the Jim Butcher book(s), I’ll be starting this:

I like Neil Gaiman’s stuff, and Stardust seems like a natural. We’re going to try to see the movie before it scrolls off the local megaplex screens.

HOWTO Successfully Counter-Protest NeoNazis (and seriously piss them off)

Damn, I laughed so hard at this, I might need a new chair. Via the ever-excellent Hullabaloo:


“White Power!” the Nazi’s shouted, “White Flour?” the clowns yelled back running in circles throwing flour in the air and raising separate letters which spelt “White Flour”.

“White Power!” the Nazi’s angrily shouted once more, “White flowers?” the clowns cheers and threw white flowers in the air and danced about merrily.

“White Power!” the Nazi’s tried once again in a doomed and somewhat funny attempt to clarify their message, “ohhhhhh!” the clowns yelled “Tight Shower!” and held a solar shower in the air and all tried to crowd under to get clean as per the Klan’s directions.

At this point several of the Nazi’s and Klan members began clutching their hearts as if they were about to have a heart attack. Their beady eyes bulged, and the veins in their tiny narrow foreheads beat in rage. One last time they screamed “White Power!”

The clown women thought they finally understood what the Klan was trying to say. “Ohhhhh…” the women clowns said. “Now we understand…”, “WIFE POWER!” they lifted the letters up in the air, grabbed the nearest male clowns and lifted them in their arms and ran about merrily chanting “WIFE POWER! WIFE POWER! WIFE POWER!”

This… THIS is AWXZUM WINx6!!!1! with a side of kittenz! This is how to deal with any type of socio-religio-political bullying: by laughing at them until their heads explode. It’s just like that one episode of Classic Trek, except with even cheezier costumes.

How’s this for tags?

[tags]Star Trek, Clowns, Nazzzis, Funny[/tags]

Post Labor Day Product Rollout: War with Iran

In addition to the Halloween and Thanksgiving Day and Christmas decorations that are going up even now in retail establishments across this great land, watch The Serious Mainstream Press for the marketing run-up for war with Iraqn:

Informed Comment Global Affairs: Post Labor Day Product Rollout: War with Iran (Cross-posted at DailyKos)!

They [the source’s institution] have “instructions” (yes, that was the word used) from the Office of the Vice-President to roll out a campaign for war with Iran in the week after Labor Day; it will be coordinated with the American Enterprise Institute, the Wall Street Journal, the Weekly Standard, Commentary, Fox, and the usual suspects. It will be heavy sustained assault on the airwaves, designed to knock public sentiment into a position from which a war can be maintained. Evidently they don’t think they’ll ever get majority support for this–they want something like 35-40 percent support, which in their book is “plenty.”

Hope they didn’t toss out the old “Mission Accomplished” banner, they need to get it ready for its photo-op with Our Manly War President, which should be taking place between New Year’s Day and January 19 (but not on Super Bowl Sunday). It shouldn’t be just before Christmas, though, because that would make the Baby Jebus cry.

As for costuming, maybe they’d better fit OMP for DragonSkin. I’m sure the nice people at Blackwater Security would be happy to oblige in exchange for a small promotional consideration.

On second thought, this would be perfect for Halloween, if it weren’t a holiday for devil-worshippers.

[tags]Marketing, War, Iran[/tags]

Thrilling Chase In Chicago Tops 12 M.P.H!!1!

Chicago Police use Segways for various kinds of foot-related patrols – and now one has been used to chase down a criminal accused of shooting someone. The officer in question was rolling along, writing parking tickets, when he heard a shot and went to the nearby corner to investigate. There, he saw two men running away, and gave chase.

It must have been simply thrilling! The cop in the black-and-white checkered cap eventually got his man:

Police officer catches suspect in scooter chase — chicagotribune.com

Martyka, who has been on the force for 17 years, said he got the electric scooter going at maximum speed — 10 to 12 m.p.h. — and started after both men until they split up and he saw one throw something into an alley. Other officers later found a .25-caliber semi-automatic handgun, Central District Cmdr. Kevin Ryan said.When Martyka caught up to Waller, he yelled at the suspect from behind and the man stopped.

“I followed the guy who tossed the gun, and he just got tired. He just gave up,”Martyka said. “I told him to come here, get down on the ground.”

Martyka later said he thought he could outrun the Segway, but a brother officer disagreed and thought that all you had to do was keep after them and they’d wear down and stop after a long enough chase.

The mental image and imagined sound effects “Stop, or I’ll shoot!! Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!!!” crack me up no end.

[tags]Chicago, cops, funny, Segway, chase[/tags]

Paul Krugman Reminds Us That Petraeus Was Wrong Before

Economist’s View: Paul Krugman: Snow Job in the Desert

And General Petraeus’s history also suggests that he is much more … political … than his press would have you believe. In particular, six weeks before the 2004 presidential election, General Petraeus published an op-ed article in The Washington Post in which he claimed — wrongly, of course — that there had been “tangible progress” in Iraq, and that “momentum has gathered in recent months.”

WH Lied To Congresman Kanjorski, Others for War

Kanjorski faces public, explains his Iraq vote | Wilkes-Barre News | timesleader.com – The Times Leader

Kanjorski walked into the fire hall at 7:05 p.m. and immediately took off his suit jacket.“I’m sure it will get hot in here, especially when you start to yell at me,” he joked. “How many of you are mad or angry? I am too. I can not morally justify the pre-emptive invasion of another country unless the U.S. is in imminent danger of being attacked. We got there under false pretenses and we have stayed there.”

Kanjorski took the time to tell the people how he was convinced to support the war effort back in 2002. He said he was called to a meeting at the White House along with several other U.S. representatives and senators.

He said he left the meeting unsure of how he would vote, and he told the White House he was leaning toward voting against the war. “I then was invited to return to the White House the next day,” Kanjorski said.

He said the group was shown photographs of stored weapons of mass destruction. He said he saw photos of UAVs – Unmanned Aerial Vehicles – which are used to transport chemicals and/or hydrogen bombs. He said he was told that the Iraqis had a thousand of these and they were intending to bring them into the U.S. via both coasts, and more than 250 U.S. cities were to be targeted.

“None of the information was true,” Kanjorski said. “But we didn’t know that at that time. I voted to go to war.”

Kanjorski said even if the president decided to end the war now, it would take a year or longer to bring back all of the 178,000 troops. “But we can start that process now,” he said.

Could a case be made for prosecuting Condoleeza Rice, who conducted some of the meetings, and other White House staffers, for lying to Congressmen like Kanjorski in order to get them to vote for going to war with Iraq? Whatever happened to those cute ‘lil UAVs, anyway? The Air Force thought they weren’t a threat before the war, either, and tried to convince journalists of this dissenting view, mentioned in an article at CBSNews from 2003. It also mentions that even Colin Powell tried to use the Iraqi-UAVs-could-attack-US-cities as a bogeyman argument.

I don’t know if Kanjorski will be able to save his seat, or ass, or whatever, but at least he’s willing to stand up and take the heat from his constituents, and I have to give him credit for that. And I wish to hell that we could nail these lying bastards with a little incontrovertable evidence of our own.

BBC NEWS | Africa | Uganda church anoints US bishop

BBC NEWS | Africa | Uganda church anoints US bishop

Much of the Anglican Church in Africa is conservative and deeply opposed to the ordination of gay priests.In February, Anglican bishops meeting in Tanzania issued an ultimatum to the American church, demanding an end to the appointment of gay clergy and the blessing of same-sex couples.

US bishops have until 30 September to respond.

I haven’t had much to say about this issue of cross-border ordinations and consecrations, although it’s irksome to me personally. As anyone who’s slogged through posts on this blog will know, I’m in favor of gays being priests and gays becoming bishops, because it was gay people who were there for me at key turning points in my journey toward faith.

It’s irksome that the real work of the Primates’ Meeting in Tanzania was reduced to little more than a sideshow while the comings and goings and incendiary statements of the conservative African figurehead-to-be Bishop Akinola of Nigeria was probably directed from offstage by his white Anglo-American “protoge” and the neoconservative allies that likely finance the coming schism/revolution. The result was a completely unfair and impractical ultimatum directing the US House of Bishops to decide something they don’t have the right to decide: to reverse course on ordaining gay clergy and consecrating gay bishops. The shadowy men behind the curtain want this very much, as it is sure to split and weaken the US Episcopalian church, as they are also working to split other mainstream churches over the same issue. It’s time we start fighting the real enemy, as some of the Methodists have done. We must resist They Who Must Not Be Named by naming them, and the IRD is the usual suspect whenever there’s discord and disunity in any mainline church. It’s their stated policy. They’re the bankrollers .

I suppose by mentioning this, someone will come along and comment to the contrary. For some reason, I picture these people as characters from the Harry Potter books (probably because I just finished re-reading the last two volumes). I expect a visit from either Dolores Umbridge or Pius Thicknesse. Even to my modest and ill-favored little blog; apparently these people Google the names of their friends or of their version of the Muggle-Born Registration Commission constantly.

The September 30th response will likely reflect on the fact that there have been a number of “cross-border” bishops consecrated that will be under the control of Nigeria, Rwanda, Uganda, and now Kenya. Schism, revolution, realignment: you takes your pick; I hope the US House of Bishops will finally have realized that there’s no reconciling with people who think we’re little better than devil worshipers. And the response will repeat, again, the fact that the HOB doesn’t run the show here in the US church: any substantive response has to wait until General Convention 2009.

I kind of hope the response is a politely worded and affectionate “Nuts to you.” It seems to me that if “the other side” insists on consecrating extra-provincial bishops on our turf, we should insist on giving material help and support to their neglected, starving, or needy parishioners by bypassing their leadership on their turf. I don’t think that most African Anglicans are as outraged about homosexuals or gay clergy as their leaders make them out to be, even in countries where the leaders are all cozy with corrupt government officials, or padding their nests at the people’s expense.

Meanwhile, we here in the Diocese of Chicago will be sticking our necks out and in the news, as one of the 5 nominees for bishop is not a hetrosexxul!!1! Whut??/? So whut??/?
All five are highly qualified, if a little monochromatic, but the “nomination by petitition” process is still open until September 11. I tend to doubt whether any of the five is a conservative, which would please only a small minority of our diocesan clergy and laity, so I expect that there will be several petitions nominating quite conservative candidates. There is little hope they would receive any serious consideration during the “walkabout” face-to-face meetings and during the elections, which will be trumpted as proof! PROOF! that the Diocese of Chicago is nutty (a phrase I saw in the comments of a well-known conservative-side blog).

Well, we is not nuts. We are impatient to be about the REAL work of the church – feeding the poor, helping the needy, and working for peace and justice and the healing of our broken world.

Even Lord Carey thought this sort of thing was bad when it happened on his watch in 2000, 3 years before +Gene Robinson was elected bishop by the people of the diocese of New Hampshire, and confirmed by General Convention 2003. Since then his opinion has hardened, however.

One final note: it’s irksome that as in the American GOP, there are rumors of a lot of bishops who live deeply closeted. I can only wonder how many of them would remain as outraged about gay bishops being openly consecrated or nominated in the US, if they were outed themselves. I was reminded on how this is such an open secret that it’s fodder for humor in some circles, going back a number of years. I was watching an old rerun on TiVo the other night of “The Vicar of Dibley” when Vicar Gerry has this exchange with the bishop, who calls to warn her that her conservative nemesis David has called yet again to complain about her and have her removed. From their conversation, it’s clear that he’s not only gay, but living with a male companion – a different one since the last time Gerry talked to him.

Surgeon General Nominee Member of IRD, Methodist Branch…Embezzler?

Crooks and Liars » Bush’s Homophobic Surgeon General Nominee Charged With Conflicts Of Interest – Funnels Millions From Church
George Bush’s nominee for Surgeon General has drawn a lot of heat for among other things, his crack-pot anti-gay views as a leader in the United Methodist affiliate of the Institute on Religion and Democracy. But a new report may finally sink his already controversial nomination in a sea of conflicts of interest that have marked his career.