LOLcats invade website: No News Is Not Good News

I went to check the Maui News site for any report on whatever was going on in South Kihei last night – at least 7 or 8 patrol cars screamed past with sirens and lights and all. Someone at the condo explained it was probably a “local fracas” at a beach park south of town.

When I checked the site, I wondered if LOLcats are either running their server, or hacking it: they can has website probz.

SiteMechanics Lite Engine been not initializes yet!
[tags]Funny error message, 404 Not Found[/tags]

To Do Saturday in Lahaina: Pineapple Festival

Maui Pineapples

We’ve got people arriving later in the week so have to be aware of things to do to enterain ourselves – this looks like a natural for a day out in Lahaina on Saturday. Local nonprofits will have food booths, there will be music, and admission and parking are free. The pineapple cookoff sounds like fun, too. As it happens, I took a photo on our last trip to Hawaii of the very brand that’s sponsoring this shindig. So enjoy the visual.

Taken at the Gazebo restaurant at Napili Shores

Maui Pinneapple Festival set for Saturday in Kahului – The Honolulu Advertiser – Hawaiis Newspaper

KAHULUI, HAWAI`I — The second annual Maui Pineapple Festival and Homecoming themed “looking back, facing forward,” pays tribute to the rich history of Maui Pineapple Company MPC and its bright future. Maui Land & Pineapple, Company invites past and present employees, residents and visitors to take part in a celebration of all things pineapple. It will be held on Saturday, September 22, 2007 at the Kahului Cannery, 255 South Wakea Avenue, from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Free admission and parking.

Chuck is AWEsome!

On our flight to Maui, we watched the premiere of “Chuck,” which doesn’t actually start until September 24. I suppose this is a marketing ploy to get “buzz” going, and I’m actually okay with getting suckered and blogging about it. Why? Because “Chuck” is funny and smart and has a great cast that really clicks, and because we laughed… we laughed a LOT, in that way that can only rendered by “OMG LOL.”  Chuck is played by Zachary Levi. The end of the episode had a “zing!” comic turn that made us make the “BWAAAAAA!!” noise. It’s almost, almost, worth a w00t! or two. There were a lot of “geek chic” references that were sly enough not to be cloying or pandering to the “nerd herd” that is clearly this show’s target audience.

SCI FI Wire | The News Service of the SCI FI Channel | SCIFI.COM

Chuck stars Levi as an ordinary guy who works for the “Nerd Herd,” a team of tech-support clerks at a big-box retail store inspired by Best Buy’s Geek Squad. He becomes involved in the world of international espionage when a former college buddy e-mails him a computer program that downloads the entire national intelligence database directly into his brain.Chuck premieres Sept. 24 and will air Mondays at 8 p.m. ET/PT. (NBC is owned by NBC Universal, which also owns SCIFI.COM.)

Meet Our New Friend, Honu

YouTube – Turtle off of Kama’ole II

Here’s the video David shot earlier today of our new turtle friend, who lives about 250 yards in front of our condo. It was pretty choppy as there was wind kicking up, so we didn’t stay out long for our first snorkel outing of the trip.

[kml_flashembed movie="" width="400" height="326" wmode="transparent" /]

We had a nice breakfast of Kona coffee, toast, and passionfruit jam, after getting up at some ungodly pre-dawn hour because of the time difference – as per usual, David was up before me and made the coffee.

Soon the cameras got packed up and we went down to walk the beach for the first time, and encountered some people who were excitedly pointing at a couple of fin-shapes in the water and exclaiming over the “shark.”  A second glance revealed (to us, at least) that it was at least one big stingray, and we both fumbled for cameras and telephoto lenses. I’ll be uploading photos later after I move some files around on my laptop, but I could clearly see that it had a pattern of white spots on a dark background on its “wings,” and the underside was light.

We continued up the beach, encountering everybody and their dog, and continued as far as the next rocky dike of lava, which forces either a scramble, or you backtrack and go up and around via the street or a stretch of grass above.  That was when we opted to return for the rest of our breakfast and hang out on the lanai.

A bit before nine a.m., I got the “church impulse” and took off for Trinity-By-The-Sea, and was late because I made a bad decision re: taking the most direct (but slowest) route. They worship in the open air, in a church set up within the low, ruined walls of one of the oldest churches on Maui. Their altar is directly over the foundation of the original altar, and there is no roof other than the trees and sky.

Given the outdoor setting, they opt for amplified music and sing a variety of unfamiliar hymns that have been translated into Hawaiian in addition to standard 1982 Hymnal fare. Try sight-reading something new in phonetic Hawaiian some time, it tends to make you forget your cares. Problems? What problems? I’m trying to follow this line and get all the glottal stops in amongst all these vowels, bruddah. Don’t talk stink like dat.

I enjoyed chatting with everyone afterwards for “juice time,” and then made a stop at Long’s Drug to pick up my favorite smelly stuff – pretty much all the hair and bath products made by Maui Island Secret.

After my return, we walked to lunch at Cafe O Lei after some window-shopping, and went for a further walk up the street as far as Kalama Beach, watching people, watching waves, listening to surf, and getting our heads adjusted to “island time.”

Tonight for dinner: if the rooftop deck (where the grills are) is open, grilled tuna with soy/sesame/citrus and maybe jazz it up with some Asian seasoning as a crust, and rice.

It looks like it’s shaping up for a decentish sunset  tonight, if the clouds stay off the horizon as they seem to be doing. Last night after we got in, it was very overcast and there wasn’t much of a sunset.

Tomorrow morning, early, we’ll go to Ahihi Cove for snorkeling, and possibly one or two other spots in that direction depending on conditions, and grab a bite in Wailea on the way back. We’ve missed Ahihi on the last few trips we’ve been on but hope to hit it before the chop sets in again.

welcome to maui


Yeah, yeah, hate us because we’re in Maui, AGAIN. This time our karma must not have been good, as we had a series of mishaps as soon as we landed at Kahului. The door to the plane was stuck or the jetway wouldn’t extend, so we were stuck for about half an hour in the aisle. Then the car rental went really smooth, except that Avis gave us a bigger SUV than we’d hoped for, although their Preferred Express service is AWEsome. I couldn’t reach anyone at the condo who could tell us what our unit number was – I did the booking through Expedia, and that’ll be the last time I do that; I never received anything about what unit number we had, or what the after hours checkin procedure was. Turns out the office here closes REALLY early, so I wasted a lot of time listening to Expedia’s annoying “dotCOMMMMMM” greeting while I tried to reach someone that knew something.  It took at least half an hour or more to get in touch with the local island-based rep, who worked from home.

Finally got the instructions for opening the keybox, and walked in to find a cold, air conditioned unit…. that had unmade beds, packages of uneaten snacks on the counter, and a refrigerator that still contained food. Also, bags of trash on the counter as an extra treat. Oddly, only the twin beds in the back bedroom were unmade, the master bed was made up.

Called the rep, who promised to get the housekeeper. Waiting. More waiting. Called the rep, who at first didn’t remember that I was her problem child in a dirty unit. She couldn’t locate the housekeeper, and after some more waiting, she told us to go to another unit, on the 6th floor and much more in the area of the building that I originally wanted – farther from the street, ocean front. We walked in, and realized – it wasn’t air conditioned, but was very clean and recently updated. More palaver. Meanwhile, we had a lot of food in the car and had already brought up the most perishable stuff to stick in the first fridge, and  now in the second fridge.  We called again and I laughed with the rep rather than decide to be an “irate” and say things like “this is unacceptable, we paid a lot of money yadda yadda.” She offered us yet another unit and admitted that there had been some sort of problem with our unit, and someone had decided to move us, but had failed to advise her. The “new” unit was another older unit in the noisy, streetside end of the condo building, and there’s a lot of traffic noise here. So we passed on it and are in the “second” unit.

We decided to stay in the new hotness instead of the cold and busted.

We enjoyed a fine repast of Hawaiian deli items like ahi poke, lomi salmon, poi, the works. Yes, we actually like this stuff, and Safeway’s deli has it all. It’s our favorite way to settle in the first night, since we’re usually tired and don’t want to go out, and don’t want to cook. The last few times we’ve been here (and what a luxury and even a blessing to be able to say that) we’ve stayed mostly in the Kihei area, so we stop off at the big Safeway up on Pi’ilani Highway.

We’ve got some more revelers arriving in a few days, so Monday morning first thing I’ll be talking to the “regular business hours” property rep to make sure the second condo is right the first time.

Whew, that beer and my meal is kicking in… must… sleep… now…..Zzzzzz

Via: Flickr Title: welcome to maui By: GinnyRED57
Originally uploaded: 15 Sep ’07, 9.59pm CDT PST

Oh hai! iz last hi-landur « I CAN HAS CHEEZBURGER?

Oh hai! iz last hi-landur « I CAN HAS CHEEZBURGER?

It had to happen: the LOLcat community takes a swipe at Highlander fandom. And I have to do my bit.


Methos: “O noes! I has kil Silus! I liken Silus!”
Silas: “kthxbai. KWIKNINX0RZ!!1!”

By the way, what the heck is up with the “next Highlander movie” going direct to SciFi this Saturday? Why even bother? Even we former l33t fenwomen, who went to all the cons and bought all the Highlander Store junk, are scratching our heads.
[tags]LOLcat, Icanhascheezburger, Highlander[/tags]

I’m A Lumberjill and I’m O.K.

Via ***Dave :: A Manly Man Doing Manly Things with Other Manly Men!
I can’t resist this list, because I’m not a girly girl, and some of this stuff is really good to know:

Les points to a Popular Mechanics article on 25 Skills Every Man Should Know. How many of them do I know? Let’s see.

1. Patch a radiator hose — Is duct tape, the handyman’s friend, involved? Then probably yes.
2. Protect your computer — Yes, though David handles this nowadays
3. Rescue a boater who has capsized –My knowledge is based on  Gaudy Night: “Trim your boat, damn you!”
4. Frame a wall — Well, I’ve helped hammer down subflooring and also helped with drywall, but this is probably no.
5. Retouch digital photos — Sure thing. No problem, do it all the time
6. Back up a trailer — Wow, I didn’t know data corruption was a problem in trailers.
7. Build a campfire — Absolutely. I can cook pancakes with scrambled eggs and bacon on a coal-fired range, too.
8. Fix a dead outlet — No, but David can.
9. Navigate with a map and compass — Can do. Can even do with a map and watch, if the sun is out (ANALOG ROX)!
10. Use a torque wrench — Nope. David has one.
11. Sharpen a knife — Not like my dad could, it involved oil, a whetstone, and slow circles. Can use a steel, though.
12. Perform CPR — Maybe, but have never been trained
13. Fillet a fish — Can dig the worms, bait the hook, catch the fish, whack it on the head, clean it.  Would be a  hacked up mess if I tried to  fillet it myself (or is that filet?). Can cook it, if it’s a simple preparation. Might even wash up after.
14. Maneuver a car out of a skid — Yes. Steer in the direction of the skid. Have done.
15. Get a car unstuck — YES. Have gotten MEN’s cars unstuck.  They always hit the gas too hard. Ballast and traction.
16. Back up data — Yabbut,  David needs to get my backup drive thing set up (not for use with trailers).
17. Paint a room — Yep. Can fill and spackle holes, too.
18. Mix concrete — Probably, if it comes with instructions. Most likely would make a big mess.
19. Clean a bolt-action rifle — Er, no. Pop could, David used to have a target pistol, not my bag.
20. Change oil and filter — Let’s see: Jiffy Lube, or Toyota Dealership? Could do, if had tools and manual. Yech.
21. Hook up an HDTV — That’s a job for David. I sometimes have trouble juggling our many remotes
22. Bleed brakes  — KKkkkXXXKK! Uh, that’s a negatory. KKkkkkkxxx!
23. Paddle a canoe — Yes, several times. Would like to paddle an ocean canoe or kayak on our next trip to Maui.
24. Fix a bike flat — I think I did this, ONCE, in college when I had the choice of riding or walking.
25. Extend your wireless network — David’s thing again. He’s got a wireless router, they love him at user group meets.
Well, I’m not a manly woman, more of a tomwoman or lumberjill:

26. Operate a chainsaw — Have done. Mom was really better at it than I was, her little Poulan was sweet.

And how about that, I think David probably comes out pretty Manly in this poll! Must congratulate him later.

More Evidence: Rahm Emanuel is Rove Lite

I really didn’t care for Emanuel’s tactics during the 2006 race – the progressive blogs were complaining about this very stuff back then, and it irked the hell out of me. I was watching Tammy Duckworth‘s primary race at the time, and fuming about how she was getting lackluster support from the DCCC, probably because of her position against the war (and how striking she was in military uniform and prosthetic legs in campaign photos while campaigning on the issue). She’s doing good work for veterans now, but she could have been so much more effective in Congress. I hope she runs again, and kicks do-nothing butt.

One Utah » Blog Archive » Democrats for War

Thanks to reporter Matt Renner of, evidence has now emerged that at least one major player in the leadership of the Democratic Party–2006 Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee chair-cum Democratic Caucus chair Rahm Emanuel–worked dilligently and effectively behind the scenes of the 2006 congressional campaign, to dial down Democratic party opposition to the Iraq War.

According to Renner, Emanuel very systematically worked to eliminate candidates—including incumbents—who strongly opposed the Iraq war and who had outspokenly advocated immediate withdrawal from Iraq, by promoting alternative Democratic candidates with strong conservative credentials—some of them former Republicans—whose position on withdrawal from Iraq was ambigious at best.

Renner’s report is detailed and factual, providing a close analysis of four sample races in which the DCCC endorsed and/or promoted a more hawkish candidate over one with an clear position in favor of immediate withdrawal from Iraq.

In two of these races, the DCCC candidate won the primary only to lose the election.

Incredibly, even Democratic incumbents who were strong opponents of the Iraq war, were targeted for removal by Emanuel.

I don’t care much for the guy – and all this behind-the-scenes politicking is like trying to position himself as Rove Lite: Less corrupt! More shilling!

[tags]Rahm Emanuel, Tammy Duckworth, anti-war, progressives, do-nothings[/tags]

How Old Is Our Whirlpool Washer And Dryer? Old Enough for New

David reported a problem from the nether regions of the house, a frightening space where anarchy and chaos reign.

The agitator on the washer wasn’t agitating, much as an aging Yippie slows down, plants wine grapes and mellows out.  So we went looking online for help, and found several intriguing but daunting methods for fixing the washer. Even with the helpful step-by-step photos I found, it seemed a little beyond our maximum allowable levels of patience and frustration.

So then we wondered if it was worth running around trying to find the agitator/cam dog repair kit our diagnostics indicated, and we concluded that no, Socrates, it was not:

This page may help you find out the manufacturing date of your Whirlpool built appliance
You will need to write down the model number and letters from your model/serial tag.

The date code is in the letter on your model number.

Example model numbers:
UPDATE: Fixed formatting so you can see how to
determine your model year. Sorry for the delay!! You have to look at the letter that is the third-to-last character on the model number. The original website had this formatted in bold red, which a very stupid blogger girl who shall remain clueless (sigh…me) had omitted. On our own model number, the second-to-last letter is a T

Example model numbers:
LRS6233BW1= 1994
SF367PEYW1= 1992
LE6685XPW1= 1985
ET22PKXXW0= 1991
EV150CXKW0 = 1982

K = 1982 or 2001
L = 1983 or 2002
M = 1984 or 2003
P = 1985 or 2004
R = 1986 or 2005
S = 1987 or 2006
T = 1988 or 2007
V = 1989 or 2008
W = 1990 or 2009
X = 1991 or 2010
Y = 1992 or 2011
A = 1993 or 2012
B = 1994 or 2013
D = 1995 or 2014
E = 1996 or 2015
F = 1997 or 2016
G = 1998 or 2017
H = 1999 or 2018
J = 2000 or 2019

Whoops, T stands for “time for a new washer” (and dryer, as they’re a matched pair). Our washer was built in 1988, and is original to the house.

So we bought a fancy-schmancy new set at Sears that has all kinds of electronic buttons and a timer that tells you how long until the clothes are dry – it’s got a sensor that knows if they’re still damp or just right. Huzzah, etc. To be delivered tomorrow.  We bought the 5-year service contract, because you never know about these things.  They’re front loading Kenmores (built by Whirlpool) with a left-hand door on the washer, and a right hand door on the dryer, so transferring the clothes will be convenient. We did not opt for the fancy pedestals or the optional work surface for the top – we can actually make one from MDF/melamine shelving and LRF (little rubber feet).

UPDATE: Comments are now closed on this post, because I was still getting requests for service and repair tips. Meanwhile, the “new” Whirlpool/Kenmore set is still going strong (and I was shocked to discover that we’ve had them nearly 10 years.

Maybe I should blog about how we had to buy first a fridge and then a stove just before and after the Christmas 2016 holidays?