Oh hai! iz last hi-landur « I CAN HAS CHEEZBURGER? It had to happen: the LOLcat community takes a swipe at Highlander fandom. And I have to do my bit. Methos: “O noes! I has kil Silus! I liken Silus!” Silas: “kthxbai. KWIKNINX0RZ!!1!” By the way, what the heck is up with the “next Highlander movie” going direct to SciFi this Saturday? Why even bother? Even we former l33t fenwomen, who went to all the cons and bought all the Highlander Store junk, are scratching our heads. [tags]LOLcat, Icanhascheezburger, Highlander[/tags]
Via ***Dave :: A Manly Man Doing Manly Things with Other Manly Men! I can’t resist this list, because I’m not a girly girl, and some of this stuff is really good to know: Les points to a Popular Mechanics article on 25 Skills Every Man Should Know. How many of them do I know? Let’s see. 1. Patch a radiator hose — Is duct tape, the handyman’s friend, involved? Then probably yes. 2. Protect your computer — Yes, though David handles this nowadays 3. Rescue a boater who has capsized –My knowledge is based on Gaudy Night: “Trim your…