Aloha Maui. Vacation Pau.

The second week of our vacation, we got pretty busy with going out to dinner and making like tourists, and after David’s parents and Debbie left on the 27th, David and I kind of slowed down completely and relaxed.

Thursday, after they left on their respective flights, we completely bummed out for the day at the condo, as it was overcast and very windy. We barbecued chicken that night on the rooftop deck that we’d bought at the natural foods grocery store across the street, trying to use up some of the massive amount of groceries we still had.

Friday, we went to Olowalu, but had a pretty disappointing time of it as it was murky and a bit rougher there than usual. On the way back, we tried a “locals lunch” spot called “L+L Drive Inn” that had been recommended by one of the crew on the Kai Kanani snorkel boat we’d taken. It was a pretty awesome “two scoop rice” plate lunch of chicken curry katsu.

Spent a lot of time the last few days on the lanai, watching the water and the turtle neighbors just off the point. That night,we went to dinner at Hakone, at the Maui Prince, changing the reservation time so we could… yes, geek out watching the season premiere of Stargate: Atlantis. On a crappy little TV with terrible sound, we geeked out. But the meal was good, and then we got our stuff pulled together and partly packed up, and went to bed.

Departure day is always a tough one. Checkout time at this condo was 10am, but our flight wasn’t until nearly 3pm. Even with traffic and a possible stop for reading materials on the way out of town, we still had about 2 hours to kill.

So we went to Maui Marketplace,or Mall, or whatever it is there on Dairy Road in the culturally bankrupt “airport alley” part of Kahului, and bought some books and an extra duffel bag for overflow purchases. And since we were hungry, we found our way to the food court, and there was another location of L+L, plus a couple of other local joints. Lots of non-tourists were enjoying their lunches – we chose stuff from an outfit called “Maui Island Grill” that was a whole order of magnitude of awesome beyond what we were expecting from a “food court.”

We still had at least 45 minutes or more before we had to be at the airport, so we went looking for the “airport beach” behind OGG that we’d been at on a previous trip – it’s a “locals” kind of place too, and also where the kitesurfers and windsurfers take off from. Sure enough – you take the airport loop all the way around, go down the rental cars return street, and it becomes “Ka’a” street (which supposedly “car” in Hawaiian). It comes out on a road that parellels the beach between the airport and the harbor – and along there, are several beach parks. We just found a place to stroll along for a while and watch the kites and sails skitter along like waterbugs, and then we headed over to the airport, returned the car, dinked a bit, and then boarded our overnight flight home.

And here we are… ::yawn:: with our ecstactically happy cat Riley keeping us in sight every instant. Catching up on our shows, thank St. TiVo.  Currently fading fast as we watch the third of three new episodes of Torchwood, or at least I am. David slept for about 4 hours or more on the flight, but I only dozed briefly.

And as soon as this episode is over, I’m going to crash for a bit. I had a message that I’ll be dropped right back into the sh*t at work tomorrow first thing.

Oh joy. I wanna go back to Maui.

Doubly honored

I was following a link from Scott Gunn’s Inclusive Church blog, and was completely gobsmacked by what I saw at Mad Priest’s place:

Of course, I could be wrong…

Welcome newly discovered
(Personally, I blame bad parenting – spare the rod and spoil the child)

Heavens to Murgatroyd – I’d noticed with blushing pleasure that the Mad Priest had honored this blog with a spot on his blogroll, but somehow I ended up on there twice, and a hero(ine) of the blogosphere to boot. How’d that hoppen? I just sorta… regurgitate thoughts on events of the day, especially on the subject of the “Anglican follies.”

House of Bishops Discussion

The Lead

Resolution B033 of the 2006 General Convention

The House of Bishops concurs with Resolution EC011 of the Executive Council. This Resolution commends the Report of the Communion Sub-Group of the Joint Standing Committee of the Anglican Consultative Council and the Primates of the Anglican Communion as an accurate evaluation of Resolution B033 of the 2006 General Convention, calling upon bishops with jurisdiction and Standing Committees “to exercise restraint by not consenting to the consecration of any candidate to the episcopate whose manner of life presents a challenge to the wider church and will lead to further strains on communion.” (1) The House acknowledges that non-celibate gay and lesbian persons are included among those to whom B033 pertains.

Achhhh! SSSSSsssss! B033! We hates it! We hates it forever!

B033 is doing NOTHING to make things right between the conservatives and liberals of the Episcopal Church, except to cause discord between GLTBQ lay and clergy and the rest of the liberals and centrists – while a large number of the folks in the pews have barely heard of it, or understand its import in the context of “the current unpleasantness.” The conservatives dismiss it as not far-reaching enough, and they probably benefit from its divisiveness.

Way to hit the nail on the head, bishops – with a sledgehammer. We get it. No secks for those pervy pipples.

Here in the Diocese of Chicago, this limits our choices, which is annoying, because resume a resume, the candidate with the most bang for the buck for me, as a leader and evangelist, is “the gay one.” There is no outright ban, but consent to consecration is to be “restrained.” So if we elect and consecrate a gay woman in November in the Diocese of Chicago, is consent from the rest of the Episcopal Church required? Not if it’s this far in advance of General Convention, I think, but it would not be within the spirit of the resolution. It would put the national church in a difficult position in its ongoing wrasslin’ match with the more conservative provinces of the Anglican Communion, and give the extremist-conservatives an easy “fall” on points. Which totally irks me.

Blessing of Same-Sex Unions

We, the members of the House of Bishops, pledge not to authorize for use in our dioceses any public rites of blessing of same-sex unions until a broader consensus emerges in the Communion, or until General Convention takes further action. In the near future we hope to be able to draw upon the benefits of the Communion-wide listening process. In the meantime, it is important to note that no rite of blessing for persons living in same-sex unions has been adopted or approved by our General Convention. In addition to not having authorized liturgies the majority of bishops do not make allowance for the blessing of same-sex unions. We do note that in May 2003 the Primates said we have a pastoral duty “to respond with love and understanding to people of all sexual orientations.” They further stated, “…[I]t is necessary to maintain a breadth of private response to situations of individual pastoral care.”

It’s not official, never has been. When a local parish priest assists a couple, in a committed relationship, to make sacred vows before God, it’s because that priest uses his or her own discretion. If it’s not gonna fly in the local parish, it will be handled discreetly. And if the priest should refuse, the couple may find a more welcoming community elsewhere. It’s a local pastoral issue. Everybody else, MYOB.

But personally, I think that everybody should share the joy of committing matrimony and having to suffer the agonies of the receiving line, and introducing your weird relatives to your partner’s weird relatives. Everyone should have to deal with getting “Thank You” notes out, and sending them to the wrong gift givers, and then apologizing profusely when you thanked somebody for the gift in the toaster oven box you never even opened, only to find later that the box actually contained a handmade ceramic bean crock.

Everyone should have to stand before God and everybody else and declare your love for one another, while your pulse hammers in your veins, and you worry about dropping the ring or screwing up the words.

I’ve always believed that the whole “gay marriage! Oh noes!!1!” outcry in various mainline Protestant churches is related to the well-known conservative political ploy to hit the big red “rally base” button when votes are needed. Controversies need soft, easy targets to succeed in the goal of fostering conflict and realignment.

Episcopal Visitors

We affirm the Presiding Bishop’s plan to appoint episcopal visitors for dioceses that request alternative oversight. Such oversight would be provided by bishops who are a part of and subject to the communal life of this province. We believe this plan is consistent with and analogous to Delegated Episcopal Pastoral Oversight (DEPO) as affirmed by the Windsor Report (paragraph 152). We thank those bishops who have generously offered themselves for this ministry. We hope that dioceses will make use of this plan and that the Presiding Bishop will continue conversation with those dioceses that may feel the need for such ministries. We appreciate and need to hear all voices in The Episcopal Church.

Let’s keep talking with everybody who’s willing to stay and listen, and offer them a way to remain in a way that makes them comfortable with their leadership and their continuing place as valued members of the Body of Christ. And let’s keep this in-house, too. It’s our business to repair our internal bonds of affection, let us get on with it.

Incursions by Uninvited Bishops

We call for an immediate end to diocesan incursions by uninvited bishops in accordance with the Windsor Report and consistent with the statements of past Lambeth Conferences and the Ecumenical Councils of the Church. Such incursions imperil common prayer and long-established ecclesial principles of our Communion. These principles include respect for local jurisdiction and recognition of the geographical boundaries of dioceses and provinces. As we continue to commit ourselves to honor both the spirit and the content of the Windsor Report, we call upon those provinces and bishops engaging in such incursions likewise to honor the Windsor Report by ending them. We offer assurance that delegated episcopal pastoral care is being provided for those who seek it.

No poaching. No border raids. No sheep-stealing. Got it? You no respect our turf, prepare to be boarded (see below).

Communion-wide Consultation

In their communiqué of February 2007, the Primates proposed a “pastoral scheme.” At our meeting in March 2007, we expressed our deep concern that this scheme would compromise the authority of our own primate and place the autonomy of The Episcopal Church at risk. The Executive Council reiterated our concerns and declined to participate. Nevertheless, we recognize a useful role for communion-wide consultation with respect to the pastoral needs of those seeking alternative oversight, as well as the pastoral needs of gay and lesbian persons in this and other provinces. We encourage our Presiding Bishop to continue to explore such consultation in a manner that is in accord with our Constitution and Canons.

Good enough. I like the veiled threat implied in “as well as the pastoral needs of gay and lesbian persons in this and other provinces.” Let’s go there arm in arm, shall we? Some conservatives are pissed that this para contains an injunction to stick to boring old constitutional rules. The church is in need of saving grace, hallelujah bruddah, and not icky old Law.

The Listening Process

The 1998 Lambeth Conference called all the provinces of the Anglican Communion to engage in a “listening process” designed to bring gay and lesbian Anglicans fully into the Church’s conversation about human sexuality. We look forward to receiving initial reports about this process at the 2008 Lambeth Conference and to participating with others in this crucial enterprise. We are aware that in some cultural contexts conversation concerning homosexuality is difficult. We see an important role for the Anglican Consultative Council (ACC) in this listening process, since it represents both the lay and ordained members of our constituent churches, and so is well-placed to engage every part of the body in this conversation. We encourage the ACC to identify the variety of resources needed to accomplish these conversations.

I didn’t hear any listening going on from conservatives this week, did you? A comment on a recent post at a site I don’t usually read on account of my blood pressure said it all in paraphrase: they can sit next to me in a pew and share Communion, but gay clergy? No way, no how, not ever. This doesn’t ring true with the “hate the sin, love the sinner” bromide. Other comments in the same place spouted off thoughts like “don’t call gays and lesbians Christian, because they are not… they are in the Devil” met with no criticism, except from one deceptively modest “hateful troll” named “Tom Collins” who mildly raised well-ordered and rather scholarly objections to various hairy-eyeball-homophobe comments about gay people as, well, people, and was roundly castigated. Far from “listening,” the uber-conservative cognitatively dissonant pileon there seemed to be a whole lot of people hollering “Burn the f*660t” in slightly more polite terms. Don’t call those people Christians, or people neither. Nothing to listen to there.
The Lambeth Conference

Invitations to the Lambeth Conference are extended by the Archbishop of Canterbury. Those among us who have received an invitation to attend the 2008 Lambeth Conference look forward to that gathering with hope and expectation. Many of us are engaged in mission partnerships with bishops and dioceses around the world and cherish these relationships. Lambeth offers a wonderful opportunity to build on such partnerships.We are mindful that the Bishop of New Hampshire has not yet received an invitation to the conference. We also note that the Archbishop of Canterbury has expressed a desire to explore a way for him to participate. We share the Archbishop’s desire and encourage our Presiding Bishop to offer our assistance as bishops in this endeavor. It is our fervent hope that a way can be found for his full participation.

This seems to be allaying the fears of many sympathetic Anglicans who’ve heard the rumors of what would happen if the entire American House of Bishops refused to attend if +Gene is not included in the invitations. I hope that he can attend, too. And it backs up +Gene at a time when he must be feeling terribly lonely.

Justice and Dignity for Gay and Lesbian Persons

It is of fundamental importance that, as we continue to seek consensus in matters of human sexuality, we also be clear and outspoken in our shared commitment to establish and protect the civil rights of gay and lesbian persons, and to name and oppose at every turn any action or policy that does violence to them, encourages violence toward them, or violates their dignity as children of God. We call all our partners in the Anglican Communion to recommit to this effort. As we stated at the conclusion of our meeting in March 2007: “We proclaim the Gospel of what God has done and is doing in Christ, of the dignity of every human being, and of justice, compassion and peace. We proclaim the Gospel that in Christ there is no Jew or Greek, no male or female, no slave or free. We proclaim the Gospel that in Christ all God’s children, including women, are full and equal participants in the life of Christ’s Church. We proclaim the Gospel that in Christ all God’s children, including gay and lesbian persons, are full and equal participants in the life of Christ’s Church. We proclaim the Gospel that stands against any violence, including violence done to women and children as well as those who are persecuted because of their differences, often in the name of God.”

A good statement, and a worthy one. Of course, the conservative, anti-gay faction (although they tend to decry their position as not being all about “the gay stuff”) was not satisfied, and never will be satisfied until the Episcopal Church boots all gay clergy and, eventually, demotes all female clergy back to “deaconess” status or less. A confab was previously planned for all the most conservative bishops to discuss taking their entire dioceses out of the Episcopal Church, whether individual parishes or parishioners wanted or not.

(1) The Communion Sub-Group noted that “the resolution uses the language of ‘restraint’, and the group noted that there has been considerable discussion since General Convention about the exact force of that word. By requiring that the restraint must be expressed in a particular way–‘by not consenting…’, however, the resolution is calling for a precise response, which complies with the force of the recommendation of the Windsor Report.” The group also noted “that while the Windsor Report restricted its recommendation to candidates for the episcopate who were living in a same gender union, the resolution at General Convention widened this stricture to apply to a range of lifestyles which present a wider challenge. The group welcomed this widening of the principle, which was also recommended by the Windsor Report, and commend it to the Communion.”

Phew. You know, if you’re going to condemn gay clergy, why are you not troubled by divorced clergy? This is the question that conservatives soft-pedal, as at least as many of the leadership on the conservative side are in second marriages as on the liberal side. Only a few decades ago, divorce was unthinkable in the laity, and grounds for sanctions in the clergy.

The reference to slavery is another tricky thrust for the conservative faction to parry. The Bible was used to justify slavery, and also to justify miscegenation and “Jim Crow” laws in this country. Now those concepts are universally condemned (or I hope that they are universally condemned, although I have my doubts). Still, there is actually hope for conservative parishes that align with African bishops – their eyes will be opened in a way that they never have been by the association with those who are very different from them. Contact with The Other will change them for the better, or it will send them running in some new direction that is even harder to justify. If poor people in the Global South benefit more from the association with American Anglican conservatives more than they would if their provinces and dioceses were accepting help from the Episcopal Church and the Episcopal Relief and Development fund, I can’t fault that. But if they do not benefit more… if the largesse of American “neo-Reformationists” finds its way into the pockets of accomodating African bishops, then they will be laying themselves open to continuing criticism. And they will be perpetuating a kind of economic servitude that is not pretty, not following in Christ’s footsteps, not answering the call to support the poor.

There really needs to be a better, less confrontational nomenclature for the two wingtips of the body of Christ in the Episcopal church.

“Open” versus “Closed?” As in doors, hearts, welcomes, minds, or interpretation? Descriptive, but the conservatives come off in a negative way.

“Processing” versus “Fixed” might be less confrontational. Processing with the emphasis on the first syllable indicates that details are in a state of being worked out, and processing with the emphasis on the second syllable means going forward with the cross before us toward Christ. Fixed can mean either “immovable, staying in one place, firm” or “repaired, as in that which was broken is now fixed.” However, it can also mean “neutered, emasculated, unable to reproduce.”


[tags]Episcopal, Anglican, schism, gay clergy, House of Bishops, bother[/tags]


Monday, September 24th was the 50th anniversary of my debut on this planet. I started this post but ran out of time to finish it on “the day,” and we’ve been busy every day since then. Things are starting to slow down again as we near the end of our stay.

It’s really the point of this trip, but when I first started talking about it, Mom was still with us, and I visualized the whole thing with “hope Mom is feeling up to air travel then” as she’d had some problems following her last few trips.

So she’s not here to help us celebrate, but many places I go I’m reminded of her, as my second trip to Hawaii some years ago was to help my sister Timmy celebrate her fiftieth, though I won’t say exactly how long ago that was. My friend Debbie was on that trip too, as well as a bunch of my other family members and another family friend. We’ll be going to a restaurant tonight that we just happened upon during that first trip; back then, it was just starting out, but now it’s one of the best restaurants on Maui, and has won numerous awards. Going there is always an occasion – but last time, it was just this restaurant down the road from our condo. When Mom was there, we were out on the deck and she performed her spoon trick – she could hang a spoon on her nose longer than anybody. As she got older, she enjoyed pulling that one off no matter how posh the setting – rather than thumbing her nose at snobbiness, she’d hang a spoon on it.

She was a lot of fun at parties, and I wish she was here for mine, but I know she’s with us in spirit.

This morning I went snorkeling just off the point here and although it was murky, it cleared up quite nicely once I got past all the sandy surge and came over a couple of rocky ridges of coral. I toured around with David, and then he went in as he hadn’t worn his wet suit and was getting cold. I was fine for a bit longer and so I circled around and went up and back, exploring all the ins and outs and canyons, seeing a banded urchin for the first time, and then 3 spotted eagle rays flew slowly and gracefully by. They turned to check out my bona fides, and we observed each other. One of the smaller ones came quite close to me, so that I could clearly see its “face” and eyes looking at me. Then it flew below me, and from above it looks very comically like a duck rather than an eagle, as they have a kind of flattened bill shape to their mouth. The biggest one was about 5 feet across, the smaller ones about a yard across. Only the two larger ones had the long, whiplike “sting.” It was more than twice the length of the body.

Only saw one big turtle, and he was headed down the beach and not stopping to pass the time of day. I swam around some more, listening to the clicking sound the underwater denizens make as they feed on the coral, and to the sound of my own breathing. Although I’m not that fit and quite overweight, I feel comfortable in the water and can more than hold my own puttering around with my big fins.

I came out to find that my father-in-law had come down for a short swim, and David came back in to greet me and help me with my fins. He was pretty envious of my ray encounter.

We all went our separate ways for the afternoon – David, Debbie and I went up to Makawao for lunch, stopping in at Hot Island Glass to watch them make a few simple “plumeria” bowls for the tour-group trade, and had lunch at Casanova’s. Debbie got one of the pretty little glass jellyfish like the big ones we had seen at the Maui Ocean Center on Saturday, which were part of an exhibit in the jellyfish section on “Art Inspired by the Ocean.” I chatted with the one guy and told him about the photos I’d take of him working on a large, elaborate piece a couple of years ago – I have to remember to email him a link, or send him attachments, of the photos I took then.

Hot Island Glass

Dinner was at the Waterfront in Ma’alaea, and the service was wonderful as always – we had a waiter named “Gerrrrrrraldo” who was funny and personable. Debbie had elk chops, but thought the sauce was too much of a too heavily flavored thing. I had sauteed ono, island style, David had cajun style fish. David’s parents had filet and fish, and also we shared one of the elaborate, old-school Caesar salads (coddled egg and all).

Bush on education: ‘childrens do learn’

The Swamp: Cleaning up after Bush: It was ‘childrens do learn’

Yes, he said it. The original transcript “cleaned up” after Bush’s grammatical error – a stenographer silently corrected the gaffe. Then the howls of protest forced the White House to say that the “correction” was done in error, and the errant “s” would go back in the official transcript.

Meanwhile, Republicans in Congress are trying to hold up health care for uninsured childrens, while Bush will be battling for billion$ to fund both wars.  Apparently, even though childrens do get sick, they must first be protect from the terrorist. One does not simply tankcat into Baghdad.

[tags]Bush, grammar, failure, childrens do learn, tankcat, LOLBush[/tags]

Today is… Friday?

We got everybody gathered and settled yesterday, and had a great meal together for “lunch,” and then we three women went off to the grocery store and spent too much on food and snacks. Ate a “snack dinner” last night and then as eyes were drooping, wrapped up and everyone went to bed in our respective condos.

Getting everyone at the airport worked out well, as David’s parents and my friend Debbie arrived within half an hour of each other. We were so bushed from the previous day’s kayaking and capsizing adventure that we’d taken it easy yesterday morning, and it took a while getting back with both rental cars.

My father-in-law Shelley has this thing where he can’t seem to pronounce local placenames here – he will always call the town we’re in “KEE-hee” (it’s KEE-hay). They came in from the Big Island, where they had been staying in “Kono.” He always makes a game effort to say some of the tongue-twister street names and common words, to loveable comic effect. I love him so much and when he tries to say these Hawaiian words and doesn’t quite get it, it makes me giggle like a little kid. I think he puts it on for my benefit, because saying “a-LOY-ha!” in greeting is a guaranteed laugh.

David and I snorkeled this morning after the sun had warmed up the water a little bit – Debbie came along and swam to get her feet wet in the Pacific while we suited up and went out in search of new fish friends. David had to go back in to get a new battery for his camera – it’s a standard Canon Powershot with a special housing a little like this one – and he checked to be sure I was okay with being out alone. Fine, fine, no worries – it was calm although not all that clear. I pooted around, avoiding the line fishermen, and spent some time schooling with bonefish and various kinds of tangs. Then a big turtle went past, headed for more space and open water, so I followed for a while to see if he’d drift to the bottom where I could watch him for a while. But he kept going, and I was getting out beyond the reef, so I turned and came back over the rocky ledges just offshore from our condo, where there was a lot of coral and fish to see.

Movement below me caught my eye, and I watched two large… peacock groupers, yeah… harass a large octopus. It saw me come over the ridge and froze, evading the groupers neatly by hiding its tentacles under a ledge and becoming one with the lumpy greenish coral next to it. It turned green and lumpy, with white spots just like the coral, except that I could see its “jets” where it was cycling water in and out, and his eyes moved to follow me. I hovered for a while marveling at his perfect camouflage and then moved on, as clearly he wasn’t going to risk exposure while I was bobbing around.

I also saw a pretty large fish that was probably a trunkfish, and a juvenile yellowtail wrasse – they’re bright orange with bright white vertical markings, and look a little like Nemo, although they’re a different species entirely.   Tons of other fish, of course, and a large number of little baby convict or yellow tangs no longer than my pinky.

David rejoined me for a while and we caught up, and then Debbie and I came out to take a break (it’s the seawater, it makes me have to… well, offload). When we came back, we were in swimsuits so we could just bob around the water for a while, and by then David’s parents had been in the water for a while, so we all bobbed and chatted and had a lovely time. Except for when we were exiting the water, and the biggest wave of the morning dumped David’s mom over and over. I tried to warn her – I guess “Leah… Leah… there’s a wave… big wave coming…. Leah… Leah, WAVE” was not articulate enough, although she laughed and got herself pulled back together.

Sometimes, it’s fun getting dumped by a wave, other times, not so fun. She had seawater in her eyes and couldn’t see to avoid the next one. Earlier, she’d been carried around like the queen of the seas in a sedan chair by her husband and sun as I sang the tune from “Pomp and Circumstance” as we bobbed around in the waves – what a comedown!

We all came up and got cleaned off, and David’s parents did their thing while we rinsed off our gear, showered, snacked, chatted, and relaxed in our condo. They’re going to something tonight and will get together with the rest of us for a late dinner, and then tomorrow they’ve got morning plans, so I think David, Debbie and I will head toward Lahaina so Debbie can meet up with her niece, who’s also vacationing on the island. We’ve got plans Monday night and have some ideas for other things to do.

We spent the rest of the day relaxing, watched the sunset, and met up with the Coconut Dog again. Watch for more pictures as we go.  Dinner tonight will probably be at Roy’s Fish House in “Keehee” once we hook up again with David’s parents.