We can has driveway?


The inspection was done on the pre-pour work the other day, and today the workmen just put the wire reinforcement down, so we think they’re going to pour the new driveway today. It’s my  theory that the company doing the street resurfacing does these little side projects on Saturday, because they’re on the Village’s payroll during the week, but working for their own company if they’re paid by homeowners to redo driveways and entrance walkways.

We’ll keep an eye on that and then later I’m going over to Holy Moly for the big rummage sale.

Lightening up on lighters…

U.S. to lift ban on lighters on airline flights | U.S. | Reuters

WASHINGTON Reuters – Screeners at U.S. airports will stop confiscating common cigarette lighters because authorities now consider them a distraction from efforts to find bombs and other threats, officials said on Friday.

…but flame retardant gels will still have to be carried on in a 3.5 ounce bottle, sealed in a Ziploc â„¢ bag.

I Loves Me Some Catnun! And Catpilot! And Hybrid Kittens!


Spoilers Ho! There are graphic links to upcoming episodes and titles with far too much information if you look too closely at the right hand sidebar on Behind the Sofa. But it’s a “for adults only” kind of fan/review site with plenty of, er, bodily fluids being bandied about, spewed, and wiped up. But it’s quite funny and insightful reading, once you step around the gleeful puddles of fangoo generated by the reappearance of some crabby monsters – just as a kind of slobby bottom-dressing to the main action – from a “classic” episode in 1967.

Behind the Sofa – The Collaborative Doctor Who Blog: Gridlock

Well, the catnun doesn’t inspire any confidence, and when she pulls out a gun it doesn’t inspire confidence at all. The Face of Boe doesn’t improve things, as bad memories of New Earth abound. Then the Doctor speaking far too loud over the rain and some people selling emotions (the patches which include bliss, sleep and forget… now emotions… hmmm…) Plus one of them describes people as carjackers because they kidnapped someone into a car…

Catnun! I loves me some catnuns! And it turns out to be dear old Novice Hame, and the Face of Boe looks craggier than ever. Later on, it gets better: an entire underclass of people, catpeople, otherpeople, and human/cat hybrid kittens in millions of levitating Winnebagoes, forever stuck in an eternal jam-up on the New New York motorway. Naturally, I went all “Squee!!!!” when the Doctor encountered a catman dressed as an Irish-brogue-speaking pilot in a leather flight helmet, whose human wife had given birth to kitten babies a few months before. When they were revealed from behind a tatty curtain, the mewing sounded quite a bit like “ma-ma!”

So very, very cute.  It made me forget all about the inconsistencies in the story, so helpfully pointed out in the review.

Hang on a moment, though…. why don’t we ever see the catnun’s ears? or the catpilot’s ears? I want to see kitty ears next time, because wimples and helmets are just cheating.

[tags]Doctor Who, catnuns, squeee[/tags]

One of the more awesome headlines ever

Bush butt probed, Cheney in charge

(AXcess News) Washington – A shudder could be felt across Capitol Hill Friday after news came out that President Bush would be having his butt checked out which meant that while Bush was going through the colonoscopy, Vice President Dick Cheney would be in charge of the nation.

“It’s a chilling thought,” one passerby told AXcess News when asked if they were concerned over Cheney’s short-term rule of the White House.  Press Secretary Tony Snow told reporters this morning that President Bush would be going to Camp David, MD where doctors were going to perform what Snow termed a “routine examination” of the President’s posterior.

Bush last underwent colorectal cancer surveillance on June 29, 2002.  At the time, the only thing doctors found was an attitude, which medical experts say is not cancerous though his administration has become quite malignant in their support of the President’s plan to keep U.S. troops in Iraq.

Sometimes you spot the oddest headlines when looking at Google News. Amusing as this is, it’s pretty juvenile for a site that cites professional journo creds:

AXcess News is a member of the Online News Association (ONA). The Association is made up of more than 600 professional members who gather and produce news for the Internet.

AXcess News subscribes to the Society of Professional Journalists code of ethics. It is the mission of the Society of Professional Journalists to stimulate high standards and ethical behavior in the practice of journalism.

Several snaps up for the snark, one or two snaps down for the bad puns. Still, good for a laugh.

[tags]AXcess, Bush, colonoscopy[/tags]

W00t! Old Driveway Gone!

From our web camera:


After what seems like weeks of calling and leaving fruitless messages, plus another week after our check cleared, the street construction people finally came back and tore out our crappy old asphalt driveway today. Wish I hadn’t been too busy at work to watch via the webcam. There may be some archive pictures available, will check later.

Nice new cement driveway to follow shortly.

[tags]webcam, driveway[/tags]

Salt Lake Alternative Weekly Survives Bomb Scare In Bar

Now this is journalistic excellence: staff members of the local alternative weekly paper in Salt Lake reports the big story, after decamping to the nearest bar to wait out the boring part of being evacuated because of a bomb scare at the bank building across the street.

Not only is it insightful and edgy, but traditional and slightly boozy at the same time.

Mom would have gotten the biggest laugh out of this, because in her younger days she knew a lot of boozy old journalists who would have covered the story from the nearest bar, too.


CW Blog: Irregular Blogging by Irregular Writers …: A Bomb! A Bomb! Oh My!

It all started, according to Wihongi, at around 2:45 pm when a 30-something white male walked into the Wells Fargo building with a bag and said something like: “I have a bomb.” After police took the suspect into custody at gun point, the bomb squad came on the scene. Geared up for Armageddon, the armored crew dealt with the potential threat that was waiting inside of the building.

Among the crowd of cameras circling Wihongi were the folks from KUTV 2. They had come all the way from…their offices in the Wells Fargo building. They too had been evacuated. Luckily, though, they brought their trusty cameras and microphones with them when they ran from their desks. They were ready to catch all the action. So, I guess, the news came to them.

As for City Weekly and staff, apparently the width of Main Street and our windows were not enough to keep the staff safe from a potential explosion. So, we absconded to the safest place we could find, a bomb shelter of sorts: Port O’ Call.

By around five, after several beers, it was discovered that, yes, the bomb scare had been a hoax. Alas, the crowds that for once made downtown feel like, er, a city had been swept back into their air-conditioned high-rises never to be seen again.

[tags]Utah Counterculture, bomb scare, Salt Lake, alternative weekly[/tags]

Sometimes, The Blogfodder Begs To Be Posted

Salt Lake Tribune – Tot from large family left behind in morning rush

A 2-year-old girl from a family of about 15 children was misplaced Monday morning before a Salt Lake County deputy found her crying and alone in the family’s backyard.
The mother of the little girl had apparently assumed her older children had put the toddler in the family van earlier that morning. The mother then dropped off her other children at her sister’s home on her way to work, Lt. Paul Jaroscak said.
About 9 a.m. neighbors in an area near 8500 South and 1500 East heard a child screaming and crying and called police. Neighbors said the girl had been wailing for about an hour, Jaroscak said.

It’s just… too easy.  [Insert infuriatingly smug comment about “breeders” here.]

Follies De Guerre


Here’s a whole new meaning for the phrase “phony war:” we started under a fake pretext, we celebrated a fake victory, and for quite a while now, we’ve been chasing after a fake insurgent leader. Add this to the litany of failure.

BAGHDAD, July 18 — For more than a year, the leader of one the most notorious insurgent groups in Iraq was said to be a mysterious Iraqi called Abu Omar al-Baghdadi.

As the titular head of the Islamic State in Iraq, Mr. Baghdadi issued incendiary pronouncements. Despite claims by an Iraqi Interior Ministry official in May that Mr. Baghdadi had been killed, he appeared to have persevered unscathed.

On Wednesday, the chief United States military spokesman here, Brig. Gen. Kevin J. Bergner, provided a new explanation for Mr. Baghdadi’s ability to escape attack: he never existed.

General Bergner told reporters that a senior Iraqi insurgent captured this month said that the elusive Mr. Baghdadi was actually a fictional character whose declarations on audiotape were read by a man named Abu Abdullah al-Naima.

General Bergner said the ruse was devised by Abu Ayyub al-Masri, the Egyptian-born leader of the insurgent group Al Qaeda in Mesopotamia. Although the group is mostly Iraqi, much of its leadership is foreign, and Mr. Masri was reportedly trying to mask the outsiders’ dominant role.

[tags]Iraq, al-Baghdadi, fake, failure[/tages]