A Decision Made Largely By Rove (and Cheney)

A Decision Made Largely Alone

President Bush limited his deliberations over commuting the jail term of I. Lewis “Scooter” Libby to a few close aides, opting not to consult with the Justice Department and rebuffing efforts by close friends to lobby on Libby’s behalf, administration officials and people close to Bush said yesterday.

Let’s see… on that short list would be Cheney, Rove, and maybe Barney. Possibly Laura, if she can take time off from her “No Regrets Tour.” Bush listens to no one else except that voice in his head that keeps telling him he’s doing God’s work.

January 20, 2009. Come on, already. Let’s get somebody else in who might have the wherewithal to buy a clue.

[tags]Libby, Bush, Rove, Cheney, Barney, Teh Evul One[/tags]

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