Greenberg Quinlan Rosner | News

Greenberg Quinlan Rosner | News
Washington, DC. Democracy Corps and Greenberg Quinlan Rosner have completed a comprehensive and multi-modal survey of America’s youth ages 18-29. This major, multi-mode survey of America’s young people shows young people profoundly alienated from the Republican Party and poised to deliver a significant majority to the Democratic nominee for President in 2008. Involving a combination of land-line telephone survey, cell-phone interviews and web research, surveyors overcame the inherent difficulties and biases of researching this population.

The survey finds young people profoundly alienated from the Republican party and its perceived values. Both Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama lead Rudy Giuliani—the most acceptable of the Republican offerings among youth—by significant margins. The President’s standing is substantially worse, to the degree that is possible, than we find in the broader electorate. Moreover, the disconnect we see between the Republicans and our nation’s youth runs so deep, that it likely will not only outlive the Bush administration, but potentially haunt the Republicans for many years to come.

This survey involved 1,017 young people, including 510 telephone interviews, 407 web surveys and 100 cell phone interviews. The survey was conducted between May 29 and June 19, 2007.

News Flash: Youth Profoundly Alienated (from GOP) O RLY?

Greenberg Quinlan Rosner | News

Washington, DC. Democracy Corps and Greenberg Quinlan Rosner have completed a comprehensive and multi-modal survey of America’s youth ages 18-29. This major, multi-mode survey of America’s young people shows young people profoundly alienated from the Republican Party and poised to deliver a significant majority to the Democratic nominee for President in 2008. Involving a combination of land-line telephone survey, cell-phone interviews and web research, surveyors overcame the inherent difficulties and biases of researching this population.The survey finds young people profoundly alienated from the Republican party and its perceived values. Both Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama lead Rudy Giuliani—the most acceptable of the Republican offerings among youth—by significant margins. The President’s standing is substantially worse, to the degree that is possible, than we find in the broader electorate. Moreover, the disconnect we see between the Republicans and our nation’s youth runs so deep, that it likely will not only outlive the Bush administration, but potentially haunt the Republicans for many years to come.

This survey involved 1,017 young people, including 510 telephone interviews, 407 web surveys and 100 cell phone interviews. The survey was conducted between May 29 and June 19, 2007.

Here’s a novelty: profoundly alienated youth. In my day, you indicated your profound alienation by wearing black clothing, doing bizarre and otherworldly things to your hair and skin, and listening to Black Flag and X.

Well, this research item is just dandy — although I suspect that a fair number of College Republicans are pulling this to pieces and stomping on the bits. I wonder how many pages of MySpace and Facebook goo the researchers slogged through in order to reach potential respondents?

Sadly, I fear that their sample wasn’t as representative as they’d hoped, just because it’s summer and a lot of the “youth” are off traveling, working summer jobs, and so on. At about the time of the survey, a lot of college-age youth were busy with finals and masters’ theses and whatnot. This is the same group of people who’ll probably receive some “welcome new voter letters” from the Republican Party in August 2008 marked “do not forward…” that’ll get stamped “RETURN TO SENDER.” And their names will end up on “voter fraud challenge lists” for the November election, unless somebody slaps another consent decree on the GOP.

Investigative reporter Greg Palast (whose very name is fightin’ words in some quarters, I believe) was on PBS’ NOW the other night with a pretty damning report on voter caging – how it’s done, and how it might have been used in 2004. Personally, I think a less refined version was used in 2000 too, which scared the beJebus out of the GOP because they lost the popular vote and only won on the anachronistic technicality that is the Electoral College (and because the Supreme Court had had enough of hanging chats and recounts in Florida). Also, there’s a bit with former New Mexico AG Iglesias, testifying before Congress and interviewing that he believed he was being manipulated into investigating baseless “voter fraud” and “corrupt Democratic officials” cases purely for political ends, and he was fired for finding no basis for them and discontinuing the investigations. He didn’t play ball, so they sidelined him. Bastids.

Is there any scandal out there that ISN’T somehow tied to the Justice Department AG firings?

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[tags]Greg Palast, voter caging, profoundly alienated[/tags]

Blind people shouldn’t drive


UPDATE:Yes, yes, I know that ATMs have to be ADA-compliant, but still, this one is in a drive-up only bay, where signs clearly say that pedestrians should visit the ATM in the entrance lobby for safety’s sake. The only way a person with severe vision impairments could safely visit this one is if he or she is in the left-hand rear passenger seat. How often does that happen?

Clearly, not often, even though someone has added a somewhat helpful addendum to the notice about the audio assistance:
“Blind people shouldn’t drive.”
Via: Flickr Title: Blind people shouldn’t drive By: GinnyRED57
Originally uploaded: 29 Jul ’07, 7.59pm CDT PST

Friday was Sysadmin Appreciation Day! Yay!

Boing Boing: Happy Sysadmin Day, Ken!

Today is the last Friday in July and that makes it Sysadmin Appreciation Day! As I said in my acceptance speech when I won the Locus Award for my story, When Sysadmins Ruled the Earth: Systems administrators are the unsung heroes of the twenty first century, our tireless morlocks who keep the entire universe running. The best sysadmins I’ve met treat their jobs as holy callings. They understand that they’re keeping the infrastructure of the information age alive and functional.

Hey, I did not know this. My husband David is a kind of sysadmin of the various systems, computers, archives, and professional and personal endeavors here at Chez Gique, and as it happens, when I came home on Friday I appreciated him very much.

[tags]BoingBoing, sysadmin, geeks[/tags]

Tillman Still Coming Back To Haunt Administration

AP: New Details on Tillmans Death –

Among other information contained in the documents:_ In his last words moments before he was killed, Tillman snapped at a panicky comrade under fire to shut up and stop “sniveling.”

_ Army attorneys sent each other congratulatory e-mails for keeping criminal investigators at bay as the Army conducted an internal friendly-fire investigation that resulted in administrative, or non-criminal, punishments.

_ The three-star general who kept the truth about Tillman’s death from his family and the public told investigators some 70 times that he had a bad memory and couldnt recall details of his actions.

_ No evidence at all of enemy fire was found at the scene – no one was hit by enemy fire, nor was any government equipment struck.

The Pentagon and the Bush administration have been criticized in recent months for lying about the circumstances of Tillmans death. The military initially told the public and the Tillman family that he had been killed by enemy fire. Only weeks later did the Pentagon acknowledge he was gunned down by fellow Rangers.

With questions lingering about how high in the Bush administration the deception reached, Congress is preparing for yet another hearing next week.

The blogosphere is no doubt abuzz with speculation – new information about the death by “friendly fire” of Cpl. Pat Tillman points toward not just friendly fire, but a possible murder investigation. Doctors were suspicious about the grouping of the bullet wounds that killed him, and his actual last words were perhaps not as heroic and “media friendly” as previously reported. How high does it go? In a political climate where politically embarassing news is treated like something that lives in an outhouse frequented by traitors, maybe it goes pretty high.

Family Fun with Firearms, Yay!

Fundraiser to feature machine guns – Yahoo! News

BOSTON (Reuters) – A planned Republican fundraiser in New Hampshire aims to promote gun ownership in America by letting supporters fire powerful military-style weapons — from Uzi submachine guns to M-16 rifles.

The Manchester Republican Committee is inviting party members and their families to a “Machine Gun Shoot” where, for $25, supporters can spend a day trying out automatic weapons, said organizer Jerry Thibodeau.

“It’s a fun day. It’s a family day,” said Thibodeau of the August 5 event. “It’s quite exciting.”