www.eventsinboulder.net Boulder Events Icefest: Images and Tales from the Polar Regions
The Denver Post – Steamboat fest lands two upcoming Denver Center premieres Hmm. This weekend. “The Cherry Sisters Revisited” looks like it might be funny, too.
Thanks to the good offices of Father Jake, we now know that God placed an ad in the British newspaper The Independent, trying to get someone’s attention at the time of the G8 meetings: Father Jake Stops the World: God Places Ad in British Paper In our area we occasionally get roadside billboards from the Almighty, such as “Don’t make me come down there – God” in times of national stupidity. But this is pretty classy. I hope God got a good deal for the full-pager and shows some return on His advertising pound.
Geeky Ramblings » Cicada David and I had a nice weekend… and we encountered several million new friends. We drove down to Morton Arboretum to relax and walk around and take photos. Actually, although I had my camera along, I took no images, but just enjoyed the sounds. We finally encountered the 17-year cicadas, and they put on a pretty impressive show. The Arboretum had some informative displays, but we got away from the crowds on the “visitor center” side and went over to the section on the other side of the highway. It was a lot less busy and…
Josh at The Daily Office has an open letter to Robert Duncan, Bishop of Pittsburgh:Â Please make sure that you pray to God one last time about your interpretation of Scripture concerning homosexual behavior.
At Holy Moly, a church to be renamed later, we’ve formed 4 different kinds of ministry teams, and I’ve signed on for a couple of them. One is “Nurturing,” or pastoral care, and we’re creating it from the ground up – we’ve put in for a diocesan grant to offer some kind of healing ministry in the area (taking communion, services at care centers and hospices, etc). I heard this item on WBEZ the other day, and it’s been on my mind for a while. I was talking to my friend Katy last night, and mentioned an idea that I’d…
“Sen. Stevens Told to Keep Records for Graft Probe” By Paul Kane Sen. Ted Stevens, the longest-serving Republican in the Senate, disclosed in an interview that the FBI asked him to preserve records as part of a widening investigation into Alaskan political corruption that has touched his son and ensnared one of his clo (tags: CorruptRepublicans)
JeffBridges.com – End Hunger We have a food pantry at church, of course, but the End Hunger Project aims higher: convince our government that hungry people in a country with a supposedly “strong” economy shouldn’t have to rely on private charity to get enough to eat.
Storm? What storm? | Chicago Tribune Before taking off for dinner, David and I pulled all the patio chairs off to the side of the house and secured some lighter things so they wouldn’t blow around. I stuck the last few unplanted plants in the ground in the “kitty garden” and along the side of the house. The wind had been blowing hard all day, but it was hot and humid, a very weird and unsettling sensation. All through dinner, we watched people out on an outside terrace eating their dinners while clutching their hair and belongings to keep them…
Today’s kind of a hard day for me. In this photo of Mom from her 90th birthday party, she’s not actually sad, she’s probably just trying to read a birthday card. Either that, or she was wondering “Now where the HELL is my glass of white zin?” Via: Flickr Title: MurphBday025 By: GinnyRED57 Originally uploaded: 8 Sep ’05, 11.17pm CDT PST I think she’s trying to read a card and work out whether it’s funny or not.