Stupid dad


Via: Flickr Title: Stupid dad By: GinnyRED57
Originally uploaded: 15 Jun ’07, 4.10pm CDT PST

Sign says do not climb on rocks

This guy put himself and his two small  sons in danger of death or serious injury twice in ten minutes; we drove up Boulder Canyon and decided to stop at Boulder Falls. When we got down the little access trail to the bottom of the falls, this guy was down at water’s edge, off trail, goofing around with his kids on the rocks. There’s a lot of water in the creek, and if one of them had fallen in, they would have gotten pretty badly knocked around on all the underwater boulders, and maybe risked drowning. Then after we took our photos and left, they’d gotten ahead of us and were then climbing up the rocks at the edge of CO119, with traffic rushing by. The sign to the lower left clearly states “Do not leave trail. Do not climb on rocks. Private property except for access trail.” The guy thought nothing of letting his kids clamber high above the road and was making no attempt to get them down – in fact, he was encouraging them.

LOLSpeak on my brain

I’m not the only one that recasts conversations in LOLcat these days:

Caveat Lector » An Incident, in lolcat

Third Goth: O HAI THARDream: WHO R U?


Dream: NO WAI!

Third Goth: WAI!

Didi: NO WAI!

Third Goth: WAI!


Didi: I made u a cookie, Third Goth, but I—


Didi: ‘k, DO NOT WANT. Sheesh.

Third Goth: EFF U!

Dream: EFF U 2!

Third Goth: I chase moar birdeez nau, kthxbye.

Dream: ??!!!!!???

My husband David and I have short conversations in LOLcat quite often. The other day, he showed me a picture he had taken of a cicada, with big beady red eyes goggling and all. “DO NOT WANT!” was my response. Translation: “Eewww!! Gross!”

The other night, a stranger cat had hopped into the little flowerbed I’d created, which up til then had included a catnip plant that produced powerfully scented leaves. Riley started yowling and rattling the vertical blinds by the patio door with his frantic attempts to register his displeasure that Another CAT! was out there in the dark. We spotted the stranger when we pointed the big flashlight out the window. There he was, caught with his huge night-vision eyes glowing, right in the middle of my little fenced-off round flowerbed.

After the initial shock of discovery wore off and the other cat ran off, I laughed and said
“im n ur gardin, eatin ur catnipz!” and added “Noooo! they be eatin mah catnipz.”

On inspection the next day or so, the catnip plant turned out to have been stripped of almost all its leaves. “Mah catnipz,” I mourned.

But it’s late now, so I really should be up in bedd catchin zzzzzs.