General Discussion and Debate: Oh Dear Lord! BEEEES! (tags: strange funny fire bees StumbleUpon)
Vidipedia – The web’s first video encyclopedia – War on Science Link to a BBC show called Horizon for an episode called “The War on Science” that covers the Dover School Board’s creationism/intelligent design court case.
McClatchy: Bush Wrong to Blame Iraq Woes Mainly on Al-Qaeda NEW YORK For the past week, E&P has noted the Bush administration’s rising use of blaming much of the insurgency in Iraq on al-Qaeda operatives. Some news outlets have gone all along with this, others not. We pointed out that McClatchy Newspapers seemed to be questioning this trend.”We cannot attribute all the violence in Iraq to al Qaida,” retired Army Maj. Gen. John Batiste, who commanded the 1st Infantry Division in Iraq before becoming an opponent of Bush’s strategy there, told the House Foreign Affairs Committee on Wednesday. “Al Qaida…
Boing Boing: Symphony for old IBM mainframe In 1964, an Icelandic IBM 1401 mainframe engineer figured out how to get the machine to emit beautiful, bassy notes, and composed a symphony for it. Now his son is touring the symphony with interpretive dance thrown in. I’m blogging this for my husband David, who says he’s heard the symphony but may not have heard about the dance video that goes with it. He’s pretty deeply involved with the IBM midrange community, so the backstory may be familiar to him. The dance video is a disappointment; the image above makes it look…
Rider banned over birth-control advice – Yahoo! News Only in Utah… cranky old ladies dispense birth control advise to Hispanic ladies on the bus and then complain that “they’re taking over.” (tags: Utah BirthControl Hispanic)
BBC NEWS | UK | Two car bombs found in West End Police have confirmed they are now investigating the discovery of two car bombs in the West End of London.Police said the second device had been found in a Mercedes hours after the car was given a parking ticket in Cockspur Street and towed to Park Lane. Another Mercedes, with a bomb made up of 60 litres of petrol, gas cylinders and nails, had been found outside a nightclub in Haymarket at 0130 BST. Both bombs were similar, potentially viable and clearly linked, police said. This gave me the…
- : Amazon Gift Central It looks tailor-made for the terminally disorganized such as myself.
The Lead The Episcopal Cafe blogged recently about a letter that Ruth Gledhill received from Lambeth Palace hinting that Bishop Gene Robinson may be invited to the big decennial Lambeth Conference next year after all, perhaps in “some other status” than as Bishop of New Hamphire. The weird thing is that I saw the very same, or nearly identical letter with my own eyes last night at a team meeting at Holy Moly, because one of our Senior Wardens received it in response to a letter that he wrote as a member of Integrity. He had I had chuckled over…
WOLFGANG SPEGG – MUSICMUSICMUSIC INC MU5.FNM: TWST That’s business-to-business product number two. Business-to-business product number three is a competitive product to the Muzak(r) products where we stream music into industrial locations, restaurants, office buildings, etc., but in a totally randomised fashion, so that they do not have to listen to the same program day after day, hour after hour because the Muzak(r) product is mainly delivered on CD and they play the same 90 minutes of music over and over again for two weeks. We deliver a never- ending randomised stream and the ability for them to insert their own…
If this had been an actual emergency … | Chicago Tribune (tags: FEMA Radio EBS)