Grey Spring

What’s it going to be? Warm and sunny (yesterday) or cold and rainy (today)? I’m so confused!

At least I won’t have to water stuff for a couple more days. I’ve got a bunch of plants to get in the ground and will have to put that off now until at least Thursday or later.

3400th Killed… on Mother’s Day

All Things Considered, May 15, 2007 · First Lt. Andrew Bacevich Jr. was killed in Iraq on Mother's Day. His mother and father received the news when two uniformed officers rang their doorbell in Walpole, Mass.

Bacevich is the 3,400th U.S. serviceman to die in Iraq. His father, a professor of international relations at Boston University, is one of the most prominent critics of the Iraq war in America.

Professor Andrew Bacevich is a retired Army colonel and a veteran of the Vietnam War.

[tags]Iraq, 3400, Mother's Day[/tags] 

NPR : Televangelist, Christian Leader Jerry Falwell Dies

NPR : Televangelist, Christian Leader Jerry Falwell Dies

falwell200x250.jpg, May 15, 2007 · The Rev. Jerry Falwell, a pioneer among televangelists who later became a leading voice in the national debate over Christian values, has died at the age of 73. Falwell was found unconscious Tuesday in his office at Liberty University in Lynchburg, Va.

Gosh, I… I'm not heartbroken. The good is outweighed by the harm done. A look at the timeline on the NPR page is one long stream of intolerant, unforgiveable statements and actions.

Advanced WYSIWYG in WP 2.1

Advanced WYSIWYG in WordPress 2.1 : Just Some Dot Com

Holy CRAP!

Hitting ctrl+alt+V in Firefox or ctrl+V in IE turns the merely adequate WYSIWYG editor that comes standard with WordPress 2.1.* into something much more robust and useful. It adds some HTML snippets, like headings, in a drop down menu, and it adds some extra functionality for pasting as plain text or from Word. Some of these functions were the reason I went looking for ecto, the third-party editor I still use, but ecto is not available to me if I’m not at my home computer. This next bit will be mind-numbingly boring so I’ll use my newly visible “More” button to put the rest of the post “after the jump.”

UPDATE 3: I’m reverting back to the original setup. The rich text editor (the “advanced” one) stripped out all the stylesheet-related DIVs from within any posts that I attempted to edit within it, ruining my images layout. David tried to fix this behavior, but the rich text editor is being rather… persistent. I’ve cleared cache, and may try again in a few days.  

UPDATE 4: Got it working! Fixed the DIV stripping, also using a plugin that puts the extended functionality icon in the right place on the icon bar,  and added a plugin that adds custom HTML tags to the CODE tab (and if I really wanted to, I could have David create buttons for the Visual tab). I’ve disabled the WP-WYSIWYG by “Mudbomb“, which would not support the “More” functionality.

For more information about the process, which was pretty fraught, click the link to read “more.”

Continue reading

L337 Katz0rz: A Linguistic Approach

I CAN HAS CHEEZBURGER? » Blog Archive A Special In-Depth Analysis by David McRaney – L337 Katz0rz «

David McRaney's insightful post about the history and ever-evolving structure of "l33tspeak" and its linguistic adopted cat-child, "kitteh" or kitty pidgin, is worth a read if you're interested in how language is constantly morphing on the Internet. It also touches on the use of images for meta-communication.

Also, how awesome is it that a cat can has a sudden moment of insight into its own ability to say "Hello, world!?"

I has a pifaneee!!1!

Moar linguinistics plz! Love me sum yummee werdz.

I also need to understand why lolspeek seemed funny to my husband David and me earlier today when I went to pick him up from the car dealership, where his Ford Escape Hybrid is getting routine maintenance. He walked out of the service waiting area carrying a beverage in a styrofoam cup. Just before he'd left the house, we'd been laughing over today's batch of I Can Has Cheezburger's "Caturday" macros.

I remarked "You has a koffee." He replied "With a K."



It seems like lilacs are in the news – tomorrow being Mother's Day, it's also apparently Lilac Sunday. There was a long piece on public radio show Living on Earth yesterday morning about how climate researchers use lilacs, because they're budding and blooming earlier and earlier.

At lunch yesterday, the little florist's shop at work had lilacs or was using lilac scent as a part of a naturalistic display. As I walked past, there were a bunch of deliveries set out ready to go in the hall, probably for Mother's Day gifts. It was a little overwhelming – it's funny how closely linked scent and emotion are.

pioneer.jpgThe first few years I was away at college, the lilacs that bloomed everywhere in Eugene, especially in Pioneer Cemetery, in the early spring made me feel terribly homesick. I used to cut across the cemetery every day the few years that I was a student, because it was between where I lived (various places) and class (various courses). Also, it was really lovely in the spring, and was used like a public park. On any given (non-rainy) day, you might encounter a bagpiper pacing back and forth practicing, or a group of Aikido practitioners in traditional jackets and wide pleated trousers. It wasn't a sad place at all – some of the tombstones were interesting or highly decorated, and because people must have brought cuttings from their home gardens, it was more like a lightly forested park with trails and overgrown landscaping. The lilacs were clustered over in the section where there weren't so many tall pine trees, and lots of people on campus would stroll or job by there on the old access road to enjoy them in the spring.

Then this morning on NPR's Morning Edition, there was another piece on lilacs and their evocative, homey scent and their usefulness to botanists and even gardeners to herald the arrival of spring (and planting). Lilacs again! They're everywhere! So I went out front to check, and sure enough, the two Persian lilac bushes are starting to bloom.

Thus, Mother's Day/Lilac Sunday is actually rather hard for me this year, because Mom had several old lilac bushes, either in her yard outright, or leaning over the fence by the back door from the neighbor's yard, and she loved the scent of them in the spring. She also used to threaten to cut switches from the old lilac bush outside her "den" windows, when I was naughty, or ir I dilly-dallied on my way home from school.

The switches were never really used, but they were an effective deterrent.
I prefer to focus on the heavenly smell, anyway.

Via: Flickr Title: Lilacs By: GinnyRED57
Originally uploaded: 12 May '07, 6.58am CDT PST

The lilac bushes in front of the house are starting to bloom. The scent will really kick in after a few more warm days, and the whole ground floor will be filled with the aroma when the front door is open on a sunny day.

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