Testing 123: An-archos Media Plugin

I’ve been frustrated by my inability to post the occasional bit of flash or video using WordPress – the software is coded to be pretty strict about XHTML niceties, and the method for embedding anything involves a tedious routine: turn off the rich text editor, hand-code the embedded stuff or figure out the built-in but n00b-unfriendly custom fields, publish, and turn the rich text editor back on (which is a process in itself, as unless you’re a good WP codehax0r, you have to uncheck a little box buried in your user profile).

So: here’s that weird Flash video showing how to create “Reality Simpsons.”

[kml_flashembed movie="http://www.metacafe.com/fplayer/580206/reality_simpsons__marge.swf" width="400" height="345" wmode="transparent" /]

And if that worked, perhaps this…

Download Bill Douglas Into the Twilight

Or maybe this…

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