The Never-Ending Bloga

Eureka! I Can Has Rich Text Editor!

I’ve been having issues with the editing interface on this blog for a week or more, because I recently found out that the built-in rich text editor has some “hidden” buttons I’d like to use. I had been using a perfectly good plugin called WP-WYSIWYG, but there was no way to make an extended post using that method. And that was hanging me up, because that forced me to only do extended posts while using my home computer, where I have ecto, a cross-platform desktop publishing program.

Meanwhile, I got suckered into trying the built-in editor because of the extended toolbar, but it was screwing up DIV tags wrapped around images. I think David has now applied the fix I found online, and then I made sure to clear private data. Here goes:


The image above is wrapped in 2 DIVs in order to apply a drop shadow. When I use the built-in RTE, will it strip it out, or has we can applied Tim Rohrer’s fix correctly?

Why yes, Socrates, it appears we can has!

And now, a new plug-in named AddQuicktag comes into play… visible only on the Code/Quicktags screen I can now add custom bits of code, including my beloved drop shadows and float clearing DIV tags.

End in Sight

Eureka! It works – the image is a drop shadow floated to the left, so the text wraps to the side. Previously, I could do this with some difficulty using the WordPress editor or with the plugin editor, and was relying on yet a third piece of software, BBCode, to apply it using Firefox. Which also is not available to me when away from my home computer… got that?

I can do this sort of thing easily with ecto, of course, but can’t do it that easily when not using my home computer. Now I can do this stuff anywhere (translation: on any computer where Firefox is not an option), and this has implications for starting up the old church weblog again and applying it (finally!) to the OneBreadOneBody website.

Now maybe I can get some actual writing done, instead of incessant “tinkering with the blog” posts for a while.

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