L337 Katz0rz: A Linguistic Approach

I CAN HAS CHEEZBURGER? » Blog Archive A Special In-Depth Analysis by David McRaney – L337 Katz0rz «

David McRaney's insightful post about the history and ever-evolving structure of "l33tspeak" and its linguistic adopted cat-child, "kitteh" or kitty pidgin, is worth a read if you're interested in how language is constantly morphing on the Internet. It also touches on the use of images for meta-communication.

Also, how awesome is it that a cat can has a sudden moment of insight into its own ability to say "Hello, world!?"

I has a pifaneee!!1!

Moar linguinistics plz! Love me sum yummee werdz.

I also need to understand why lolspeek seemed funny to my husband David and me earlier today when I went to pick him up from the car dealership, where his Ford Escape Hybrid is getting routine maintenance. He walked out of the service waiting area carrying a beverage in a styrofoam cup. Just before he'd left the house, we'd been laughing over today's batch of I Can Has Cheezburger's "Caturday" macros.

I remarked "You has a koffee." He replied "With a K."

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