Advanced WYSIWYG in WordPress 2.1 : Just Some Dot Com Holy CRAP! Hitting ctrl+alt+V in Firefox or ctrl+V in IE turns the merely adequate WYSIWYG editor that comes standard with WordPress 2.1.* into something much more robust and useful. It adds some HTML snippets, like headings, in a drop down menu, and it adds some extra functionality for pasting as plain text or from Word. Some of these functions were the reason I went looking for ecto, the third-party editor I still use, but ecto is not available to me if I’m not at my home computer. This next bit…
onegoodmove: Success in Iraq My husband David and I laughed so hard the other night – Jon Stewart had a clip of Bush saying something so wonderfully garbled about Iraq, it inspired its own anti-Successories poster. I hope the poster will be available for purchase soon.
I CAN HAS CHEEZBURGER? » Blog Archive A Special In-Depth Analysis by David McRaney – L337 Katz0rz « David McRaney's insightful post about the history and ever-evolving structure of "l33tspeak" and its linguistic adopted cat-child, "kitteh" or kitty pidgin, is worth a read if you're interested in how language is constantly morphing on the Internet. It also touches on the use of images for meta-communication. Also, how awesome is it that a cat can has a sudden moment of insight into its own ability to say "Hello, world!?" Moar linguinistics plz! Love me sum yummee werdz. I also need to…
Former Hawkeye Pierce moves to Illinois | Chicago Tribune At first I thought "What? Alan Alda is moving here?" Then I realized a basketball player named Pierce, from the University of Iowa was on his way, and a Chicago Trib headline writer was having a little fun with the item.
Salt Lake Tribune – Dr. Laura to Army wives: Stop whining Good God. With Dr. Laura on military wives' cases, they'll be in need of a real therapist soon.
It seems like lilacs are in the news – tomorrow being Mother's Day, it's also apparently Lilac Sunday. There was a long piece on public radio show Living on Earth yesterday morning about how climate researchers use lilacs, because they're budding and blooming earlier and earlier. At lunch yesterday, the little florist's shop at work had lilacs or was using lilac scent as a part of a naturalistic display. As I walked past, there were a bunch of deliveries set out ready to go in the hall, probably for Mother's Day gifts. It was a little overwhelming – it's funny…