Global Nerdy » LOLCODE, the LOLCat Programming Language

Global Nerdy » LOLCODE, the LOLCat Programming Language

LOLCODE is your standard Algol-style programming language (Algol is the grandfather of just about every popular current programming language) married to the lolcat captioning style — that is, ALL CAPS and I CAN HAS SILLY CAT GRAMMER AND SPELING KTHXBYE.Here’s HAI WORLD, the LOLCODE version of “Hello, World!”:





Here’s something that outputs the numbers 1 through 10, a classic beginner’s exercise:





 UP VAR!!1





And finally, here’s a program to print the contents of a specified file:









“Visible” and “invisible,” “im in ur loop, uppin ur varbls,” and “o noes” included, all the good running jokes are referenced except “mah bucket.” But I’m sure some programmer somewhere will write a quick bit of LOLCODE as a quick ‘n dirty patch.


Only in Boston: Bad Fax, No Bomb Threat

Local businesses in the strip mall adjoining the Ashland, MA Bank of America are grumbling about lost revenue and disruption because the bank overreacted to some bad clip art on an internal memo that was, unfortunately, truncated so that it looked like a “bomb threat” and not like a “corporate countdown” team-building document.

 Also, no children were harmed in the evacuation of the strip mall.

Faulty fax, mistaken as threat, prompts evacuation of stores – The Boston Globe

A day-care center with about 30 children and more than a dozen small businesses in Ledgemere Plaza on Eliot Street were evacuated for about three hours after bank branch managers received a fax with images of a crude timer and a hand lighting a bomb, Ashland police Chief Scott Rohmer said. Bank employees told police a suspicious package had arrived around the same time, elevating their fears.

Bank security personnel later determined that a fax machine at the corporate office left off the text alerting employees to Small Business Commitment Week in June, including the words, “The Countdown Begins,” above the bomb.

Happy Monday that is a Tuesday!

Today, I…

  • slept late and was late, so in a rush I grabbed one of David’s plain black T-shirts to wear
  • got in to find not so much waiting to be done as you’d expect for a Monday-Tuesday
  • muttered under my breath a lot and groaned about my aching back
  • welcomed back my groups agent buddy, who had a nice week off
  • caught up on a few items left undone while covering for agent buddy
  • wondered if I could bike to work or not this summer
  • struggled with broken pricing in booking tool (STILL not fixed after 2 months??)
  • meant to talk to TL about a change in wording for when we book interviewees
  • went to Einstein’s for lunch, which I’ve been neglecting to do lately
  • moaned some more about my back and aching muscles (curses be upon weeds)
  • discovered and fixed a problem with emailed itineraries not being sent
  • dealt with several people screaming for their itineraries ( “there was a problem…” )
  • got distracted by news items, but not unduly
  • wondered about getting a massage
  • hung around tinkering with pricing problem after work
  • got home late, complained of aching back, and started rice for stir-fry
  • Agreed quickly when David suggested we dump the rice and go to Marconi’s
  • Enjoyed a delicious stuffed ravioli di mare with raspberry lemonade
  • drew stupid space creature on tablecloth (paper!! ) with “Bleu Cheese” Crayola
  • Giggled when David noticed “my” shirt, which now has girl goobies on it.
  • Laughed at Riley, who’s still tossing his fresh-catnip mousie high in the air
  • Checked on some plants in beds, prognosis: not dead yet
  • got back home, looked glumly at local area bike map, cursed suburban street plans
  • groaned about back, went to bed early

Ta-dah!! That was my day today.

Baltimore Sun ‘perceives’ an Episcopal trend comments on the Baltimore Sun article’s explanation of the Anglican Rift (aka, “the current unpleasantness” )

Baltimore Sun ‘perceives’ an Episcopal trend ||
The heart of the story comes early, in the grit-your-teeth-and-write-it background paragraphs that reporters simply have to write in order to help readers understand what is, supposedly, going on. So here is Kay’s shot at this almost impossible task…

Reisterstown resident Vince Clews, a founding member of Church of the Resurrection, said its formation after Robinson’s election may imply homophobia but had more to do with public statements by Episcopal bishops who don’t believe in tenets such as the divinity of Jesus, his resurrection or virgin birth.

Yikes! The statement “public statements by Episcopal bishops who don’t believe in tenets such as the divinity of Jesus, his resurrection or virgin birth” isn’t even challenged! Both the original article and the followup from GetReligion do a good job of laying out the difficult and confusing background on the Anglican rift, but that bit about Episcopal bishops not believing in the divinity of Jesus, His Resurrection, and the Virgin Birth is one of those talking points the “orthodox” branch tries to use as a tarred brush to justify their position and actions.

Otherwise, a good analysis by both reporter and religion reporter/blogger. It’s annoying that that little calumny keeps popping up, though.

I should make sure that this gets noted at Episcope – they already had the original article, but the commentary from GetReligion is interesting.

Walkin’ Texas Legislators

The doings of the Texas Legislature have been newsworthy for years – remember when a bunch of them went AWOL to avoid the redistricting vote and effectively kill it? This time, even the Republicans have had enough with the autocratic, absolutist rule of Speaker Craddick. Since he’s blocking a maneuver to vote on vacating his chair – in effect, he controls whether or not a vote to oust him can take place, a spontaneous walkout took place in the wee hours. One legislator just suggested that anyone that would have voted to oust the speaker just walk out with their voting keys. Apparently this bolluxes up their electronic vote system, so the session had to be adjourned.

Molly Ivins would have loved it. What a shame she’s not here to enjoy it, and skewer it for the rest of us.

Texas Observer Blog » Walk This Way – The Texas Observer

Tonight was one for the history books, capping an incredible weekend of drama in the Texas House. The tension in the lower chamber built steadily throughout this penultimate day of the 80th legislative session — finally culminating in heated floor exchanges, personal privilege speeches from two disaffected Republicans, and, finally, an apparently spontaneous walkout of at least 56 House members that halted the legislating and forced a hurried adjournment until 2 p.m. tomorrow.

Clematic Event

Clematic Event

It’s been a long, exhausting day – I worked in the yard from about 10 am on until 730pm, with breaks for when I got too warm and wobbly, or to run errands. But I’m pleased with the results – almost all the mulching is now done, several new plants are in the vegetable garden, which for the first time ever will possibly have vegetables in a month or two, and the “kitty garden” has been dug out and replanted. I say “dug out,” because the lawn care guys so helpully cut back everything in there to the ground and then overseeded this spring. And Stuey’s ashes have been installed in a little hole David dug, and the little statue is on top. So that’s finally done, too.

I added 2 bags of mushroom compost to the vegetable garden, and the rest went in the kitty garden. The bright brick-red mulch is all down except for one bare spot in front under the lilac and burning bush – and I have just one more bag left.

Most of the weekend I just sat around, but today was cool and not as rainy Saturday, and not as warm as yesterday, so I managed okay.  I had totally neglected everything last year, mostly because of Mom’s passing; after doing the little front flower bed at her house for the “celebration” after she died, I just kept avoiding anything in my own yard the rest of the summer.

Well, that’s changed for the better this year. It’s not as nice as it looked the first year, when I was all motivated and had patio planters and everything, but it looks nicer almost all the way around the house (the “blind” side will always be somewhat neglected, however).

I  stuck in some more petunias and planted some perennial dianthus, mulched the shit out of the front and side yards, and weeded and put out weed/feed besides. It looks okay.

What really surprised me was that the poor, neglected clematis plants I stuck in a couple of years ago made it through the winter, and in fact are thriving and even blooming. So I got all ambitious (but not crazy-stupid with it) and put in an heirloom tomato plant, a couple of peppers, and some herbs and even strawberries. Hence the errands to the home supply store, because I hadn’t planned on planting anything more, but oh, well.

My shower after cleaning up all the tools and weeds and stuff was interesting; a slurry of mud and compost and mulch and dirt went down the drain, no doubt. But it felt so good – I was seriously wiped out by the time I put everything away.

However, we made a pretty awesome dinner – David grilled some ahi tuna steaks and asparagus, and I made the soy/lemon/garlic sauce that he likes that’s sort of faux creamy for the vegetables.

Also, I gave Reilly got a couple of catnip leaves for a treat, and he went absolutely friggin nuts for them, like turning a light switch from “on” to “TOTALLY WACKY CAT” in about 2 seconds. So that he wouldn’t eat them and then barf them up later, I tucked them into one of his catnip mice that has a refillable pocket – he’s been throwing THAT up in the air and chasing after it much of the evening.

Not right now, though; he’s sacked out next to me. It’s time to sack out for me, too.

But oh, my back is going to be killing me tomorrow.

Ugh – Feedburner template mod for Church Blog

  1. Just so I can remember what I just did with Feedburner and the church blog
  2. I’m posting it here because I pasted it in index.php there, in the post-medata DIV and then I copied the relevant section of the “help” file here…
  3. Paste the code you copied in step 1 just above the line <p class="postmetadata">. If you don’t see this code, don’t panic! Just paste the code near the post metadata (author, date, comments, etc) or contact us for help.WordPress 2 Index
  4. Don’t panic. You know where your towel is, don’t you?
  5. Did the same thing in the single post template. Not panicking.

UPDATE: oh hai, im in ur metadata, flarin ur feed!