Durbin Drops The Big One

Crooks and Liars » Sen. Durbin Drops Bombshells on the Senate Floor

Sworn to secrecy as a member of the Senate Intelligence Committee, Sen. Dick Durbin, D-IL knew the American public was being fed lies in the run-up to the Iraq war, because he was hearing the true secret evidence in a room not far from the Senate chamber, and had to sit and listen to debates in the Senate that he knew were shored up by lies, damn lies, and statistics. And he couldn't say a word about what he knew, and was mighty angry about that. He's coming clean now in a clip that was probably picked up from the C-SPAN feed by Keith Olberman – click over to Crooks and Liars to see it. No doubt, Durbin was preaching to an empty chamber after the day's official business was over, but the blessed KO saw to it that it reached a wider (and more wide-awake) audience.

Daily Kos: Incriminating Goodling email found

Daily Kos: Incriminating Goodling email found

This is actually a "catch" from Anonymous Liberal at FireDogLake:  

As a litigator, I can tell you, that's a real no-no. You never instruct people to delete documents that are relevant to a pending investigation. Never. That's true even when the investigating body hasn't yet got around to requesting those documents. It smacks of obstruction. Indeed, the Obstruction of Congress statute, 18 U.S.C § 1505, specifically prohibits any attempts to obstruct "the due and proper exercise of the power of inquiry under which any inquiry or investigation is being had by either House, or any committee of either House or any joint committee of the Congress." The penalty is up to 5 years in prison.

Even Funnier

***Dave over at DDtB says this video hiliarious, but is even funnier if you have kids. 

YouTube – Voted Best Commercial in Europe

I respectfully beg to differ; it's even funnier if you don't. I can't watch it without going into a convulsive fit of laughing that brings on a coughing jag.

On a less "neener neener" note, it's refreshingly candid and aimed straight at the target market that most needs to get this message.   

CSI: Windjammer

Expect this true story to turn up on CSI:Miami next season. How very bizarre; this occurred right after our return. It's not a pretty story, and there's been very little more reported since this story from early April: 

Millionaire Found Dead In Miami Hotel – News Story – WPLG Miami

MIAMI — It's not the place one would expect a millionaire to turn up dead. But that's what happened to Daniel Richard Burke inside room No. 209 at the Biscayne Inn.

In an area of Biscayne Boulevard long known for prostitution and drug use, Burke's death came as a surprise to his family — not just because of where he died, but also because they didn't know he was dead.

The president of his family's Windjammer Cruises, Burke grew up on glitzy Star Island. His most recent address was a waterfront estate off the Venetian Causeway, which is currently for sale at a listed price of $3.6 million.

It's funny, but sometimes the Florida papers and news stations mention this next bit, and sometimes they don't:

Burke was officially pronounced dead at the hospital, but it took nine days for his family to find out he had died.

Detectives made at least six failed attempts in five days to reach Burke's wife, Dahl Wiessman Burke, said Delrish Moss, a Miami police spokesman.

His parents eventually hired a private detective, who located the body at the Medical Examiner's Office.



Hawking Flies High



This just makes me cry and laugh with happiness. What a tremendous thrill! What a huge smile! Reportedly, he communicates the word "Yes" by raising an eyebrow, so I wonder if he's saying "Yes! YES! Yesyesyes!"?

Also, how many people can say "we took Stephen Hawking out for a spin"?  

Zero gravity a blast for Hawking – Travel – theage.com.au

Cosmologist Stephen Hawking soared into weightlessness on Thursday on a zero gravity flight that allowed the leading expert on gravity to briefly escape from his wheelchair.

"It was amazing … I could have gone on and on,'' Hawking, 65, said after riding for two hours on a modified jet that flew a rollercoaster trajectory to create the impression of microgravity. "Space, here I come,'' he said at NASA's Kennedy Space Centre in Florida.

The British professor, who has spent most of his career studying black holes and gravity, hopes the flight will be a prelude to a 2009 voyage into space. "I have long wanted to go into space,'' said Hawking, who is almost entirely paralysed.

"A zero gravity flight is the first step to space travel,'' he said at a news conference near the runway. "I hope many people will follow in my path.''

I'm in! David's in! Now we just have to save a boatload of money…

The NPR story is here, with lengthy quotes from Dr. Hawking in his computer-generated voice. 

[tags]Space, Stephen Hawking, Zero G[/tags]