Global Warming Solution

Here's one way to do it: grab people who waste power and shake some sense into them.


Sorry about the down time – my husband David wasn't around today and so I had to wait for him to walk me through the difficult and dangerous procedure by phone to get the blogs back up. Here's what he had me do:

  1. Walk downstairs and identify which of several "tower" computers is the one where the blogs and David's computer archives reside (hint for next time – it's the one in the middle).
  2. Cycle power.
  3. Walk upstairs and see if blogs and archive are back up. Wah-lah!

Whew! I'm glad I was able to handle it. Next time, I won't need to wait for him to call back when he's not near enough for a "Hey, honeeee?" shout.

Technorati Tags: Global Warming

links for 2007-04-29

Standing Against Illiberal Winds

The Lead

"Illiberal winds are blowing pernicious policy and polity changes our way," the Rev. Canon Marilyn McCord Adams, Regius Professor of Divinity at Oxford University says. "…The Communiqué from the Tanzanian Primates’ meeting brought the intentions of those who dictated its content more fully out of the closet."

What delicious use of irony – those intentions are meant to force gays, lesbians, bisexuals, and transgendered persons back into the closet, at least in the Anglican church. Must read this more carefully tomorrow.  And I like that term "illiberal." It's time we defined the opposition in terms of what they are not for a change, taking back the label of "liberal" with pride.

[tags]Anglican, LGBT[/tags] 

Iraq: If You Rebuild It, It Will Be A Big Fat Waste of Money

Rebuilt Iraq Projects Found Crumbling – New York Times

In a troubling sign for the American-financed rebuilding program in Iraq, inspectors for a federal oversight agency have found that in a sampling of eight projects that the United States had declared successes, seven were no longer operating as designed because of plumbing and electrical failures, lack of proper maintenance, apparent looting and expensive equipment that lay idle.

Good GOD, when will the horrific, politically embarassing scandals cease coming down the pike? January, 2008 can't come too fast for this country (or this Administration).  

Persistent Cough: Week 11! Woohoo!

Ah, nuts. I finally counted up how long I’ve been dealing with this damn irritating persistent cough and found that it’s been eleven weeks. That’s it; no more neglecting my own health. I got in to see the doctor again yesterday, complaining that since my previous visit, I’m still coughing and it had worsened again in spite of taking prescription meds for a couple of weeks. Thursday night was the worst, and I didn’tsleep at all – sat up coughing my head off until 330am, then dragged myself upstairs and disturbed David and Riley with my hacking, hacking, hacking cough the rest of the night.

David wasn’t feeling good either, and by chance we both went to the doctor yesterday (one right after each other, apparently missing each other by 20 minutes).

So here is my current list of crap that I’m taking just for this stupid cough. Last night it was mercifully much improved; I hope it’s because of my newest medication, but I suspect it’s actually because the weather has warmed up. But now that I think of it, yesterday was still pretty cool and rainy, so maybe there’s reason for optimism.

  1. Albuterol HFA – 2 puffs every couple of hours
  2. Fluticasone Propionate (Flonase) – nasal spray. 2 hits per nostril morning and evening.
  3. Benzonatate (Tessalon Perles) – 2 gelcaps 3 times daily
  4. Walgreen’s Honey Menthol Cough Drops – I’m on my third bag of 100
  5. Wal-Zan 75 Acid Reducer – once daily (there’s a possible acid reflux component)

I’m trying to be more consistent about this regimen as far as the inhaler and the nasal spray. The inhaler goes with me to work, but the Flonase (which I prefer to call “Nasey-Poof” for some reason) stays home.

There are some things even I won’t inflict on my cow-orkers (some of whom are responsible for triggering my allergies when I’m at work, I might add).

The Tessalon Perles will go with me as well, since I’ll need to dose myself sometime in the afternoon as well as the evening.

I will say that I haven’t been coughing as much today, although it’s still a factor. Also, I get pretty breathless because I keep catching myself breathing shallowly, which I think is an instinctive way to reduce the chance of bringing on a big coughing fit. Easy does it.