It’s Chicken Soup Night

Chicken Soup Recipe You Can Make at Home

  1 tablespoons olive oil
  1 whole chicken, breasts removed and reserved
  2 onions
  2 quarts boiling water
  2 bay leaves
  1 large carrot
  1 celery stalk
  1/2 teaspoon dried thyme
  1/4 cup fresh parsley leaves
  Ground pepper

Time for some chicken soup. The slight sore throat I had last weekend has gone, but left behind a runny nose, a cough, and sneezy sniffles. Meh. 

This particular recipe is one we've made before  – this time we made matzo balls to go along with it. They were okay – to my mind, fairly firm and they soaked up the chicken soup really well after they boiled for 20 minutes in water. The first few got all gummy on my hands, and we had some frozen chicken fat in a container handy (ready to receive the latest contribution of schmaltz from the current batch) so I scraped some of the frozen fat off with a knife and greased my hands up to roll them out. It seemed like the ones I rolled out after that had a smoother surface and a more intense chicken flavor in the center, almost as if when they were dunked in the soup, the chicken essence got forced farther into the dumpling by the hot soup.

David says they were just okay, but they weren't bouncy enough like his Bubbe used to make. They're supposed to be dense enough to cause a risk of injury to the instep if dropped on the floor.  

It's pretty good stuff, Maynard. We served up big bowls, after a brief hot-soup-related incident in the kitchen (David survived). And then we served up a couple more big bowls. And then I had one more, because the flavor was so good. About halfway through the second bowl, my sinuses started to drain. Damn good stuff, Maynard.  

Three Outta Four Ain’t Bad

cartoon from

This is too funny, and too true. I can't say I've evangelized with the evangelicals, but all three of the other things happens every Sunday, if I go to both services at St Nicholas with the Holy Innocents.  Which I've been doing lately, mostly because as a choir member I enjoy singing both services, as the music is slightly different for each. 

Today was especially nice as a young woman with a gorgeous, trained voice sang "Domine Deus," by Antonio Vivaldi. Also, in both services we've been singing a really pretty modern "Kyrie," by Marty Haugen, that has a soft choral ostinato sung under a lead melody that really gets you in your heart, with lyrics to match. It's actually from a contemporary Catholic hymnal called "GATHER" that the more charismatic souls at St Nick's had chosen a few years ago for their worship music.  

That said, I had to laugh when I ran across this link just now when looking for something to cite: The Society for a Moratorium on the Music of Marty Haugen and David Haas (SMMMHDH)

Later today, I'll be pointing the old "Holy Innocents blog" to its new home as a sub-domain of the main St Nick's website. Whee! 


Cartoon by Dave Walker. Find more cartoons you can freely re-use on your blog at We Blog Cartoons.

[tags]Funny, Church, Cartoon[/tags]

Samurai, Ninja, and Wannabe Immortals In The News


I've noticed several news stories lately with a similar theme… as a Highlander fan of long standing, these kinds of things always catch my eye. Once upon a time, we fans used to groan and say "Oh, no, not again, brace yourselves for the backlash," but the media never made the connection we did between "samurai sword wielding man wreaks mayhem" and an obscure cult action movie/syndicated TV series. Featuring a samurai sword man wreaking mayhem, but for good, not evil.

Charges expected in samurai sword slaying

Man arrested after Highway 4 car chase 

Police shootings usually ruled OK
In other words, "OK to shoot the guy reaching for a sword strapped to his back."

New York man convicted in bar siege 

Sword-wielding neighbor mistakes porn for rape
Ooops! From "hero" to "not Zorro" in one swell foop!

Suspect behavior
(this one features a "katana vs. meat cleaver" match-up!)

Police hunting mystery swordsman
(my current favorite – man wielding sword aids police, then disappears. Who was that masked ninja man?)

[tags]Samurai Sword, Katana, Highlander[/tags] 



Total Lunar Eclipse, March 3, 2007

Total Lunar Eclipse, March 3, 2007

Here's a great webcast resource of the total lunar eclipse – it has links to a bunch of different feeds, and auto-refreshes.


 The sky dragon has taken a bite out of the moon, and will soon be mistaking our cloud-ridden homeworld for a glass of milk. Flee! To the starboats! Flee! 

UPDATE: Color change – now nearly total?


Even redder – pretty much looks total…


[tags]Lunar Eclipse[/tags] 

Strict Father Sky Vs. Nurturing Mother Earth

What was that just now about parenting models being the framework for every kind of ideological framework? 

Evangelicals seek to oust leader over global warming | Chicago Tribune

WASHINGTON — More than two dozen evangelical leaders are seeking the ouster of Rev. Richard Cizik from the National Association of Evangelicals because of his "relentless campaign" against global warming

Yeah. And that bit about Falwell preaching that global warming is a myth is referenced. He should go evangelize the Inuit for a year, that guy, and walk a mile in their mukluks. Or travel 1200 miles by dogsled, like this group.

[tags]Global Warming, Inuit, Jerry Falwell, evangelicals[/tags] 

Remember The Theory of Everything

I already knew this, but it bears repeating:  

Our view of God, strict or nurturing, divides us – Nashville, Tennessee – Saturday, 03/03/07 –

A battle of two moralities is roaring in this country — really, a battle between two views of God — and it explains nearly everything, and nearly everyone ignores it. An unspoken conflict of attitudes toward parenting — Strict Parent model vs. Nurturing Parent — shapes the showdown between conservatives and liberals across the board, whether at worship, in Congress or on the Iraq war.


[tags]God, Nurturing Parent, Strict Parent, liberals, conservatives[/tags] 

The Injustice Department Firings

The juicy bit: the former New Mexico US Attorney has stated that he was pressured to investigate Democrats before the November elections.  Because, after the elections, they'd be in a much better position to investigate political shenanigans and inappropriate White House meddling with the Justice Department. Now they have less than two years to really screw things up, appointments-wise. 

White House Backed U.S. Attorney Firings, Officials Say –

Since the mass firings were carried out three months ago, Justice Department officials have consistently portrayed them as personnel decisions based on the prosecutors' "performance-related" problems.

But, yesterday, officials acknowledged that the ousters were based primarily on the administration's unhappiness with the prosecutors' policy decisions and revealed the White House's role in the matter. "At the end of the day, this was a decision to pick the prosecutors we felt would most effectively carry out the department's policies and priorities in the last two years," said Justice Department spokesman Brian Roehrkasse.