
Tsvangirai appeals for international support | International News | News | Telegraph

Mr Tsvangirai, leader of the Movement for Democratic Change (MDC), said:"Yes, they brutalised my flesh. But they will never break my spirit. I will soldier on until Zimbabwe is free.

"Democratic change in Zimbabwe is within sight. Far from killing my spirit, the scars they brutally inflicted on me have re-energised me.

"Of course we need the support of the world, and please do support us in achieving democratic change in Zimbabwe."

Mr Tsvangirai described how a peaceable meeting organised by local churches was broken up by police officers acting under Mr Mugabe’s orders. Several officials from the MDC party were arrested and taken to a police station. Mr Tsvangirai went there to appeal for their release.

That "peaceable meeting organized by local churches" was advertised as a prayer meeting. The churches that were involved probably didn't include the Anglican church, at least not in an official capacity, as the bad Bishop of Harare is a big Mugabe supporter.

We pesky Episcopalians are in a quandary over African bishops generally, because of their wish to boot us out of the Anglican Communion because we're big fat evul gay-loving sinners. But why should we worry about being judged immoral by guys who are in the pockets of corrupt politicians? Many of the "big men" in the conservative movement of African bishops are no angels… while the "little men" in the Anglican church in Africa shoulder the burden of caring for their flocks in incredibile adversity.  


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