Chicago Diocese — Waiting for Our Response

Chicago Diocese — Presiding Bishop offers reflection on the Primates Meeting

Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori has invited Episcopalians to a season of fasting regarding action on rites of blessing for same gender unions, and confirming candidates for episcopal ministry who are living in same gender partnerships. Returning from the biennial meeting of Anglican Communion Primates held Feb. 15-19 in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, the presiding bishop offered her reflection on the recommendations in the Primates Communique addressing the Episcopal Churchs response to the Windsor Report.

Still waiting to see what Bishop Pursell's and Bishop Scantlebury's response will be to the Primates' Meeting, the Communique, and our own Presiding Bishop's response.

Frankly, it's a puzzlement. There's a lot of confusion out there, and not a little angst and agita. No one seems to really know what ++Katherine means by fasting, or if everyone should "fast" (presumably, give up on marriages or consecrations of bishops for "a season,") or if only gay Christians must bear the burden.

A comment I saw at Fr. Jakes: take the example of the Danes under Nazi occupation. If some must be marked out as "other," than all must be marked out. I'm currently mulling over the thought of making rainbow-colored hymnbook markers or nametag necklaces out of thin satin ribbon.


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