Flickr’s been bugging me to update my log-in from the “old skool” ID I originally built to a Yahoo-based ID. So I did it, and then after it was too late, they airily mention on the “welcome to the new skool” landing page that any API-based Flickr tools and applications I may have might not work anymore.
Oh. Well, thank you for warning me in advance. ecto uses a very handy and important-to-me API app that pulls in photos from Flickr very easily so I can post them, and also eventually I’ll get the Photo Album plug-in working on my main WordPress installation.
Let’s see what I can do with a photo I just uploaded to Flickr:

Yep! Works! All I had to do was click the Flickr two-dot icon, log out (because I was previously logged in using the old skool ID), log back in, and re-authorize ecto by clicking on a bright blue “Yes, I’ll OK It” button. Done.
This fellow is one of the diehard Bears fans at church; a lot more people will be in Bears regalia this Sunday, I bet.