• Episcopal - Good and Joyful Things - Hot Off The Presses - Notty Problems: Even Leaving Doesn't Solve Them - Only in Utah...

    Why Do Gay Rights Matter? Here’s One Reason

    Utah is a hard place to be "different." If you're not Mormon, it can be hard to make friends and be accepted, until you find the right religio-social pigeonhole for yourself. And if you were raised Mormon, but can no longer conform for some reason, it's even harder. If your family rejects you, but your partner can't legally marry you, it's much, much worse if you become incapacitated with a fatal illness.  Some of this article may be a little hard to read without a box of Kleenex handy.   Salt Lake Tribune – Lost to Lou Gehrigs disease: Even…

  • Health And Fitness

    Adult ADHD Undertreated

    BBC NEWS | Health | Adult ADHD not treated properly A recent survey of children with ADHD in Newham, in London, found although symptoms tended to decrease between the ages of seven and 17, the 17-year-olds showed a level of hyperactivity similar to that found in a group of normal seven-year-olds. When the same people were seen again at the age of 26, they were found to have disabilities associated with high levels of psychiatric disorder, including feelings of restlessness, feeling depressed when inactive, depression, and difficulties sustaining relationships. Dr Chris Steer, who treats paediatric ADHD in Fife, said that…

  • Health And Fitness

    Gearing UP

    Okay, I finally got a reason to get going on a fitness program. The health club in the building at work offered a great deal for a 6 week "jumpstart" program for emplyoyees of my company, including some nutrition counseling and 6 weekly sessions with a personal trainer. So last Friday I signed up for the next 6 weeks, beginning today. And yesterday I went out to Le Tarzhay and bought some new workout gear, all very comfortable and even flattering (cut not so badly for a big girl me). Last night I packed up my gym bag, and this morning made it…