White House Postponing Loss of Iraq, Biden Says – washingtonpost.com
Sen. Joseph R. Biden Jr. D-Del., chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, said yesterday that he believes top officials in the Bush administration have privately concluded they have lost Iraq and are simply trying to postpone disaster so the next president will "be the guy landing helicopters inside the Green Zone, taking people off the roof," in a chaotic withdrawal reminiscent of Vietnam.
"I have reached the tentative conclusion that a significant portion of this administration, maybe even including the vice president, believes Iraq is lost," Biden said. "They have no answer to deal with how badly they have screwed it up. I am not being facetious now. Therefore, the best thing to do is keep it from totally collapsing on your watch and hand it off to the next guy — literally, not figuratively."
The signs are there. The President actually wrote us a letter laying the groundwork (okay, an op-ed in the WSJ): he warns, very clearly, against partisanship and passing bills that are just "political statements." They'd better not be wasting the two years that supposedly will be so very productive and fruitful if only they will return the gesture and reach across the aisle… or else "the Democrat Congress made us lose this war, and the terrorists win." And now Sen. Biden may have the right idea: if the Administration can just hold on long enough, Bush won't be the President that lost the wrong war in the wrong country for the wrong reasons, some other schmo sitting in the Oval Office at the time the Last Helicopter bugs out of Baghdad actually will do that (presumably, a Democrat, or this strategery doesn't make much sense).
[tags]Biden, Bush, total loser, failure, passive-agressive bullshit[/tags]