Colbert is magnanimous in truthiness victory

Truthiness is the word of the year –

According to a survey by dictionary publisher Merriam-Webster, "truthiness" is the word of the year. In an email to the AP, Stephen Colbert, coiner of the word, forgave the "wordinistas" he had earlier derided for their reference-book minded, "fact based agenda," simply because they wished to honor him. 


Chicago Trib adds video, audio to news stories

Bone-weary haulers raise risks on road | Chicago Tribune

The story is not that thrilling, but when you click on the link, a multimedia file plays that shows a mixture of video and still pictures, taken by a Trib reporter and photographer who rode along with a long-distance trucker. Interesting story, interesting use of the capabilities of the Trib online edition. 

Bits & Pieces: Fender skirts and steering knobs

Bits & Pieces: Fender skirts and steering knobs

On a smaller scale, "wall-to-wall" was once a magical term in our homes.
In the '50s, everyone covered his or her hardwood floors with, wow, wall-to-wall carpeting! Today, everyone replaces their wall-to-wall carpeting with hardwood floors. Go figure.

This is what has now been done with Mom's house. The hardwood floors under the living room carpet were in fairly good shape, except for the entry way that Mom sorta ruined by putting down self-stick vinyl flooring. The floors in the dining room weren't the same quality, as it was formerly a garage, so new flooring was put down in there. The floors in the bedrooms were okay, but not as nice as the living room. But yes, I remember my mom talking about how wonderful wall-to-wall carpeting was after having lived with rugs that could be rolled up and taken outside to be cleaned. The work is nearly done and I'm waiting for word on updated photos.

Another disappearing word: "steering knob" or "suicide knob" was mentioned in the original post – I think Pop had one of these. I seem to remember him swinging the wheel with panache using this knob. I could not fail to see this, as I was generally seated on his lap, with the seat set way back, as he drove. He would get a ticket for this if he were alive today and tried it with his newest great-grandchild, Alexa. Also, air bags and seat belts hadn't even been invented. Weird!

I have a vivid memory of a neighbor's "curb feelers," from when we lived in Albuquerque in the early 60's. They were spring mounted rods that stuck out from the right front and right rear of a car that looked like a road barge. It bothered me that there weren't also feelers on the left side, thus making the car asymmetrical (I didn't know the word, but instinctively understood the concept). The neighbor tried to explain why they weren't needed on the left side and seemed to think it very funny that I just couldn't grasp it.

Here are a couple of more words or phrases that remained current enough in my family to be preserved until the present day:

"Carpet Beater." This was a thing that looked like a tennis racket, used for cleaning rugs.

"Clothes Line." Mom still used hers, and the neighbor uses it too. I used it when I stayed at Mom's house after she passed away, because the dryer wasn't working for me. Imagine, drying your clothes with the power of sun and wind! Not recommended for days with impending rain or dust storms, however. If strong enough wire was used, rugs could be hung on the clothesline and more or less cleaned by whacking them with a "carpet beater." I actually used a "carpet beater" with a "clothesline" on a childhood visit to my Aunt Sis's house in Colorado Springs. I couldn't figure out why they just didn't use the vacuum in the olden days. 

"Sly Flatter" Okay, this is a trick one. It's actually a "Fly Swatter." Pronounced the same, only inside out. It's a thing you kill flies with. Also used to threaten naughty children with, who nowadays would be diagnosed with Oppositional Defiant Disorder and given medication.

"Rabbit Ears" This is a thing that sits on top of the TV, which strangely enough is not flat enough to hang like a picture. If you fiddle with it, your picture will improve… but only if you have fiddled with your cable so much that it fell out of the back of your TV.

"Tele-Vision" What we watched before TV was invented. Like "Dyna-Flow" and "Elecro-Lux" and the other slightly retro, slightly sci-fi marketing terms that have fallen into disuse. People still long for things like "Cinerama" and "Techni-Color," you know. 

"Spotlight" This was an actual light attached to the side of ordinary passenger cars, with a big "Bakelite" knob so that it could be aimed at things at the side of the road to check addresses, street signs, and whether that large lump on the lawn was a drunk passed out already, as you arrive for the big party. My sisters used to beg "Pop" to "play spottie" with the light he had on his big old Ford, when they went to the…

"Drive-In" movie, a kind of outdoor theater where parking was never a problem, but kind of expensive. However, after paying the parking fee, the movie was free, and you got a big chunk of aluminum that contained a speaker and a big long wire with a giant jack on the end. This was hung on a pole next to your parking space and plugged in. Alternatively, it was waiting all plugged in when you got to your space. You then hung it inside your window, and rolled the window up. Oh. There's another one.

"Window Crank" A device for opening and closing car windows, from before electricity was completely understood to be the labor-saving device it could be in cars. You didn't raise and lower your windows, you rolled them up or down. Also useful when visiting "drive-in restaurants," where the tray would be hung on your partially rolled-down window. This is still done at Hires in Salt Lake! Weird!

"Bakelite" What they used before petrochemical-based plastic was invented to make knobs, molded knick-knacks, and even costume jewelry. It was apparently made from cellulose and a bunch of other smelly resins, and then heated and molded. Still in use in some applications today.  

"Girdle" An instrument of torture, worn by women. Elastic straps and rubber and garters with hanging metal tabs for attaching "nylon stockings," not pantyhose. Now do you wonder where fetishes start?

"Garter" or "Garter Belt" A thing for holding up "nylon stockings" if you weren't wearing a "girdle." Cooler, more comfortable, infinitely more sexy. Apparently, they were sometimes worn UNDER one's unmentionables, which were cut like dance shorts, apparently. 

"Nylon Stockings" were single-leg sheer knit coverings worn by women, in one size. On the one hand, if you got a "runner" in your "stocking" you could swap it for a new one while still wearing the orginal mate on the other leg. On the other hand, you had to deal with either garters or girdles. Womanhood heaved a sigh of relief when "pantyhose" were invented. I remember my sister Timmy bringing home a pair with the brand name of "Little Prurnes," and how we laughed at them. Stocking caps made from old nylons went from being one-leggers to two-leggers at our house (my niece Raeanne and her friend Tina wore them on their heads, for various reasons) They were funny-looking, but they did stretch to fit some, but not all women. I haven't worn nylon panty hose in years, because I refuse to be strangled from the waist down, and I only wear skirts (actually, sarongs or pareus) in the summer. I am not a slave to fashion.

Via DDtB: Words Mean Things

Law firm rampage: security guard ran off home

Law firm rampage has officials puzzled | Chicago Tribune


Police said they were trying to reconstruct how the man got through security and up to the 38th floor of the building at 500 W. Madison St. The security guard who was held at gunpoint left immediately after the shooting, took a train to Indiana and had to be tracked down by authorities, according to a police source.

I'm thinking the "security guard" isn't going to be one much longer. I can't blame him for complying for as long as a gun was held to his head. But running off home like that, while surrounded by hundreds or thousands of people in the Metra station who didn't know what he knew about what had happened, strikes me as something worse than panic. He had a duty to stick around and tell the police what he knew, even though he came off as more of an enabler than a hero.    

Inchworm, Inchworm, Measuring the whaaaAAAAT?

BBC NEWS | South Asia | Condoms too big for Indian men

A survey of more than 1,000 men in India has concluded that condoms made according to international sizes are too large for a majority of Indian men.

The study found that more than half of the men measured had penises that were shorter than international standards for condoms. It has led to a call for condoms of mixed sizes to be made more widely available in India. The two-year study was carried out by the Indian Council of Medical Research.

Over 1,200 volunteers from the length and breadth of the country had their penises measured precisely, down to the last millimetre

Naturally, the obligatory "size doesn't matter, it's what you do with it" is highlighted as a pullquote to the side.  Obviously, they're doing something right, as there are currently a lot of Indians.

I hope this news item isn't going to set off an international competition or anything.  


happening-here: Episcopal bishop arrested in war protest

happening-here: Episcopal bishop arrested in war protest


When the Bishops turn came, he seemed almost in his element. More than one member of the Episcopal clergy remarked to me: "were seeing a new day."

Now that's what I call an anti-war protest: a Eucharist served from WWII-era flasks and tin plates, singing, full vestments, and arrests. The photos at this happening-here: blog are amazing. Bishop of California +Marc was really walking the walk. 

Via  Jake

Gunman at the train station, madman at the mall

3 dead, including gunman, in downtown shooting; Metra running again | Chicago Tribune

Police Supt. Phil Cline said the gunman entered an office on the 38th floor of the Citigroup Center office tower shortly before 3:15 p.m. armed with a snub-nose revolver, knife and hammer. He shot four people and was holding a hostage when police fired at him, but “before the offender died, he may have also shot himself, Cline said. 

Meanwhile, out in the far western fringes of Chicago:

Rockford man charged in alleged terror plot 

A 22-year-old Rockford man appeared in federal court in Chicago today, charged with plotting to set off hand grenades in a terror attack at a busy Rockford mall during the holiday season.

All in all, it was kind of a jarring and unsettling news day in Chicago. The Citigroup office tower is also the Metra train station, transportation hub for the entire region. This time of day, hundreds or thousands of people are cycling in and out of there. One of the supervisors at work was jangling a little, as she was meeting a friend downtown tonight and had planned to take the train, and meet him at the Metra station (the other main train station is Union Station, and some commuter lines go there).