Joe Wilson: Lying Sons of Bitches

The Blog | Joseph C. Wilson: People for the American Way Address | The Huffington Post

This is still a nation where a citizen can get up every morning and shout at the top of his lungs that the President, Vice President, Secretary of Defense and Secretary of State are lying sons of bitches, and survive to see the sun go down. I know. I do it most days.

Don’t take my word for it. Ask Valerie.

Wilson’s speech to the People for the American Way is worth a read, and a ponder.

It’s a Hell of a way to run a Desert

Salt Lake Tribune – Flooding, cold add to the already rugged race

We’re currently in Moab, on our last day here before moving on to Salt Lake. We arrived the first day of the race and wondered then with the weather how things with the big race were going. Turns out there was so much water on the course, they stopped the race at 8pm and resumed the next morning. So “24 Hours of Moab” became “13 Hours of Moab” and few of the riders complained, as many of them came in with hypothermia and complaining of waist-deep water on the course.

There are always a lot of people with bikes in Moab, but this weekend there were huge SUV hauling clusters of dark, no-nonsense mountain bigs everywhere, including in the parking lot of the hotel.

It’s cloudy today, so we may do some geocaching instead of driving out to Canyonlands. More later in a big post I’m working on.


links for 2006-10-15

Conservative Bishop, Progressive Parish: Refuse Confirmations, Revoke Eucharistic Licenses, Cut Them OffAt The Knees

Episcopal parish seeking new leadership | Chicago Tribune

Bennett says the conflict between St. Andrew’s and its bishop began at the 2003 Episcopal General Convention, when Bennett cast her vote in favor of Rev. V. Gene Robinson, an openly gay man in a committed relationship, as New Hampshire bishop.

In November 2005, Bennett contacted Beckwith to ask if he was opposed to confirming a lesbian who wished to join the Church. At that point, Bennett said, the bishop declared he would confirm no one in the parish because “the faith was not being taught” there.

When Beckwith celebrated mass at the parish later that month, Bennett said, several of the lay eucharistic ministers refused communion from him.

Just days before Christmas Eve, he revoked the licenses of all 15 lay eucharistic ministers at St. Andrew’s. Since then, the lesbian candidate for confirmation have left the parish.

“We never wanted to do anything rapidly or rush to any kind of decision,” she said. “We wanted to do our homework and do everything we felt possible in terms of trying to reconcile with the bishop.”

See? Progressives will attempt to reconcile themselves with their antagonists, sometimes right into the ground. Deep-core traditionalists will exploit the reconciliation “dialogue” if not in power, and will simply impose their will if in power.

I feel bad for this parish, in a neighboring diocese, and wonder how things will turn out for them. Even though we’re on vacation, I’ll try to make it to church and include them in my prayers tomorrow.

Progressive Bishop, Conservative Parish: Pray, Attempt Reconciliation, Sue Over Property If No Other Option

Episcopal News Service

The diocesan news release said that on July 17 the rector, wardens and vestry of St. John’s “abandoned the offices to which they were elected as well as the Episcopal Church when they violated the canons of the church” by affiliating with the Anglican Diocese of Luweero in Uganda.

“By definition, parishioners and clergy who remove themselves from the Episcopal Church relinquish their rights of governance within the church’s structure,” the release said.

San Diego Bishop James R. Mathes appointed the Rev. Wayne Sanders as priest-in-charge of St. John’s. The parish held a special meeting and elected replacement wardens and vestry.

I’ve met Bishop Mathes, back when he was Canon Mathes of the Diocese of Chicago. Nice man, does a lot of meetings, attempts to discern arriving at agreement through discussion. Uses a lot of flip charts.

When all else fails, will fall back on legal solutions, but will continue to hope for reconciliation by attempting to keep lines of communication open (against all odds).

Why Do We Always Get The Arguing Family Next Door?

When we stay in hotels, we have a few standards. We insist on non-smoking rooms, we prefer king beds, we’re starting to require wireless internet or at least cable internet access (David has a portable wireless access point).

But what we often get, without specifying it, is The Screaming Family In The Adjoining Room Next Door. This happened the last time we were at the Gonzo Inn in Moab, and it’s happening again… complete with near-hysterical mother loudly ordering a cranky toddler to “stop crying and rest! immediately! This is the third time I’ve told you, you need to rest! Why do you do this to me??”

Gosh, it seems like screaming at a crying child while alternately bargaining and “reasoning” with them is guar-on-teed to prevent them from calming down and taking a much-needed nap. Meanwhile, the father chimed in with some loudly spoken words of wisdom as well. Joy.

I just hope they’re quieter tonight, that’s all.

I wonder if they’re the same family with the obnoxious kid that was playing with the phone system earlier? Kid kept calling our room and saying “Hi,” but after the fifth call (and waiting for them to hang up and clear the line for several minutes) we called the front desk to complain. Turns out they can watch the call board to see what room is calling another, and the front desk person said she’d keep an eye on inter-room calls and put a stop to the behavior.

Oh! We just heard a young child in the Family From Hell room next door say “Hi!” in the same tone of voice David heard on the phone. What fun, they’re right next door!

If this continues, we’ll apply our own remedy: joyfully boisterous loud sex. That’ll larn ’em.