Utah Senate Race: Swiping Signs and Sneaking Seniors Out After Hours

Pete Ashdown’s Campaign Journal � Sign War

It appears that the “sign war” has begun. Last night, all of our signs in the Salt Lake Foothill area magically disappeared, including a 10 foot banner that was zip-tied to a brick wall. All of the signs, including the banner, were on private property.

Equally magical is the fact that Republican signs have suddenly appeared in the same area.

I wonder what my sisters have to say about this? One of them lives in the Foothill area.

And what about this item?

Interestingly, Republican Party County Chairman James Evans who had presided over a voter registration-dessert party at St. Joseph’s Villa Thursday evening, was seen lurking in the shadows of the shrubs south of the wheelchair shop on the premises just after dark.

Hours later, coincindentally, at about 2 a.m. Friday morning, Mr. Evans was spotted leading a group of ambulatory residents out the back door of the nursing home. According to a witness, the residents, still dressed in pajamas, were led through a backyard and piled into a van, loaded with republican campaign signs, parked a block away, and drove east with Chairman Evans at the wheel.

It was further reported by long-time St. Joseph’s Villa resident Bee Bee (Bessie Bensen), that an unusually high number of residents were late for breakfast Friday morning, prompting kitchen staff to hold breakfast open till 10:30 a.m.

Okay, now really. This is St Joseph’s Villa we’re talking about. This op guy would hardly have been taking them out to swipe yard signs, or secretly register them as Republicans… okay, he wouldn’t have been taking them along to swipe yard signs at least.

But remember, this was after the dessert party. He was probably taking them out for a not-so-innocent (cue the dunh! dunh! Dunnnnh! music) cup of coffee.

They’re probably dying for a decent late-night latte. Heh.

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One thought on “Utah Senate Race: Swiping Signs and Sneaking Seniors Out After Hours

  1. Your sister in the Foothill area won’t give a damn because she doesn’t vote – thinks the government is the devil, blaa, blaa, blaa.
    Don’t know if the articles about the wonderboy Mike Levitt have hit your area but the family is under the glass for improper shifting of funds. Rolly had a great column last week about how this family has gotten away with really nasty stuff. But – he is the wonder boy of Utah – a good “mo” and republican… I’d love to see him exposed on a national level!!!! There was also a large article about Mitt Romney and his ties to polygamy – seems his great grand fathers (on both sides) had multiple wives. Oh, the joys of living in Utah. I can hardly wait to get the hell out of here!!!!

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