The Taking of Pelham 123: Furry Footpad Swipes Gloves

Cat burglar suspect in garden-glove thefts – Yahoo! News


As if the gardeners of Pelham don’t have enough to worry about, with the rocky soil and the slugs and the big trees casting too much shade, a feline felon has been sneaking into their back yards and carrying off gardening gloves.

Goche’s flower-patterned number may soon take its place on the clothesline that’s strung across the front fence at Willy’s home, which he shares with Jennifer and Dan Pifer, their 19-month-old son Hudson and a mutt named Peanut Chew.

Above the line is a sign that says, in words and pictures, “Our cat is a glove snatcher. Please take these if yours.”

On Thursday morning, nine pairs of gardening gloves and five singles were strung up, nicely framed by the Pifers’ flourishing tomato and basil plants. Willy, looking innocent, was playing with a beetle under the Subaru in the driveway and occasionally dashing after Hudson.

I’m sure that Riley will have something to say about this later.

TV Time

I don’t usually go for memes, but this one caught my eye. The idea is, if you’ve watched at least 3 episodes, you get to put the show title in bold. There are a couple of shows, like Inuyasha or Father Ted, where I’ve seen one episode or two, and might have watched more if I’d remembered to schedule the time. Add to this the new show Eureka, which premiered tonight. We liked it a lot,and added
it to the Season Pass list.

Also, they have the coolest.shwag.evar advertised on the Made In Eureka home page. I wants me a Cryo-Kennel. Anyway, here’s the meme-list:

7th Heaven
Alfred Hitchcock Presents



Arrested Development
Battlestar Galactica [1 and 2]


Beverly Hills 90210

Boy Meets World
Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Bug Juice
Chappelle’s Show
Charlie’s Angels



Commander in Chief

Cowboy Bebop

CSI: Miami
Curb Your Enthusiasm
Danny Phantom

Dawson’s Creek
Dead Like Me
Degrassi: The Next Generation
Desperate Housewives
Doctor Who

Family Guy


Father Ted
Fawlty Towers





Get Smart

Gilligan’s Island

Gilmore Girls
Gomer Pyle, U.S.M.C.

Grey’s Anatomy

Hannah Montana
Happy Days

Hogan’s Heroes

Home Improvement

Homicide: Life on the Street
I Dream of Jeannie

I Love Lucy

Invader Zim

Little House on the Prairie

Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman

Lost in Space

Love, American Style



Malcolm in the Middle

Married With Children
Melrose Place
Miami Vice

Mission: Impossible

My Three Sons
My Two Dads
One Tree Hill
Perry Mason


Power Rangers

Prison Break
Rescue Me


Saved by the Bell
Scooby-Doo, Where Are You?


Sex and the City
Six Feet Under

So Weird
South Park

Spongebob Squarepants
Star Trek

Star Trek: The Next Generation

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine

Star Trek: Voyager

Stargate Atlantis
Stargate SG-1



Teen Titans

That 70’s Show

That’s So Raven
The 4400
The Addams Family

The Andy Griffith Show

The A-Team

The Avengers

The Beverly Hillbillies

The Brady Bunch

The Cosby Show

The Daily Show

The Dead Zone
The Flintstones

The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air
The Honeymooners

The Jetsons

The Love Boat

The Munsters

The O.C.
The Office
The Shield
The Simpsons

The Six Million Dollar Man

The Sopranos

The Suite Life of Zack and Cody

The Twilight Zone

The Waltons

The West Wing
The Wonder Years
The X-Files

Third Watch

Three’s Company

Twin Peaks
Veronica Mars
Whose Line is it Anyway?

Will and Grace

Via ***Dave

Windows 2006

The “measure tech” is here from Anderson Windows to do the precision measurements on all the windows we’re getting replaced with energy efficient vinyl-composite.

Notes on installation of new windows:

  • Will need to not only remove existing blinds, but remove brackets and reinstall them.
  • We discussed the trim around the patio door; it will be replaced with trim that matches the floor we had installed 2 years ago.
  • Exterior decorative shutters (fake ones) are probably not going to survive and we’ll probably have to replace them.

Background: several weeks ago David and I decided to do something about the windows in the house, which are the original windows. They’re aluminum framed and every temperature difference outside is translated indoors, whether it’s hot or cold outside. Currently, the bedroom heats up in the morning from the early sun it receives; you can feel the heat radiating through even with the blinds closed. In the winter, the reverse is true. The family room gets completely frozen out, because there’s also a nasty draft
that comes off the windows that no amount of plastic film can completely block.

I’m looking forward to having tight, well-insulated windows this winter.

We got a pretty good deal; there was a sale on, and David discovered there’s a tax incentive which lowers the effective cost a few hundred dollars. We’re anticipating further savings on heating and cooling costs in years to come, especially with energy costs about to go through the roof.

Brownouts… got candles?

What fun, the thunderstorm they warned us about today hit pretty much right on schedule – the temperature dropped 15 degrees in just a few minutes once the rain finally started. Earlier, David and I went out front to watch the lightning, which was confined to just the high clouds, but it was flashing constantly.

At least it will be cool enough to sleep tonight – the air conditioning unit for this house is a little underpowered – and I’ve got candles going in case we lose power in the next few minutes.

It’s constantly rumbling overhead with thunder – it sounds like heavenly indigestion.

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President Enduring International Laughingstock

It was inevitable – now the international press laughs openly at Bush as Putin gets in a “tough jab” (Quicktime video) at Bush’s expense at the G8 summit press conference.

Putin and Bush at G8

BUSH: I talked about my desire to promote institutional change in parts of the world, like Iraq, where there’s a free press and free religion. And I told him that a lot of people in our country would hope that Russia will do the same thing. I fully understand, however, that there will be a Russian-style democracy. PUTIN: We certainly would not want to have same kind of democracy as they have in Iraq, quite honestly. BUSH: Just wait.

Not mentioned in the transcript, but heard and shown
on screen as cameras cut away from Putin after his jibe to show journalists cracking up. Bush’s “Just wait.” is hardly heard over the laughter. Yep, we’ve lost the respect we earned during Wars I and II, just as III threatens to break out. And we did it by invading Iraq, and pissing off the Islamicists worldwide, but we’ll never admit it. Meanwhile, remember when the U.S. used to be a big player in the Middle East peace process? Good times. While reading the comments at,
I ran across an old blogquaintance, Patriot Boy. I think I’ll go there for a good laugh, although a rather sad one.

Wonder What Pissed Him Off?

Salt Lake Tribune – Air Force pilot vandalized pro-Bush cars

DENVER – An Air Force officer with hundreds of hours of combat time pleaded guilty Friday to defacing cars with bumper stickers supporting President Bush, and was given a two-year deferred sentence and ordered to pay for the damage he caused.
Lt. Col. Alexis Fecteau, a decorated officer who flew 500 combat hours in the Gulf War, Kosovo and Bosnia, pleaded guilty to felony mischief and must pay restitution to the owners of the damaged cars to clear his record.

I really do have to wonder what it was that set this guy off in the first place… was it possibly the fact that the Commander in Chimp had such a sketchy “career” as a Reservist? Or was it the way he started Iraq II? Or was it something to do with the “space warfare training facility” he was just removed from, which sounds like some kind of front for the Stargate program?

These Folks Is Batshit Crazy

And the sooner they all get taken up and crash into each other mid-air, the better: 

For the first time in my Christian walk, I have no doubts that the day of the Lords appearing is upon us. I have never felt this way before, I have a joy that bubbles up every-time I think of him, for I know this is truly the time I have waited for so long. Am I alone in feeling guilty about the human suffering like my joy at his appearing some how fuels the evil I see everywhere. If it were not for the souls that hang in the balance and the horror that stalks man daily on this earth, my joy would be complete.
For those of us who await his arrival know, somehow we just know it won’t be long now, the Bridegroom cometh rather (sic) man is ready are not.

Thanks, I think, to ***Dave and Stupid Evil Bastard for the heads up. As ***Dave says, ”

Yeah, a shame about all that collateral
suffering — but, glee! Disgusting.

(wonder if that little PvP link macro still works on that one particular word? We’ll see!) The “Raptor Ready” (intentional mis-spellings are our friends) site recently got a lot of attention in the “mainstream media,” with cites in Time and so forth. Apparently, up to 40% of Americans actually believe that “saved” Christians will be beamed up to heaven so they don’t have to stick around for the Big Bad End of the World before Jeebus comes back and kicks some ass.
They quote chapter and verse from all over the Bible (Hebrew and New Testament) in support of their view that the allegorical events in the Revelation of John will actually happen just as described. Thus, they are really taking literalism to extremes. Here’s what Thomas Paine had to say about the matter in The Age of Reason:


BUT some perhaps will say — Are we to have no word of God — no revelation? I answer yes. There is a Word of God; there is a revelation.

THE WORD OF GOD IS THE CREATION WE BEHOLD: And it is in this word, which no human invention can counterfeit or alter, that God speaketh universally to man.

Human language is local and changeable, and is therefore incapable of being used as the means of unchangeable and universal information. The idea that God sent Jesus Christ to publish, as they say, the glad tidings to all nations, from one end of the earth unto the other, is consistent only with the ignorance of those who know nothing of the extent of the world, and who believed, as those world-saviours believed, and continued to believe for several centuries, (and that in contradiction to the discoveries of
philosophers and the experience of navigators,) that the earth was flat like a trencher; and that a man might walk to the end of it.

But how was Jesus Christ to make anything known to all nations? He could speak but one language, which was Hebrew; and there are in the world several hundred languages. Scarcely any two nations speak the same language, or understand each other; and as to translations, every man who knows anything of languages, knows that it is impossible to translate from one language into another, not only without losing a great part of the original, but frequently of mistaking the sense; and besides all this, the art of printing
was wholly unknown at the time Christ lived.

It is always necessary that the means that are to accomplish any end be equal to the accomplishment of that end, or the end cannot be accomplished. It is in this that the difference between finite and infinite power and wisdom discovers itself. Man frequently fails in accomplishing his end, from a natural inability of the power to the purpose; and frequently from the want of wisdom to apply power properly. But it is impossible for infinite power and wisdom to fail as man faileth. The means it useth are always
equal to the end: but human language, more especially as there is not an universal language, is incapable of being used as an universal means of unchangeable and uniform information; and therefore it is not the means that God useth in manifesting himself universally to man.

It is only in the CREATION that all our ideas and conceptions of a word of God can unite. The Creation speaketh an universal language, independently of human speech or human language, multiplied and various as they be. It is an ever existing original, which every man can read. It cannot be forged; it cannot be counterfeited; it cannot be lost; it cannot be altered; it cannot be suppressed. It does not depend upon the will of man whether it shall be published or not; it publishes itself from one end of the earth
to the other. It preaches to all nations and to all worlds; and this word of God reveals to man all that is necessary for man to know of God. Do we want to contemplate his power? We see it in the immensity of the creation. Do we want to contemplate his wisdom? We see it in the unchangeable order by which the incomprehensible Whole is governed. Do we want to contemplate his munificence? We see it in the abundance with which he fills the earth. Do we want to contemplate his mercy? We see it in his not withholding
that abundance even from the unthankful. In fine, do we want to know what God is? Search not the book called the scripture, which any human hand might make, but the scripture called the Creation.

I disagree with Paine on his views regarding Christ elsewhere in the essay, but I agree wholeheartedly that no text written, translated, or preserved from the distant past to this day can possibly free of error, misinterpretation, or deliberate mishandling in order to support one or another point of dogma. Which makes it kind of interesting reading the “Events Speeding Up?” thread, because it seems to be a feature of Rapt believers that they pull in verses from just about anywhere in the Bible to
support their belief. Including any verse from, say, “Song of Solomon” that says anything like “Arise, my beloved.” Not to mention the stuff about the perfect red heifer that must be sacrificed, burned, and the ashes used to set the cornerstones of the reconstructed Temple in Jerusalem. Which to a believer (either Jewish or Christian) is a very important, puzzling, but essential point – but anyone else will think it smacks a little
too much of

Raiders of the Lost Ark