Cease Fire. Cease Fire. CEASE FIRE!

Deadly Israeli Airstrike Sparks Fury | Chicago Tribune

When I head the news this morning, I was shocked, saddened and outraged. Then, I was ashamed, because the Secretary of State is still holding back from urging an immediate cease-fire. Why? Because the Israelis have told her they need a couple more weeks to drive out the Hezbollah from Lebanon. Meanwhile, planes carrying our bombs to Israel so they can do this are on the way. And some of the British people aren’t going to be happy that Prestwick, Scotland, is a refueling stop for these flights.

I’ll state here for any international reader; I do not agree with this policy and in fact I’m going to email Rice and the White House and just say “Cease fire .” It’s a symbolic act, kind of like tapping on a warhead with a hammer, but we ordinary Americans need to speak up for peace.

For the record, I think Israel has every right to exist, but I don’t think they have every right to bomb the shit out of another country without expecting to be sanctioned. We are almost completely alone in our support of Israel; their actions with today’s bombing of a makeshift shelter are inexcusable, but somehow our glorious Administration and its glamourous Secretary of State will find a way to excuse it anyway.

Yes, Hezbollah needs to stop sending rockets over the border to Israel. They’re not doing that much damage, anyway – so why not take the high road? If they stopped firing off rockets, the Israelis would have no leg to stand on in its arguments that Hezbollah had to be wiped out.

International politics are too much like schoolyard politics; Israel is like the child who was bullied who grows strong and becomes a bully in return, but always sees itself as vulnerable and friendless. Thus, the over-reaction and literal overkill in its response to a total of 3 (three) soldiers being captured by two smaller but resourceful tormentors.

By the way, what ever happened to those three Israeli soldiers? Are they still alive? If they were to walk across the borders from Gaza and Lebanon right now, would this thing be over? Or are they dead, and nobody wants to come out and admit it?

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