Wonder What Pissed Him Off?

Salt Lake Tribune – Air Force pilot vandalized pro-Bush cars

DENVER – An Air Force officer with hundreds of hours of combat time pleaded guilty Friday to defacing cars with bumper stickers supporting President Bush, and was given a two-year deferred sentence and ordered to pay for the damage he caused.
Lt. Col. Alexis Fecteau, a decorated officer who flew 500 combat hours in the Gulf War, Kosovo and Bosnia, pleaded guilty to felony mischief and must pay restitution to the owners of the damaged cars to clear his record.

I really do have to wonder what it was that set this guy off in the first place… was it possibly the fact that the Commander in Chimp had such a sketchy “career” as a Reservist? Or was it the way he started Iraq II? Or was it something to do with the “space warfare training facility” he was just removed from, which sounds like some kind of front for the Stargate program?

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