It’s Not Really A Reversal Of Policy If You Say It’s Not

U.S. Will Give Detainees Geneva Rights | Chicago Tribune

The policy, described in a memo by Deputy Defense Secretary Gordon England, appears to reverse the administration’s earlier insistence that the detainees are not prisoners of war and thus not subject to the Geneva protections.

Later on, glam White House Spokesman Tony Snow says ‘ “It’s not really a reversal of policy.” Another spokesman says “The memo that went out, it doesn’t indicate a shift in policy,” he said. “It just announces the decision of the court.” ‘

Uh huh. Sure. I remember in the early days of AAR when Janeane Garofalo used to announce “It’s Opposite Day at the White House.” Apparently, every day is Opposite Day at the White House when discussing news items that don’t go 100% the way they want.

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