Oh, Now She’ll Be Insufferable

My wacky British chum Mrs Blubridge has been very quiet of late, but now she’ll be completely full of herself. My copy of GUS OPENSHAW’S WHALE-KILLING JOURNAL : A Novel finally arrived, and in the acknowledgements section at the back is this little item:

This book wouldn’t have left the dock without Gus Openshaw’s digital shipmates, the bloggers who took part in the hunt via the internet, offering support, advice, navigational aid, and in one case, access to NASA satellite feed to help locate the blubbery bastard. They are: Annie, Bard Sinister, Bastardess, Blueberry, Mrs. Blubridge, JCanuck, Trish Cavendish, Edna, Hester, Horny Ken, Oracle Ken, Smart Ken, KJ4ever, Labysnabys, Leibniz, Myrtle, Tallulah Plankhead, Walken T. Planque, PrincessR9, Puzzled, Sea-Rover, snuggs, Strawberry, Syphillitic Sailor, Trillian, Waxwing, and WendyfromChicago. Anywhere in the World Wide Web you folks drop anchor, Gus has got your rum tab.

After this, she’ll be well-nigh insufferable. She’d better not put on airs just because in the book, her name is hyphenated.

RIP Scott Crossfield, Test Pilot

AP Wire | 04/20/2006 | Legendary pilot Scott Crossfield killed in small plane crash

RANGER, Ga. – Legendary test pilot Scott Crossfield, the first person to fly at twice the speed of sound, was found dead Thursday in the wreckage of a single-engine plane in the mountains of northern Georgia, his son-in-law said.

Searchers with the Civil Air Patrol and others discovered the wreckage of the plane Thursday afternoon but didn’t immediately identify the body inside.

In the 1950s, Crossfield flew numerous experimental planes at Edwards Air Force Base, Calif., and was a key figure in the development of the X-15.

It’s a sad, but fitting end to the career of an aviation pioneer. He wrote a book about aviation; Always Another Dawn,, which gets mixed reviews on Amazon for being dated in tone. He wrote the foreword to a much more recent book, Severe Weather Flying.

There’s more background information from the Houston Chronicle; I imagine there are some pretty long faces at the Johnson Space Center today, but most of the men who would remember him are retired or dead. He must have known Frank Borman when he was at Eastern Airlines.


Crossfield, now 84, was one of a group of civilian pilots assembled by the National Advisory Committee on Aeronautics, the forerunner of NASA, in the early 1950s.

Air Force Capt. Chuck Yeager had already broken the speed of sound in his history-making flight in 1947. Crossfield set the Mach 2 record _ twice the speed of sound _ in 1953, when he reached 1,300 mph in NACA’s Douglas D-558-II Skyrocket.

In 1960, Crossfield reached Mach 2.97in an X-15 rocket plane launched from a B-52 bomber. The plane reached an altitude of 81,000 feet. At the time, Crossfield was working as a pilot and design consultant for North American Aviation, which made the X-15. He later worked as an executive for Eastern Airlines and Hawker Siddley Aviation.

More recently, Crossfield had a key role in preparations for the attempt to re-enact the Wright brothers’ flight on the 100th anniversary of their feat near Kitty Hawk, N.C. He trained four pilots for the Dec. 17, 2003, flight attempt in a replica of the brothers’ flyer, but poor weather prevented the take-off.

Among his many honors, Crossfield was inducted into the National Aviation Hall of Fame in 1983.

Bloomberg Reverses Food Stamp Waiver

Mayor Overrules 2 Aides Seeking Food Stamp Shift – New York Times

Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg took the rare step yesterday of overruling his own top two social service officials, deciding not to pursue a federal waiver that would make it easier for able-bodied childless adults to receive food stamps.

Well, crap. It seems the left hand didn't know what the right hand was doing (or vice versa).

Lovely Young Thing

Marella Stockdale, Gene and Edward Gustavson, Signe Peterson.jpg

Through the power of the Internet, I’ve been able to get a copy of a picture of a lovely young thing named Marella Stockdale. She’s the second from the left – that’s my mama.

I will be working on this image a bit to clean up the edges – but I wanted to get this up.

When I called Mom tonight we were talking about old friends and long-ago family memories. She told me the tale of the allegedly “hot” turkey that wandered up the alley behind the family home in Colorado Springs, and how she and her sister Ginny “enticed it into the old chickenhouse” with corn. Her mother was horrified; she was sure the turkey had strayed or fallen off the back of a truck and that the girls had improperly acquired somebody else’s turkey dinner. Grandma called everyone she knew and all the grocery stores, but no one claimed the turkey. Meanwhile, she fattened it up for an upcoming holiday dinner. Time went by, and Grandma fretted and worried about the rightful owner of the turkey my mother and aunt had birdnapped.

When the time came, she attempted to slaughter it herself, using a piece of string wrapped around the turkey’s neck to haul it to the stump. Holding the string with one hand, and the axe with the other, she stretched its neck across the stump and swung, but unfortunately for her and fortunately for the turkey, cut only the string. Thus freed, the turkey gobbled indignantly at her (it was huge, at least 30 pounds and quite the monster as poultry goes). She considered as how she’d let her husband deal with it when he got home.

Quite a bit later, when she carried the roasted bird into the dining room on a large platter(staggering under the weight, most likely,) a young chum of Mom’s exclaimed loudly, “WHERE did you get that turkey??” Thinking she was being accused of theft and caught literally red-handed, she nearly dropped the bird, platter and all, on the dining room floor.

The young chum of that time was the source of the photo – he’s the fellow to the left of Mom, Eugene Gustavson. He and his brother, and the brother’s wife-to-be and Mom were all gathered for Thanksgiving.

What strikes me about Mom is how pretty and lively and spunky she looks… and she’s not wearing glasses. The other striking thing is that she looks like me, except with darker hair. Funny, I always thought I took after Pop, but I’ve got Mom’s cheekbones.

Well, she’s still pretty and lively and spunky, but has acquired a fine patina, like a vintage coin. That’s my mama.

Why FOX News Is So Dominant

The secret of FOX News: they use special technology on their website and in the graphics of their broadcasts to make their message more compelling than other, lesser news organizations.

Basically, they embed this special technology so that it enhances their message without overwhelming it. Click here to see the unembedded technology that makes them the most trusted news source by right-thinking Americans.

Ryan Convicted on all 18 counts

Chicago Tribune | Ryan found guilty on all counts

At a news conference after the verdict, Ryan said he will appeal. “The decision today is not in accordance with the kind of public service I’ve given to the people of Illinois over 40 years,” he said.

What the heck kind of post-verdict statement is that? Is he saying he deserves a pass and a pat on the back for all his years of service? Is he actually justifying his actions???

Yes, there were screwy things going on with the jury in the last couple of weeks. But this comment makes me wonder just how unrepentant Ryan is.

Document Thieves Sought

Police seek warrant for second person in Mormon scriptures theft

Late Tuesday or early Wednesday, someone broke through a window at the Daughters of Utah Pioneers Memorial Museum and stole 12 rare editions of the Book of Mormon and one rare copy of the Doctrine and Covenants.

They’ll catch the second man soon. It will be interesting to know if the thefts were meant for the rare documents market, or if they were meant for a more specialized, ultra-conservative religious documents market. Hmm.

Hoppy Gay Easter!


Saw an item at Tennessee Guerilla Women about the upcoming Easter Egg Roll at the White House. It seems this year that Laura Bush invited all families – even gay ones.

Goodness. Wish I could be there to see the fun when the kids are squabbling over the last chocolate egg and the nice white right Christian parents are edging away from the pairs of mommieses and daddieses.

By the way, I’m more inclined to think this might be Rumsfeld’s next career move.


It seems the event was a success in spite of rain – no hitches, very low-key, and everybody had fun.

Exxon Mobile’s War On Global Warming (Science)

Nevada Thunder ? Blog Archive ? Enemy of the Planet

Has Exxon Mobil’s war on climate science actually changed policy for the worse? Maybe not. Although most governments have done little to curb greenhouse gases, and the Bush administration has done nothing, it’s not clear that policies would have been any better even if Exxon Mobil had acted more responsibly.
But the fact is that whatever small chance there was of action to limit global warming became even smaller because Exxon Mobil chose to protect its profits by trashing good science. And that, not the paycheck, is the real scandal of Mr. Raymond’s reign as Exxon Mobil’s chief executive.

If Exxon Mobil is using “bad science” to protect its bottom line, I have to think about whether I want to continue using my extremely convenient little Mobile key-tag. Maybe I should think about mailing it back to Mobil as a protest of their policies.

Immigration Issues

Cost of Illegal Immigration May Be Less Than Meets the Eye – New York Times

But before concluding that immigrants are undercutting the wages of the least fortunate Americans, perhaps one should consider Ohio. Unlike California, Ohio remains mostly free of illegal immigrants. And what happened to the wages of Ohio’s high school dropouts from 1980 to 2004? They fell 31 percent.

This would have been interesting to know yesterday when we were sitting around the family dinner table debating the immigration issue at my husband David’s parents’ house.

If you’re an American high-school dropout, you’ve got a whole lot more problems besides competing with illegals for a job at the Burger Shack. Why are you dropping out? Drugs? Family problems? Expelled for getting into trouble? Gang involvement? Abuse at home?? Untreated ADD or learning disabilities??