David sent this link to me just now via email (from downstairs – I’ve been up listening to music and blogging most of the day, we’re weird and wireless like that). He added “These kids have WAY too much time on their hands.”
Home Made Light Saber Battle Video
Sure, it’s a fan-produced movie with a light sabre battle. But it’s got near professional-grade production values, it’s got extremely good fight choreography, and the camera work, editing, soundtrack, and sound effects are very, very good. The ending… actually almost ruins it. It’s left unexplained in a way that’s very unsatisfying. But everything up to that last few seconds is great – except for the fact that it’s just an action sequence without dialogue. I suspect that for all their efforts, making it with speaking roles for the antagonists (it’s left unsaid who is good and who is evil, although you can pretty much work it out) would have failed.
Still , I don’t think these kids have too much time on their hands – I think they probably have a future in the entertainment industry. Also, the credits roll is very impressive – they even bothered to add a Foley artist credit, though the acknowledgement at the very end of a specfic brand of dry-erase markers is a little odd. Unless like every other light-sabreless little kid, their first battles were fought with Markos, as mine were.
SFX: Fwoom… fwooom….bzzzt-fwoom