What the hell, I used another online “Write a letter to your Congresscritter” form to add my little voice to the rising chorus calling for impeachment.
Dear [Decision Maker To Be Filled In Later],
Why have I chosen a form letter to write to ask your support in a grass-roots effort to Impeach George W Bush? Because it’s easy, yes, and also because I was reminded of this issue just now while I was working online.
Actually, I’m all for a package deal – impeach the whole pack of lying, warmongering, spying war-and-energy profiteers, I say.
I appreciate the work that you do and hope that you will take this seriously – my little form letter is but a grain of sand and easily ignored, of course. But I feel like a whole lot of little grains of sand blowing in the wind could scour Washington clean of the corrupt corporate culture that infects it now.
Thank you for your time and your public service.
Why stop with just one? Why not a package deal? With two, you get eggroll.
Technorati Tags: Impeach George Bush, Impeach Them All