My wacky British chum Mrs Blubridge has been very quiet of late, but now she’ll be completely full of herself. My copy of GUS OPENSHAW’S WHALE-KILLING JOURNAL : A Novel finally arrived, and in the acknowledgements section at the back is this little item:
This book wouldn’t have left the dock without Gus Openshaw’s digital shipmates, the bloggers who took part in the hunt via the internet, offering support, advice, navigational aid, and in one case, access to NASA satellite feed to help locate the blubbery bastard. They are: Annie, Bard Sinister, Bastardess, Blueberry, Mrs. Blubridge, JCanuck, Trish Cavendish, Edna, Hester, Horny Ken, Oracle Ken, Smart Ken, KJ4ever, Labysnabys, Leibniz, Myrtle, Tallulah Plankhead, Walken T. Planque, PrincessR9, Puzzled, Sea-Rover, snuggs, Strawberry, Syphillitic Sailor, Trillian, Waxwing, and WendyfromChicago. Anywhere in the World Wide Web you folks drop anchor, Gus has got your rum tab.
After this, she’ll be well-nigh insufferable. She’d better not put on airs just because in the book, her name is hyphenated.